Five Adorable Butlers


He smiled while walking together with his girlfriend. The weather seems so nice today. Everybody at the park doing their own business. Cycling, walking, have nice chatting even dating just like him. It was his first date. No rules outside the school and he has freedom to has his own date.

"Holiday is boring. I hope you can always stay with me." Ji Na sighed while looking at Chundoong. She grabbed his fingers more tightly and both of them still walking.
"Why? I thought you don't mind if I leave you once in a while." He glanced at her and smiled.

Ji Na stopped from walking and looked at him. "I can't believe this. I thought I can do that but the truth is...," She took a deep breath. "I miss you so much." She pouted.
Chundoong laughed and rubbed Ji Na's hair. "Yaaa... Han Ji Na. Should you do this to me?"
"What?" She stared at him.
"I don't know what I should do if you leave me. How can you steal my heart like this?" He stared at her. He really in love! He never thought that he will date Ji Na!

Ji Na smiled and shook his hand. "Chundoong ahhh... you miss me too right?"
"So much...," He placed both his palm on her cheeks. "You have to pay for that."
"Pay?" She giggled. "How?" She asked.
"I don't know...," He stopped. Ji Na stared at him and laughed. "Well...," He paused again.
"You want me to kiss you? I can do that." Ji Na pulled his shirt.
"Yaaaa...this is public place. How can you think of that?" He pushed Ji Na head with his finger. She pouted and glanced at him. She almost can't believe this!

"What's wrong with public place? I can kiss you if I want."
"Yaaaa...Han Ji Na...,"
Ji Na sighed and looked at him. "Chundoong aaahhh...are you that innocent? I thought you will change." She pushed his shoulder and walked. Chundoong took a deep breath. He called her name but she didn't turn. He smiled and shook his head. He walked to catch up Ji Na who already walked quite far from him.

"Ji Na...," Finally, he got a chance to stop her. He grabbed her hand and she turned. "Alright. You should understand. This is my first experience." He half whispered. He lifts up his eyebrows and looked at her.
Ji Na stared at him and laughed. The words first experience really makes her day. She just realized that. How can she forget about this? She was the one who asked Chundoong to date her. "Fine. I can accept that. I almost forgot that you never date anyone before."

He messed up her hair and she laughed. Their eyes meet and Chundoong hold Ji Na fingers once again. They walked and looking around them. The park crowded with people. Weekend and the most important, school holidays.
"Did you call your sister?" Suddenly Chundoong asked.
"No. Why?"
"She went to Jeju Island. With Cheolyong." He told her.
Ji Na eyes wide opened. She completely shocked. Ha Nah unnie and Cheolyong? Jeju Island? "Only both of them?"

Chundoong laughed. "Of course not. She has a vacation with her grandfather. But Mr. Kim invites Cheolyong too. Three days four nights."
Ji Na sighed and glanced at him. "I hope we can have our vacation too."
""re right. But you have to wait after we married." He .
"Yaaaa...Chundoong!" She patted his shoulder and laughed. "What's wrong with you? We can have our vacation just for fun. I'm not asking for honeymoon." She stared at him. "Don't tell me you have a dirty thought in your mind."

Chundoong eyes widen. "What's wrong with that? Did I say something wrong?" He looked at her.
Ji Na scratched her hair. She shook her head a couple of times. "Never mind. Just forget about that. I'm hungry. Can we have lunch now" She asked and smiled.
"Sure. My treat. Don't you ever think to pay for that."
"This is our first date. I should pay." He grabbed her shoulder and both of them searching for a nice place to eat. Ji Na smiled and looked at him. She's happy! Finally she got a chance to date him!

Ji Na sighed and looked around her. She never thought Chundoong will ask this for their first date. Riding a bus? How can Chundoong did this to her? She rides a bus just two times. Only for a school purpose. Her father never allowed her to use public transport. She will go anywhere with her driver.

She took a deep breath and looked outside the bus window. She smiled when she realized how beautiful the sky for today. She glanced at Chundoong who sit next to her. She looked at the sky again and smiled.
"What are you doing?" She can heard Chundoong whisper to her ear. She turned and their face was so close to each other. Both of time stared for a while and smiled. Ji Na can feel her heart pounded so fast. She looked again at the window. She bites her lips and took a deep breath. Chundoong... Oh My God! His adorable!

"The weather so nice today."
She nodded.
"I really want to spend my time with you. You fine with that right?"
Once again she nodded. She stared at Chundoong when he touched her fingers and hold it so gently.
"Chundoong aaahhh...," She called his name.
"Thank you for everything."

He nodded and smiled at her. Ji Na knows she's one of the lucky girls. Chundoong love her and always care about her. He will protect her no matter what. Since she meets Chundoong for the first time she already knows that he will be nice to her. She never wrong about that and Chundoong prove it to her.
Both of them walked down from the bus when they arrived at the destination. Ji Na must go home before six. Her father already warned her that she has to go back on the time. She sighed and stopped from walking.

"Chundoong...can I ask you something?"
"What is it?" He looked at her.
"I really want to know why you like me. I know I ask you to date me but why you agree with my suggestion?" She asked while her eyes staring at him.
"Well...we care about each other. Even I'm your butler you never see me like that. Why can't I date you if I believe you're the one who can bring happiness to me? I called you Agasshi but now I like to call your name."

"They way we speak to each other totally different now right. Not so formal as we always did."
She smiled and nodded. "I really like when you call my name. I feel completely safe when you say my name. It gave a good feeling to me. Can you always call my name, Chundoong?"
"I can do that. For someone I love I don't have a problem to do that." He smiled.
Ji Na laughed and nodded her head. "Don't look at another girl. I don't think I can accept it anymore if you choose other girl. Can you promise that to me?"
"I can't believe this. You don't trust me right?"

Ji Na sighed. "Of course I trust at you. But I can't trust any girl out there. I know they can't help their eyes from staring at you."
Chundoong shook his head. He walked near to Ji Na and hugged her. She took a deep breath and wrapped her hand around his back. "My girl feels so jealous right now. What should I do?"
"Chundoong aaahhh...,"

"Ji Na, trust me. I don't know what will happen to our future. But for now, I really need you. I love you and I want you to trust me. Don't say anything until the day you find out that I already change."
Ji Na took a deep breath and let it go. She really worried about their relationship. She almost lost him once because another girl. What should he do if one day Chundoong will like another girl other than her? Can she lost him? She doesn't think she's strong enough to face all that. She closed her eyes and she knows she needs him more than anything!

"You date your own butler?" Omma asked while her eyes keep staring at her daughter.
"Omma... I need bless from both of you. Even his my butler, I really like him. I don't want to keep any secret from my family." Ji Na looked at Omma. She stood up and walked near to her. "Omma...can you talk to dad about this?"
Omma took a deep breath and let it go. "His a nice guy?"
"Yes, he is."
"Did you really happy with him?"
She nodded.

"You won't regret with this relationship right?"
"No, I won't." She shook her head.
Omma nodded her head. "I hope I can trust him." She rubbed her daughter shoulder. "Never mind. I will talk to your dad."
"Do you think dad will have a problem with this?" She asked. She really worried if his dad can't accept her decision.

"Ji Na, I know your dad really well. Sometimes, I can't understand what his thinking. But if you really like your boyfriend, I don't think he got a problem with that." Omma smiled and nodded.
"Omma...thank you so much." Ji Na smiled and hugged her. She really hopes her dad will accept Chundoong to be part of her life. She already makes a decision to give her love to him and she doesn't want to take it back

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Chapter 18: Aww I enjoyed this fic a lot!
i enjoyed this fic its good haha the last chapter is so funny XD harabeoji's and principle's wedding LOL nice XD
kyeoptamest #3
nice dramatic fanfic :)
loving_eida #4
@kRiSLYNdjwmkc .... yup.. final chapter ... thank you so much for the comments ... glad that you like this fic....:)
nylsirhak #5
awww its done? it was good i really enjoyed this story
Accidentally_in_love #6
wow, your writing has improved a lot ^^<br />
good on you~!!<br />
totally subbing<br />
aaaaw and Mir is soo cute :3
loving_eida #7
thank you so much .. ;)
nylsirhak #8
i like the poster if thats what its called. cute chapter :)
loving_eida #9
ooo ... i like that drama . :) Mei-Chan No Shutsuji @ Mei- Chan's Butler ... one of my favorite ... i add description at foreword ...
I like your story :)<br />
But it kinda remind me of a Japanese drama that I've watch some time ago :/<br />
Anyway, update soon!