Expected two detentions

Twin Brothers and Rivals


       Nicole's Pov 

   Eww, the only food available at the canteen issss Fried Shrimp. Whats up with the southern foods?

Last week was Baked beans with country ham. Last last week was Potato Fried Catfish. Ewwwwww.


I get the plate and put it to the counter the ajhumma give my plate with shrimps. Then kwangmin get his plate too.

Im hungry. But i dont have choice and im also a picky eater. I glance to youngmin's plate.

Woah. His plate was full of shrimps and rice. What? i glance to my plate that was a little bit food it have.


*sits* "Yah! why that ajhumma gave you many shrimps and rice! while mine was a-a LITTLE ONLY?" i crossed arms.

"Maybe, that ajhumma loves me or-" never. A old woman loves a ogre feeler teenage boy?

"Tch.Whatever you say" since im a kid, i hate sea food. I admit. But this, Is a miracle. Im sure just hungry.



  Math classss. I dont feel to study this lectures. B-boring. *Nicole sleep*

*The teacher notice her, Then the teacher go to her*

'Wah i didnt notice ive slept' *yawns*  ohhhmoonna!! teacher!

"Sure you slept slowpoke" the teacher sermon me and lastly,

"You must go to detention this after dismissal, Thats it" 


I've sure experienced detentions. Boring detentions. Expected.


Kwangmin's Pov

  The teacher dicussed about formulas in science.I must concentrate. *AHh* 

AISH. I cant concentrate! i feel im going to pee! i must go the washroom immediately!



*after bussiness* Aff i feel good! (lols) *go out to the washroom*

OOps i forgot to ask permission to our teacher..I-i

"Hello, Mr. Jo" the teacher said in high tone.

"AH- Ms-" ohnoo i expected this! i will get another D-


"You must go to detention this after dissmissal due to disturbing the class and cutting classes" The teacher leaved.

Aish. Detention. I know it. I dont want to go! i have meeting with my precious cousin later!! Heck yeah!



oh no the both two get detention! 

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Heeheehee...! Nice!
Kwangmin is getting her eyh?? *Sob* btw i'm still in chapter 11..new reader
I share the samee name as me (YOU/HER)! LOL. Really cute storyline <3<br />
Kwangmin's always the bad boy in fanfic. nowadays, ;]
i hope yougmin end up with her cuz kwangmin is a jerk to her before when she was little<br />
update soon :DDD
kristin_kwangmin #6
update please<3
update soon~