Bright Morning

Twin Brothers and Rivals

    Nicole's Pov

*yawns* "Ah~ I feel good waking up this morning!" i glance at my clock and it

says 5:00 am. Wow so early. 'Your my lady,Your my lady~ Your my lady..with you!'

Oh my phone rings.I took it and answer the call. 

"Yoboseyo?" I answered.

"Annyong~! Its kwangmin~" the other line said.

"Oh~ Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!" i said loudly.

"Um..Wow your so hyper for an early morning" kwangmin replied.

"Oh~ Dont mind it,Why you call?"

"I wake up early and i couldnt sleep again so,Its weekend how about jogging with me at the park?"

"Okay! See you!" i hang up and change my clothes.

I shuffle my IPod and Boyfriend- I'll be there played

I began to jog at the park and see a figure. Maybe its kwangmin.

"Kwangmin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i called.

The figure turn and its kwangmin.

ohowow he wears a pickachu jacket with pickachu's ears on it. 

How ridicolous it looks cute ^^

"Nicole! you come!" he happily said and hug me.

"C-ant Br-eath" i strugs.

"Mianhe, I though you will not come" he pulled out the hug.

"I will come of course~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aww~ you wear pickachu jacket!" 

"Wow you are hyper like a kid" he said in amaze.

"Yah! Im not!" i playfully punch his right arm.

"Alright! lets start now!" he said leaving me.

"Im not! Yah! dont leave me!" as i chased him.


Its our 17th time to jog the whole place. 

And im sooooo tired! I sweat easily even the sun is not rising yet


Oh nooo not now! i dont eat cereal a while ago! >_<

Kwangmin stop and stared at me.

"Yah! Mworago?" i asked. Omona did he hear it? so embarassing!

"You are hungry?" he asked aiming to stop for him to laugh.

"Yah! w-why are you laughing?" i pout.

"D-did you hear it?" i asked. He just giggled.

"Yah!" i shout.


We ordered some tako balls and stayed at the park.

I took a bite of it and ....."Soo Delicious~!!!!!!!!!!"

Kwangmin stared at me."You look like child who got a lollipop..Why so hyper?"

"I dont know? maybe because im overdosed of my vitamins?" i giggled as i gulp the last tako ball.

"Wow your so fast!" we both laugh.


Kwangmin's Pov

She laugh so gracefully~!! i admire it~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the heck? Did i just admire her? >_< 

While laughing i notice a little piece of food beside of .

Should i wipe it with my thumb?

"Can i wipe the food stain at your.." i asked. But she look at me confused.

"Let me do it if you allow me" i said while i wipe the food beside of with my thumb.

What is this feeling? butterflies at my stomach?

an akward silence filled the air between of me and her.

Why do i feel this? aghh! so confusing!  nicole though.


Nicole's Pov

Why do i feel this weird feeling at my stomach?

No,Cannot be. Its just i digest the food what i eat.

I cant help but i blushed. So embarassing for him to see me blushing >_<

"Ah- We should be going now!" He broke the silence and offer me a hand.

"Anni! i can stand by myself!" as i stood.

He walk with me until we reach my house. I stop, "Thanks kwangmin for this morning" i bowed.

"Its okay!" i waved and bid my goodbye but he just froze there. Lol.

I closed the door and rush to my room and peek at my window. 

He was walking happily. Thanks kwangmin for this bright morning



I just watched I'll be there mv by boyfriend!!!! They improve a lot and change their hairstyles!!!! 

Jeongmin always wearing a hat~!! i wonder did he got a bad hair cut? Joke! 

here some pics:

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Heeheehee...! Nice!
Kwangmin is getting her eyh?? *Sob* btw i'm still in chapter reader
I share the samee name as me (YOU/HER)! LOL. Really cute storyline <3<br />
Kwangmin's always the bad boy in fanfic. nowadays, ;]
i hope yougmin end up with her cuz kwangmin is a jerk to her before when she was little<br />
update soon :DDD
kristin_kwangmin #6
update please<3
update soon~