death is a big word

The return of love bites and y growls (Sequel to TWF!)

There she stood, her arms wide open for me to run into. But her face was dark and scary. Her eyes were free of pupils, her nose was crooked, and her cheeks were hollow. It looked like she haven't ate for years. Her body was fragile and small, but yet she was standing straight. 

"Come." Her voice was groggy. 

I got scared. What if she kills me? What if she captures me and cooks me? I took a step backward, and she followed only in reverse. 

"Go away!" I screamed. 

"Hyojung." Her lips moved, but the voice was softer. 

She was snickering. She wanted to kill me. 

"Go!" I yelled. "Leave me alone!"


Like wind, she ran up to me with her disgusting look and began shaking me hard. I was screaming, yelling and praying. Why was she shaking me so hard? Why does she want to kill me? What is she doing?!

"Hyojung!" I felt a light peck against my lips and my eyes flew open. 

I was sweating profusely. She was gone. Out of my sight. I was on a soft bed with a beeping machine beside me. My breaths were fast and heavy. I calmed myself down. It was just a nightmare. A silly nightmare. 

But... Who was she?

"Hyojung?" I looked up and found Jongin staring down at me. 

"What happened?" I asked with a horse voice. 

"You were screaming." He caressed my head. "It was a nightmare."

I relaxed my tensed body against the mattress and looked around. Only Jongin and Kyungsoo were in the room. Was I in a hospital? I turned to the beeping machine and realized the heart beat thingy was mine. It was speeding. I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

"What am I doing here?" I asked.

"You out at the field." Kyungsoo informed and I frowned at him. 

"Did the wizard die?" My voice was shaking. 

"Yes, fortunately, he did. The wand worked." Kyungsoo smiled sadly. "But, the fairy is attacking fast. The vamps is the only state left that she hasn't destroyed. But she will soon."

"God. Then we have to start moving!" I sat up and felt a searing pain through my head and wrist. 

"Hyojung!" Jongin held me and laid me back down. 

"Why did it hurt?" I was close to crying. 

"When the wizard tried to kill you, half of your memory was lost. And it was all about what happened after you turned fifteen." Kyungsoo explained. "So we found your memory, which was in the wand of the wizard, and is placing it back in your brain through your wrist." 

"How is that even possible?!" I groaned. 

"Magic." Kyungsoo smiled. "When there's magic, nothing is impossible." 

 I sighed. I checked the date on the calendar and realized I had been sleeping for three days. That explains why the fairy seemed fast. I thought it only had been hours since I knocked out. 

The room began filling up as the boys came in and appreciated my dawn. I hugged each one of them with the energy that I had. It wasn't much, but it was plentiful. Kris, who sat on the chair beside my bed, clicked a button which made the top of the bed move up. I was in a seating position, yet my body did not move at all. 

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked, my voice still hoarse and tired. 

"We thought of meeting the queen, and ask her for help." This excited me. 

I had always wanted to meet the queen. Imagine, bowing before a majestic being. I would be so delighted even though my rank would be below hers. I agreed to meet the queen, and we decided that after I was healthy enough to be discharged from the hospital, we would meet her. For now, we will just plan the attacks to save the Vamps. 

"We need at least a thousand armies at each corner." Kris said. 

"Good thing the state is shaped like a rough rectangle." Luhan sigh. "After the fight with the wizards, the amount decreased a lot. We only have about half left."

"We have to ask the official captain then." Kris relaxed back on his chair. "Then we can spread out the numbers."

"For now, all we can do is practice and train," Suho smiled. "And take care pf Hyojung." Everyone's eyes a averted to me and I couldn't help but feel warm. 

"You guys don't have to take care of me." I smiled. "I'm healing well. Go and train and I'll follow along when I'm strong enough."

"No way!" Everyone disagreed, which shocked me. 

"We won't let you step on the field!" Baekhyun held his arms up in an X sign and shook his head furiously.  

"You'll get hurt again!" Chanyeol frowned. 

"Oh, come on!" I whined. "I'm pretty sure some of you were hurt too!"

"Not as bad as yours." Suho stared at me. 

"You're kidding me." I disbelieved and crossed my arms across my chest. "I'm joining in and I don't care."

Silence engulfed the room as the boys took time to think. I knew they were still resisting, but I really want to help. I feel like a weakling in the wizard war. Now, in the fairy war, I would like to show everyone that I won't be that hurt and I can fight. Maybe I was too scared to move in the first war. I felt braver now. Braver and confident. I might not win, heck, I might not even live, but at least I have that pride and dignity that everyone has to keep in their minds and heart. 

"Alright." Kris piped up softly. "But we will put you in the safest position."

"As long as I am in the war." I smiled. "when can I be discharged?"

"Probably tomorrow." 

"I guess you all can leave me by myself. You guys have to practice." I said. 

"No way." Suho shook his head. "We cannot leave you alone." 

"Why not?" I inquired. 

"It's better if at least one of us take care of you." Kris said. 

"Alright then." 

"I volunteer!" Luhan piped up. "First..."

"Okay." Kris got up and patted Luhan's shoulder. "We'll come back in two hours."

Kris left the room and the rest followed. I waved goodbye at them and they answered with some waves and shrugs. When everyone was out of the room, Luhan took a seat beside me and stared quietly at me. The first minute, I felt nothing, but as time passed and Luhan was still staring, I got uncomfortable. Without any notice, he took my hand in his and squeezed it tightly. I looked up at him and realized he had tears in his eyes. In the end, he hugged me softly and rested his head on my shoulder. This caught me by surprise, since I expected him to talk to me normally. I pulled away from him and held his head in my palms. Tears had rolled down his cheeks and he stared at me. 

"What happened?" I asked with a trembling voice. 

"I almost lost you." Luhan sniffed and wiped the tears that dirtied his face. "Why did you not protect yourself well?! I almost lost you. Without you, I would be lifeless!" Suddenly he was screaming. 

"Why were you so careless?! Who would I be without you?! Why weren't you careful! You idiot! I thought I lost you!" He continued. 

I let go of his face and he stood up furiously, which made the chair drop. He glared at me. I got scared. My whole body shook with fear as I brought my knees up to my chest. I backed a few move, and landed beside the handle. This made Luhan calm down as his eyes soften. 

"Sorry." He inhaled deeply and reached out for me. 

"What happened?" I asked, my voice soft. 

"You  died." Luhan bluntly informed as he grabbed the chair upright. "You almost left me." He slumped on the chair. 

I was at a loss of words. I almost died? Was my heart not beating for a moment? Was I dead momentarily? What happened? Did I die and got up back? 

"You died." He repeated like he himself couldn't believe it. "Then your spirit decided to come back and give you one more chance." 

"I am sorry." I was choked with tears. 

That was why they were so reluctant to leave me alone. They wanted to watch me unlike last time. They figured out I am clumsy and hopeless. Luhan kept quiet as he tried to calm himself down. He wiped away his tears, which made me cry instead. I was shameful. I was embarrassed. How could I not take care of myself even though grandma left me for years? Was I that dependent on the vampires and werewolves? Maybe I was. Maybe I became a baby after they entered my life. 

Luhan came up to me and wiped my tears away. I kept apologizing as I felt so sorry for what I had done to the boys... emotionally. Luhan kept saying it wasn't my fault, but I didn't shut up like I was expected to. I held onto Luhan's hands and looked down to continue apologizing. 

"I should have been more careful." I sniffed. "If I were more careful, I wouldn't put you guys in danger. I am so sorry I depended on you guys too much. I should have moved carefully and properly. I am so sorry. I am really --"

My eyes opened wide as I felt his familiar lips on mine. I froze and dropped his hands onto my lap. He held my head gently and pushed me closer. Slowly, I was mesmerized by his kiss. We slowly moved together. I closed my eyes and didn't pull back, for once. 

His kiss was so... Different from Sehun's. His had more life, more meaning, and more love. He wasn't forceful, unlike our first kiss. 

Our first kiss. 

Before that, Yixing kissed me. And then Sehun had kissed me. Now Luhan. I felt disgusted. I quickly pulled away and Luhan stared at me when his eyes flew open.

I was breathing hard. I felt so dizzy. I felt so wrong. I had kissed three guys and I was not with any of them. I felt disgusted. What had I turned into?

"Hyojung?" Luhan looked at me. 

"They were right." I clenched my teeth together. "I'm a ."

"What?" Luhan held my cheeks tight. "No you're not!"

"I kissed so many of you already." This made Luhan freeze. "Not only you Lu. Two others had kissed me. I feel so wrong, Luhan."

"N-no... They were the one who wanted to kiss you." Luhan swallowed his saliva. 

"Would you still want to kiss me then?" I asked and he kept quiet. "Of course not. I kissed--"

Again, he shut me up and kissed me hard. I tried to pull away, but he was strong. He kept his lips tight against mine. I couldn't help but like his kiss. It was sweet, nice and comforting. 

Maybe I'm not what I think I am. 

Maybe I was just overthinking.  



The next day, I was discharged. My memories were all in my brain already, and my shoulder was fully healed. I was considered healthy, and since we had to be quick, the doctor agreed to discharge me early. 

"You have to wear pretty clothes to meet the queen." Baekhyun  said as I brushed my hair with a comb. 

"I don't have any clothes here." I chuckled. 

"What about your luggage?" He asked. 

"I only brought home clothes. I feel like I should wear something fancier since we are meeting the queen." I smiled. 

"Then let's go shopping. The rest are all still practicing and taking a break. I can tell them that I'm bringing you to the shopping mall." Baekhyun took out his phone, which was carved out by wood and filled with magic. "There's only one shopping mall here, and half of the stores sell blood crap." 

"Well, it is the vampire world anyways." I chuckled and went out of the room after saying goodbye to the doctor. 

We rushed through the stores to find a nice dress for me. Since only the top two levels were filled with non-blood things, we didn't take that long to find a nice dress. Baekhyun, as pernormal, picked out a cute dress for me. It lies right below my knees, and it is pastel blue in colour. It is tightened at the waist and the sleeves are puffy and flower-like. 

"Let me pay for it, since you chose it for me." I said. 

"No way. And your shoes! Don't tell me you're going to wear those filthy sneakers with this pretty dress!" Baekhyun nagged and I tried my best not to glare at him. "Come on, let's get you some heels."

"No!" I yelled. "I can't walk in them!" I frowned. 

"I know you're just trying to find an excuse." He shook his head.

"No! If you want to buy for me heels... I'll... I'll..." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I'll pay for the whole thing!"

He stared at me with a shocked expression and I smirked.

"F-fine. We'll get you some flats." He sighed in defeat. "As long as you don't have to pay anything."

When we were done, Baekhyun told me to change my clothes. I did, and when I came out of the dressing room, his jaw dropped. He stared at me like I was some goddess and I had to punch his arm to wake him from his stare. 

"Come on..." I said, embarrassed. "We have to meet the queen."



The doors opened and my jaws dropped like how Baekhyun's did before. The scenery was beautiful. There was an enormous stairway that leads us to the second level. To the side, some rooms were available. The stairway splits in half, and in the middle of it, there's a door to the other side of the room. Huge chandeliers shone at the top of the room and bug vases sat around on pedestals to decorate it. I was amazed. Is this how it feels like to live in a palace? 

The door in the middle of the stairway opened and a small, petite body walked out. I gasped. She was how she looked like before. My eyes watered as I watched her make her way to me. Instantly, she hugged me and I could feel her arms around my neck. I hugged her back, and my tears came spilling out of my eyes. 

"Grandma!" I squealed and laid my head on her shoulder. 

"Oh, Hyojung! I miss you so much!" She said. 

I pulled away and stared at her. Wrinkly eyes from smiling and laughing too much, wrinkly face of old age, and pink lips that are thin and dry. 

"I thought you were dead." I couldn't help say it. 

"In the human world, yes," she explained. "But not here. I will only die when someone kills me."

"I miss you so much." I laughed and hugged her again.

When I let go, the boys were staring at us like we were the cutest thing ever. I blushed and coughed to get their attention away from what just happened. Grandma held my hand in hers, and she didn't let go. She held tight, and made sure I was by her side all the time. 

"Thank you vampires, and werewolves, for taking care of my Hyojung." She smiled and patted each boy's head. "Now you can pass her to me. You guys don't have to take care of her anymore."

That was sad to hear. They have taken me so well I don't want to let them go. I watched as they looked down and nodded their heads solemnly. 

"I'm sure all of you are here to meet the queen." Grandma said and we all nodded. "Alright then. She's in that room. Come on."

She pulled me close to her and guided me to the door. It was closed, since after grandma exited the room, a guard closed it. She knocked on the door three times and my heart beat fast. Finally, I get to meet the queen! It would be so cool, knowing a royalty member. Like a real, royal blood member. I squeezed grandma's hand and she squeezed it back. 

The doors slowly opened and I took in the designs of the room. It was huge! I couldn't help but let a gasp escape as I looked around the place. The walls were all blue and had some marble design around it. Vases of flowers decorated tables at the corners of the room. The floor was carpeted, and around five guards stood around the room. 

"There's the queen." Grandma said and I squinted at the chair at the very end of the room.  




ahhhhhh an update!! A bad update that is XD ahahahaha but yeaa.... so who's the queen? eurgh I am getting excited ahahah sorry for mistakes and long update and bla bla bla hahahaha 


pls comment and upvote! xoxo 



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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 21: Love it :D
Chapter 20: ._. o..k...that was sudden ._. but i respect your decision then :I
Chapter 19: is that fairy lesbian?! why would she want her ._. :/ omg is she rlly lesbian (it wld be funny it it's true xD) thanks for the update~
Taelin #4
Chapter 18: ayyy , you got it girl , but if she had to chose one i wish for her to end up with Luhan the soft , loving caring boy he showed more affection , he trusted her words when no one did , he was there everytime she needed him , and i believe every one miss him , your story is jjang author-nim i love it so much , hwaitiing
Chapter 17: so who likes Hyojung? ._. thanks for the update~
Chapter 16: YESHHH OMG SHE IS DA QUEEEN :D WOOOOOO~~ lol they are so shocked ._. thanks for the update~
Chapter 15: what if the person she dreamed about is the queen :o or maybe the fairy.... :3 thanks for the update~
rinakahar #8
Chapter 15: thankyou for updating!:) update soon ^^ much love <3
Chapter 14: Its ok I also think about katniss since she is like my fav character in hunger game
LIUtheSONE #10
Chapter 14: thanks for the update~ poor Hyojung :< GWS xD