
Lothario's Definition of Love


'You called me up just to clarify with me?' Yoona shot Jessica an incredulous look. Jessica isn't someone who cares two hoots about love affairs. She is just the nonchalant ice princess, waiting to meet her Prince Charming.

'Yes I did. C'mon, we are BFFs. I've got every right to know about this.' Jessica shot her a sly smile. 'How was it? You know... Having someone profess his unfailing love for you in public! I wonder when is my Prince appearing?' Jessica clasped her hands together and prayed.

'Ahh,before I forget... You had better not cast me aside now that you've found him...' Jessica squinted her eyes, warning Yoona.

Yoona lets out a laugh. 'Aww, I wouldn't... ' Yoona reaches out to Jessica and gave her a big, friendly hug.


 Struggling with a handful of books, Yoona staggered down the hallway leading to the canteen.

'Yoona ah!' Jaejoong calls out from behind. Yoona twirled around.

'Jaejoong ah,' She grinned at the sight of him. 'What a coincidence.'

'Yoona, I've something to talk about. Something important.' Jaejoong looks dead serious, with a note of finality in his voice. As he reaches out to carry the books she held in her hands, someone yelled from behind.

'Yoona!' She spun around. There he was, smiling gleefully.

'Oppa?' Yoona's eyes widened at the sight of Taecyeon. What a coincidence.

'Yoona, have you eaten? Hey, wanna join us for lunch?' He turns to look at Jaejoong, but was shot with an intense glare. Taecyeon remained nonchalant.

'Yoona ah, you must have been famished. What do you want to have for lunch?' Taecyeon grinned mischievously, irking Jaejoong. 'I've heard that there's a restaurant newly opened nearby. The italian cuisine they serve is purely ambrosia.'

'Will you excuse us for a moment? I was talking to her awhile ago, you suddenly barge in and...'

'Yoona, let's go, shall we? Your lunch break will be over soon.' Taecyeon interrupted. 'Jaejoong sshi, I hope you would excuse US instead. Nothing beats an empty stomach. Let her have her lunch with me, and you can talk to her later. We'll see you.' Being pulled away, Yoona flashes him an apologetic smile.

Jaejoong was infuriated. He interrupted their conversation, disregarded his existence and even drag Yoona away. He couldn't stand the sight of Yoona walking away from him. He couldn't tolerate the sight of Taecyeon near Yoona. He detests the intimacy between Taecyeon and Yoona as he held her hand. Yet, there was nothing he can do other than to watch him lead Yoona away. It feels as though she was walking out of his life, for good. Who exactly is Taecyeon to Yoona? What exactly is their relationship? When was Taecyeon this close to her? As their shadows diminish, Jaejoong felt a stab in the heart.


Yoona couldn't sit still at all. She doesn't seem to have much of an appetite as she stirs her bowl of minestrone with her spoon.

'Yoona ah, why do you seem so restless?' Taecyeon asked, looking up from his plate.

'Oppa! You know what? I've to disect a frog later. It's going to be graded but I just can't stand the sight of frogs.' She tries to shrug it off.

'Fear not. Isn't it better if you think of me while you handle that creature? Picture yourself with me. Don't give it a damn. I'm going to give you all the moral courage you'll ever need.' He reaches out and holds her hand tightly in his. 'Relax, sweetie.

'I can't. I don't want to be blushing and smiling my way through the whole 'examination'. The examiner is going to deduct my marks for being overly-sadistic.' Yoona sighed as Taecyeon laughs wholeheartedly.

'Ahh Yoona, Valentine's Day is around the corner. I'm going to book an appointment with you on that day. You had better set aside time for me.' His face lit up at the thought of celebrating Valentine's Day.

'Ahh, yes..' She couldn't hide her excitement. After all, she would be on her first date after she found her true feelings.


 As time slowly tick by, Jaejoong finally understood how terrible it feels to be suffering from high ergic tension. He fidgets around, unable to tear his gaze away from the clock. Right now, clarifying his doubts was most important.

'Yoona! ' He got on his feet instantly upon seeing her. 'Can you spare me 5 minutes? I need to talk to you...' He hurried over to her.

'Aww Jaejoong, I'm really sorry about just now, but now isn't a suitable time to talk. I'm rushing late for the Violin class I've just enrolled in. We can talk on the phone too. I've got to go, see you around!' Yoona didn't wait for him to mouth a word. Not at all. She sprints her way out of the foyer.

Violin class? Wasn't she forbidden to touch the violin, let alone play it? When did she start to defy her father's instruction? Why didn't she share this with him previously? He loathes the feeling of being kept in suspense. He loathes the uncertainty he has towards their relationship. He loathes watching her walk away. He loathes himself, for being unable to keep her by his side but watch her drift apart.

Shuffling his feet and heading for the gate, he unintentionally watch a navy blue beemer zoom past. There was Taecyeon in it. Together with Yoona. The sight just ripped his heart to shreds. He finally has the answer to his question.




Addendum: I want to be as detailed as possible in the process of describing it. Sorry if you find this chapter a little dull. I'm pretty certain you will get what you want() in the next chapter.

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Semi Hiatus


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bambiblue93 #1
Chapter 25: Please continue this story or make a new taecyoon story.. Thank you :)
taecie2pm #2
Chapter 25: please update this story or make another taecyoon story....please authornim
Chapter 25: Pls don't abandon this story... Plssssss
20Taecyoon09 #4
Chapter 23: Please update this story too...
taecie2pm #5
come back and update this story please...
babanga #6
its very interestng!!
GSL1999 #7
Taecyoon please
taeyeonlover #8
update soon !!! :D
Khunya #9
I really luv dis fanfic <3 but ma best couple should b Khunna <3
Doroliu #10
I am new here but when I found this website and found your story, I was glued to the screen. Thankyou for being my inspiration to join asianfanfics. You are a terrific writer;) Update soon c: