Lothario's Definition of Love

'Thank you,' A grateful smile creeps across Yoona's face. 'For saving me.'

'Did they hurt you?' The man expresses his concern.

'No. Not at all. I would have been disfigured if not for you.' Yoona heaves a sigh of relief.

'Be careful and stay away from them. They are going to harass you again.'

 Yoona drops her gaze and fixes it on his attire. Staring wide-eyed, she notices that he was from the same college as she was. Was that why he understood them so well?

'Oh, I didn't know we are from the same college. Which faculty do you belong to?' Yoona breaks into a smile.

'Faculty of Business Law and Management.' Yoona shapes into an 'O' shape as she nods her head.

'I'm Yoona. It's nice knowing you.' Yoona offers her hand for a handshake, startling him.

'I'm Nichkhun.' He replies, taking her hand.








'I-I can walk by myself...' Taecyeon staggers out of the nightclub, feeling tipsy and dizzy. He shrugs off their grips on his arms, but they only clutch his arms tighter.

'Let me go... I can walk on my own.' He groans, trying to free himself when he knocks into someone.

'You haven't change a single bit.' Jaejoong snorts, tilting his head as he looks at the pathetic drunkard.

'Ahh, Jaejoong ah,' Taecyeon smiles sheepishly as he places a hand over Jaejoong's shoulder. 'Let's have a drink...'

Jaejoong clicks his tongue, annoyed with his stupor. 'You did well, Yoona. Leaving him...'

Yoona? Yoona??

Taecyeon's eyes widen as he raises his head, only to see Yoona standing right beside Jaejoong. Straightening his posture immediately, he couldn't mouth a word as Yoona stares at him, expressionless.

'Yoona... Y-You are h-here...' He stammers, frustrated with himself for not having noticed Yoona's presence.

'Someone who touches alcohol like he does isn't worthy of you,' Jaejoong takes Yoona by the hand. 'Let's go.'

Anger and Jealousy swirls like a red tide within him as he grits his teeth. Unable to suppress his fury, he tugs at the collar of Jaejoong with both hands. Frantic, Yoona tries to push Taecyeon away.

'It must be you! You are the one sowing discord between us! You're resorting to unscrupulous tactics, ain't you?!' Taecyeon seethes with anger, but Jaejoong remains indifferent.

'I did. I'm not going to give her over to someone as useless as you're. I'm not going to let you have her.'

With eyes threatening to break his jaw, his hands began curling into fists by his side. He swings his fist...


Jaejoong stumbles, having lost his balance for a moment. The force was great enough to dent his cheekbone. Aggravated, Jaejoong retaliates. Flesh meeting flesh, Jaejoong's fist lands on the corner of his lips. Taecyeon splutters out a curse, his face contorting with anger. As anger burns within him, he sends Jaejoong crumbling to the ground as Yoona watches the fight helplessly.

'STOP!' Yoona squats before Jaejoong, shielding him with her body to prevent another blow. Taecyeon manages to deter his raised fists from injuring Yoona.

'Haven't you disgrace me enough?! Are you humiliating me by fighting in public?!' Yoona raises her voice, trembling with anger. Taecyeon watches as Yoona helps Jaejoong get on his feet.

'You know what? Leaving you is a right choice...' She utters, draping Jaejoong's arm around her neck as she supports him.


Leaving you is a right choice...


Tears sting his eyes, blurring his vision as he watches Yoona leave.


'Are you alright?' Yoona rubs a boiled egg, circling the bruise on his cheek. Jaejoong moans in pain.

'He was harsh, wasn't he? I'm sorry...' Yoona frowns when Jaejoong grabs her hand.

'Don't. Don't ever apologize on his behalf. The trouble he lands in has nothing to do with you.' He squeezes her hand.

'Well, I apologized because... Because I was the cause of the fight.' Yoona tries to come up with a valid excuse.

'I detest it when you have to clean up the mess he caused. I hate it when you sound so close to him...' Jaejoong mutters.


Why do I have to bother about apologizing on his behalf? Why do I have to feel sore about his wounds? Why do I feel hurt when I spoke harshly to him? No... It's over between us. He has got nothing to do with me anymore. PERIOD.


Yoona hurries to the parking lot, scanning for Taecyeon's carplate number. After combing through the entire carpark, Yoona finally found Taecyeon's car. He hasn't leave the place afterall. Yoona began checking out the places near the pubs, searching high and low for him. As she quickens her pace, hoping to find him, she sees him.

He was sitting there, on a deserted bench in the alley. Approaching him silently from behind, she notices misery written all over his face. It pains her to see him this way.

'Take this. Least your wound gets infected.' Yoona breaks the silence, startling Taecyeon. He looks up at the analgesic ointment, then his eyes dart across the surface of Yoona's face.

'Yoona ah...' He croaks as tears brim in his eyes. Yoona couldn't bear to hear him calling her name with such despondency and dejection. She blinks back tears, avoiding his eyes in case she breaks down.

'It's late. I'll get going. Remember to apply the ointment.' Yoona turns around, tears rolling down her cheeks. Before she could walk away, he pulls her by the hand towards him. She looks up and finds his face only inches away from hers.


'Do you still love me?'



Addendum: I've been kind of, busy these days. It's gonna take me slightly longerrrr to update new chapters. :/ Before I forget, I would totally appreciate it if you can vote in a Poll on my Wall :D Thanks for subscribing and commenting (:



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Semi Hiatus


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bambiblue93 #1
Chapter 25: Please continue this story or make a new taecyoon story.. Thank you :)
taecie2pm #2
Chapter 25: please update this story or make another taecyoon story....please authornim
Chapter 25: Pls don't abandon this story... Plssssss
20Taecyoon09 #4
Chapter 23: Please update this story too...
taecie2pm #5
come back and update this story please...
babanga #6
its very interestng!!
GSL1999 #7
Taecyoon please
taeyeonlover #8
update soon !!! :D
Khunya #9
I really luv dis fanfic <3 but ma best couple should b Khunna <3
Doroliu #10
I am new here but when I found this website and found your story, I was glued to the screen. Thankyou for being my inspiration to join asianfanfics. You are a terrific writer;) Update soon c: