
Lothario's Definition of Love

'Yoona sshi,' Yoona spins around. 'You're here.' Taecyeon's bandmates greets her cheerfully.

'Are we interrupting the two of you? I hope we didn't barge in at the wrong time...' They laugh, unpacking their lunchboxes.

'No you didn't. We're about to leave...'

'Hyung! Have you forgotten that the band rehearsal starts at 2? You've only got 10 minutes for lunch. Where are you going?'


'In this case, we'll talk some other day,' Yoona responded solemnly. 'I'll get going.'

Taecyeon watches as she turns away from him, heading for the exit.



'BOO!' Jessica pounces on Yoona, who was sitting on the wooden bench, deep in thoughts. Yoona looks up at Jessica and managed to force a weak smile.

'You look dazed and confused today. Is anything wrong?' Jessica probes, sounding concerned. Yoona shook her head wearily.

'Jessica, do you recall who Kim Tae Hee is?' Yoona questioned.

'Of course! She is the female lead of IRIS. Didn't we watch the drama together? We even agreed that she is pretty and talented.'

Yoona nods her head. 'Do you know anything about her? Maybe, her private life?'

'Well, she didn't get her nose fixed. She is a natural. She is 5 years our senior, and she got married last month. Didn't you see it on the newspaper? You've no idea how grand the wedding was.'   


Yoona's stomach began to churn. Taecyeon calls Tae Hee noona due to the narrow age disparity. Taecyeon wrote his feelings down on the postcard she sent when he knew she was getting hitched. His unfailing love for her was evident


'Yoona!' Jessica waves her hand in Yoona's face. 'You're not yourself today. What happened?' Jessica was frowning.

'It's nothing. I'm just too stressed up these days. I guess I need a break.' Yoona sighs.

'You do! Let me inform Yuri and the rest that you're coming along with us tonight.' Jessica began to type into her cellphone.

'Where to?' Yoona raises an eyebrow.

'The nightclub. Clubbing.'

'No! Wait, I didn't agree...' Yoona tries to stop Jessica.

'Message sent. We'll meet at 8 tonight. You're going with us, for relaxation purpose. I'm running late for class. Talk to you later.' With that, she began to run to her classroom.


'Yah! Onul Yeppo Poyo! (You look pretty today)' Yuri exclaimed, sounding really enthusiastic.

'Yoona, you sure are a fashionista! You definitely pick the right clothes for clubbing. Those men are leering at you...' Sooyoung teased.

' further and she will never enter the nightclub again!' Tiffany hissed. 'Yoona, let's get to the dance floor.'


Drunk and dizzy, Yoona moves her body to the rhythm of the beat, trying to shake off all her burdens. She noticed a pair of eyes staring intently at her, observing her carefully. Suffocated and uncomfortable, she staggers away from the dancefloor, heading for her seat. As she climbed down the stairs, a pair of hands held her steady when she was about to fall. Drunk beyond measure, she locked her eyes into his, and his dark look greeted her. Having led her back to her seat, Yoona turned to thank him, but he was already gone...


  Resting her head on her hands, her eyes scan through the crowd at the dancefloor. As she watches them sway their bodies, her body froze for a moment, unable to take her eyes off a familiar person...


Fixated on the couple, she recalls the familiar smirk on his face, the body that exudes charm and confidence. Heartwrenched, tears began to pour, streaming down her cheeks. She stares at the way he lifts her chin and wraps his arm around her waist. Her eyes began to burn...

Images blurred. Noises faltered. Yoona felt herself falling into a deep slumber...



Addendum: I promise another '' in another 2-4 chapters, and a P.O.V kind of thing to hopefully, explain the whole situation.  Thanks for reading and subscribing. You guys are totally cool! I appreciate your feedback, and, if there's room for improvement, feel free to let me know. :D

-SMILE- xoxo 

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Semi Hiatus


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bambiblue93 #1
Chapter 25: Please continue this story or make a new taecyoon story.. Thank you :)
taecie2pm #2
Chapter 25: please update this story or make another taecyoon story....please authornim
Chapter 25: Pls don't abandon this story... Plssssss
20Taecyoon09 #4
Chapter 23: Please update this story too...
taecie2pm #5
come back and update this story please...
babanga #6
its very interestng!!
GSL1999 #7
Taecyoon please
taeyeonlover #8
update soon !!! :D
Khunya #9
I really luv dis fanfic <3 but ma best couple should b Khunna <3
Doroliu #10
I am new here but when I found this website and found your story, I was glued to the screen. Thankyou for being my inspiration to join asianfanfics. You are a terrific writer;) Update soon c: