Some Revelations Once Again

You Are Mine
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"Please Key, let me drive, you are killing us." Jonghyun tensed up as the other one swerved the car without care. "No, I need to see Minho alive." Key stomped on the gas pedal many times to speed up. "Hyung, calm down." Taemin said as he tried reaching out for Key's back to soothe him when Key stomped on the breaks suddenly as they almost hit a post. Jonghyun held Taemin as they forwarded due to the impact. "I said I will drive the car damn it! Do you want the 3 of us to die and not see Minho alive!?" Jonghyun retorted in anger. "I-I'm sorry." Key cried as he broke down on front of the steering wheel. "I didn't mean to... I'm sorry, Kibum.." Jonghyun's conscience hit him and Taemin patted Key's back. "Jonghyun hyung will drive the car. Please Key hyung, sit with me here on the back and cry as much as you want." Key nodded and scooted closer to Taemin as Jonghyun started the engine. "We will see Minho alive, okay? Please don't be like that, it makes as sad and weak-willed as well. That isn't the Kim Kibum I used to know. Bummie is strong, Minho is strong too. You are a match made in heaven. Minho will fight for you, I know." as Jonghyun said those cooing words, Key relaxed a little in Taemin's arms and Taemin hugged him tighter. "Jonghyun is right. Stay strong, hyung. Fighting!" Key smiled and looked at them, "Thanks guys. I love you."


"Key! Key! Stop running!" Jonghyun yelled as the other pushed his way to find Minho's room. "Aww!" he bumped on someone and they both fell on the ground. "Jweseonghamnida, ahjumma." he bowed as he helped the elder woman stand up. "Ahjumma?" Taemin stared at the woman. "Taeminnie?" the woman hugged Taemin. "You know her?" Key and Jonghyun asked, confused. "Duh, she is Minho hyung's mom!" Taemin said and Key gasped. "OMG I am sorry ahjumma!" Key bowed a lot more times and the elder woman smiled. "Such a polite kid. Are you going to visit Minho?" the woman asked and Key nodded. "What is your name? Your relation to my son?" "Kim Kibum, but I am known as Key. And I am your son's..." Key paused for a while, "friend? Yeah, friend."

"Key, you said? By chance, maybe you are the one my son is murmuring in his sleep." the woman looked from head to toe at Key. "So my son likes you. Hmmm.." she looked at Key who is obviously tensed up, "Please, he needs you. He is still unconscious. And he is only saying your name. Please by my son's side." she held his hand and with tears in her eyes, hugged him, "Aigoo ahjumma, please don't cry. I bet Minho won't like seeing his beautiful mother cry because of him." Key rubbed the other's back with affection of a son and mother and as Minho's mother pulled away, she smiled, "My son is on good hands. I need to go." Key bowed his last as he saw the figure disappear to the sea of people.

The trio went in the ward and silently made their way to Minho's bed. Minho lied there, unconscious, eyes sealed tightly like they don't want to open at all. He lied there with a peaceful expression on his face, which Key secretly admired. They sat beside the bed and Key held the other's hand. "Minho-yah..." he said with sorrow in his voice as he held it tighter, "I miss you: Your voice, your laugh, your smile, everything about you .. Please wake up, Taemin, Jonghyun and I are getting worried on you. Even your mother is crying because of you. I am too... You're such a jerk!" Key began shedding tears on process, "I didn't even tell you yet what I feel.." Key broke down and sobbed on the sheets.

"Aigoo aigoo hyung..." Taemin patted his back, "stop crying. I hate seeing you like that." Jonghyun interruped, "We need to go home for now, the night is getting darker, what if something happens to us?" Key nodded as he stood up and gave his squeeze to Minho's hand, "I will fight for you Minho. Jinki and Jongin will pay, they will pay."


"Omo, I'm thirsty." Taemin walked out of Jonghyun and his room as he made his way to the kitchen, but he was disturbed as he saw Key packing some of his things in the living room. "I'm going back Jinki's house. We will set a trap for them." Key explained as he closed his bag. "Hyung, that is dangerous!" Taemin exclaimed as he dragged Key's things back to the room. "Don't tell Jonghyun about this." Key covered the other's mouth and in perfect timing, Jonghyun appeared from their own room. "Don't tell me what?' he cocked an eyebrow and he got it when he saw Key getting his bags away from Taemin. "I'm going back to Jinki's house. I need to set him and Jongin up so the police will catch them. I am doing this for Minho, Jonghyun, myself, and of course, you Taemin." he said as he stared at Taemin's eyes, "they defiled you. I will make them pay for it. This is also for our lives' safety." Jonghyun thought for a while and spoke, "I guess we can't stop you. You are the unstoppable Kim Kibum anyway. Just promise us to take care of yourself or else, I seriously won't live in peace." Key smiled, "I will. I know what I am doing. So, here is the plan."


"Who the f*** will knock in this unholy hour?" Onew removed Kai's arm above his stomach and got up to knock the life out of anyone who wants to be in their house. "What the..." Onew stood there in shock as he saw Key carrying his suitcase and bags. "C-come inside." he motioned as he got Key's baggage and let him in. "Onew..." Key inched closer to the other, "I missed you my Ondubu." he said as he kissed the other's lips. Onew tilted his chin to the side as he tried deepening the kiss. His tongue slipped inside the other's cavern and Key moaned, "Ahhh Onew..." "I missed you too baby." Key secretly cringed at the name and pulled away, excusing that he is panting and gasping for air. "I need you so badly." Onew said as he began eating out the other's neck, causing Key to gasp in disgust. "I can endure this. This is only for a few days.. This is for everyone of us. I can do this." He thought as he felt Onew carry him to their used-to-be-room.



"Hyung?" Jongin woke up with a headache, and a bit surprised to find Jinki wasn't by his side anymore. He held his head in pain as if it is cracking to pieces anytime. "I drank too much..." He thought as he scrambled out of the bed and went to the kitchen, his stomach screaming for food as he had not taken anything yesterday besides drinking soju with Jinki. As he rubbed his sleepy eyes he quickly smelled and heard sizzling hotdogs, eggs and bacon that wafted to the air and he ran to the kitchen in an instant.

"I'm sorry I woke up late Jinki hyu--oh." the smile quickly faded from his face when he saw Key in an apron walking towards the stove, with an obvious limp, and visible hickeys at his shoulder. He just knew what happened, and he clenched his fist in anger as he thought why not he got rid of the other earlier.

"Just planning to stand there?" Key greeted sarcastically as he looked at the dazed figure. "What are you doing here? Why come back if you had left?" Jongin retorted as he glared at Key.


"What's the matter? Did I disturb your time alone with my Onew?" as I emphasized those words', I can see Jongin's eyes protruding in shock. This guy isn't good at hiding secrets at all. I busted him with just observing. "What a-are you t-talking about?" I saw Jongin flinched as he replied.

I walked over him and leaned

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This story is ending this week :') Thanks for supporting me guys. Love you.


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Chapter 17: I love this so much Good job❤
Chapter 17: Perfeito! Incrível!

Amei do início ao fim!

Chapter 10: Taemin stop banging your boyfriend unless you want this to be the last time you bang your boyfriend this is literally a matter of life and death.
ying9202 #4
Chapter 17: that was so cute
that was sooooooooooo cute
Chapter 17: Wow this is seriously great!!!! Lv this a lot. I want to say I never imagined those guys like that before and this is a success!!! Im sad itz over! I hope key gets a cute chiled with big eyes like Mins!!! ^^
Chapter 2: Wahh!!! okay! Jonghyun is rude!
Chapter 1: Omo! I never thought about Tae in this side! ^^
9gagger #8
Waaa! ! I really enjoy this story! I'm hsppy to have found it^^ fighting author-nim~~
Chapter 17: I'm sad it's over:(
But I really like this story<3 thank you!