What is this?

Look at me now(Hiatus)

-_____ Pov-

I stir from my sleep and felt something hard on my head. Even if it's hard, its very warm and loving.I cant help

but move in closer to that something.

*Wait!! Why is this thing moving??*

I quickly sat up and adjusted my eyes to the darkness. Well i can't see much actually, So i relied on the lights that is shone from outside.

*What the hell...Its only him. -.- * I look aroud and realize i'm back at home.

*How did i got here??*

 I look back at him and look at him sleep. He difinately feels tired like how i am right now. I get off the bed slowly and carefully trying not to wake him up.

I went to the kitchen to get some drink. *Its 3am.I bet the others just got in.* I try to reach the cup that is on top of the cabinet.

*Argh!!! Why must the cups be place so high!!* Well yes i admit it.I am short, but not very short. Its just that the guys who live in here are very 

tall. My height is just an average for a girl. 

"What are you doing??" 

I jumped in shock and turn around to see who it was.

"OMG!! You scared me!!" i said while trying to calm myself down.


"Ummm...im just trying to grab the cup there. But i cant reach it."

He looks at the cup and back at me. He did that for a few times and just gave me a small smirk.

*Did he just smirk at me??? YOU JERK!!!*

I wanted to say something but stop when i saw that he is walking towards me with a look on his face

"W-what are you doing??" 

*Did i just stutter??* 

"Y-yah!! Stop moving if not i will swear that i will kick you."

Once he is in front of me, he move his face down to my height and look at me. I look else where except at him. 

Suddenly, i felt that the jerk move his face closer in to me. *What is he doing?? He's getting closer now..*

I just close my eyes not wanting to see what he's gonna do next.It went silent for awhile. Then i heard him laugh.

I open my eyes slowly and saw a cup in front of me. 

*What happen?? Have i just been played by  this jerk??*

"You should have seen the look on your face. You should see how scared you were."

I just glare at him and grab the cup from his hands. I pour myself a drink and gulp the drink in one go.

"You didnt think that i would kiss you right??" 

I felt him standing right behind me. It was so close till i could feel him breathing on my neck.

"Well dont worry. Im not gonna kiss you. No scratch that i dont even want to kiss you. So dont

even think that im gonna fall in love with you darling."

He suddenly kisses my neck. I froze by his action.

*What is this?? Why is my heart beating very fast??



I turn to my side and feel that it is empty. I quickly got up and look aroud.

*Where is she?? Did she run away?* I start to panic and quickly get went out of the room.

I was about to run to the door when i catch a glimpse of somone at the kitchen.

*There she is.I thought she had runned away.* I let out a sigh of relief.

*Wait!! Why do i feel relieved?? Come on Taewoon-ah!! You got Jiyeon.Who is far more prettier than her.*

I wanted to turn around and just went back to sleep when i saw ___ trying to reach the cup on top of the cabinet.

I watch her struggle and sometimes, saw her jump to get the cup. I laugh silently careful not to let her hear it.

*She's actually cute.*

*What the hell Woo Taewoon!! Did you realize what you have just said??*

I realize what i've just said and smack myself on the head. I walk up to her.

"What are you doing??"  I ask acting like i saw nothing.

She turned around and I saw the shockness in her face. I cant help but feel guilty.

"OMG!! You scared me!!" She said.

"Sorry." I apologize

"Ummm...im just trying to grab the cup there. But i cant reach it."

I look at the cup and back to her. Something came to my mind and i just smirk at her and walk up to her.

"W-what are you doing??" 

*Did i just hear her stutter??* I felt my smirk getting bigger.

"Y-yah!! Stop moving if not i will swear that i will kick you."

I stop in front of her. I bend down at her height and look at her. She was looking everywhere else but at me.

*Even she is short, she really is pretty the more i look at her.* I look her her.

Her eyes.The eyes that can actually make a guy goes crazy. Her nose. Even if its not as tall as Jiyeon, its still perfect for her.

Her lips. The lips where you cant help but wanna kiss it. I was staring at her lips for a very long time.

*Damn!! I really wanna kiss those lips.* Without me knowing, i was already moving closer to her lips.

*What the hell am i doing??* I manage to stop myself. I saw her eyes were close. I grab a cup in the cabinet.

I look at her for a while more and start to laugh.

"You should have seen the look on your face. You should see how scared you were."

She grabs the cup from me.

"You didnt think that i would kiss you right??" 

I walk behind her and stands close to her. Purposely breathing near her neck.

"Well dont worry. Im not gonna kiss you. No scratch that i dont even want to kiss you. So dont

even think that im gonna fall in love with you darling."

I kiss her neck and felt her frozen. I just smile to myself and walk away.

* Im sorry ____-ah* 








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jellybearred #1
Chapter 21: Sjdhdndjxnsksbxbxh
Update juseyooooo ><
Brookie #2
Chapter 8: YASSS
I love it:D
Chapter 6: please update unnie:D it's really good!