Of Stupid Dare and Breaking The Rule

A Thousand Firsts

Jungkook stood awkwardly among the line up people who were waiting for their turn. While Jungkook's mind was cursing Yoongi to oblivion, his heart couldn't help feeling nervous at the thought of what he would be doing after the line of people in front of him disapeared and it was his turn already. A part of him wanted to run away from whatever bull that both Jimin and Yoongi like to call as their plan but there was also a part of him that wanted to know where the hell would those idiots plan go. And of course it wasn't because he wanted to kiss Taehyung so bad that he felt rather excited to do the dare which was supposed to embarrass him.

Of course it wasn't the reason Jungkook stood on the line, hands clammy and heart pounding like crazy, with other students that had the same intention with him; to kiss Taehyung. Of course not. And the realization suddenly hit him, that all of the people that stood on the same line with him would have the taste of Taehyung's lips. And it annoyed him more than he thought he would; and of course he blamed Jimin and his stupid plan for that.

Jungkook didn't pay much attention to his surrounding because his mind was still busy cursing and also wishing Jimin and maybe also Yoongi to be thrown to the deepest of hell when suddenly some girl in front of him decided to walk backwards and step on his foot in the process.

"Oh my God, I'm so sor…Jungkook?"

To say that he wasn't surprised to see her was truly an understatement because he really was surprised. And by seeing the look on her face Jungkook could easily conclude that she also was surprised to see Jungkook there, more over stood exactly behind her.

"Oh hey, long time no see…" Jungkook watched her expression became uneasy when she heard Jungkook unintentionally stern voice, "Namjoo noona."

And somehow Jungkook felt bad for being incapable to hide his actual feeling because the girl in front of him was trying hard to draw a smile on her face just for him, "I… uh my friends and I kinda make a bet for wether I have already get over my ex or not." She scratched the back of her head awkwardly, "Uh, you know Taehyung and I were already over since like a gazilion years ago right? So uh, you don't have to worry about that okay?"

Jungkook's forehead was scrunched up in confusion, "Err, noona I don't really understand what you are implying by that."

And then Namjoo shook her head before giving him a knowing smile, "What I'm trying to say here is there should be no hard feeling between us, Jungkook."

"What? You know I kinda still don't understand of what you were saying just now. I mean, I just want to do the dare from my friend and you too just want to win a bet from your friend. And I know we kinda do bad things to Taehyung hyung by doing that but why the hell am I having a hard feeling towards you?"

"I mean with you and Taehyung being… Oh my God! You mean you still don't know?" Namjoo was putting her best surprised expression while Jungkook felt more confuse than before.

"Don't know about what?"

"Nevermind." She shook her head while smiling mysteriously, "Just forget it Jungkook." She said before turning back to face the shorter line of people in front of her.

She knew that Jungkook wasn't satisfied by her answer so she decided to turn back to his direction. "You know I kinda feel bad for Taehyung." Jungkook wasn't expecting that Namjoo would turn around and started a new conversation with him so he only managed to raise an eyebrow, "I mean, for being forced to involve in all this kissing booth thingy."

"But we all know that he brought this to himself." Jungkook said suddenly feeling annoyed again, "I mean, he freaking made a bet with the devil."

"Yeah, but you didn't see him when he heard the news about our headmaster's permission." She chuckled rememberring the event, "He was basically begging and wailing like a dying whale while asking Jimin to spare his life from your wrath. And the class was basically booming with laughter until Taehyung suddenly said that he would give his lunch money for a month to Jimin just to make him cancel the bet. Then I and probably the whole class realized that he really didn't want to upset you." She smiled softly while Jungkook tried hard to control his raging heartbeat. "And by the look on your face I'm guessing that you're indeed a little bit upset with him."

And now Jungkook felt bad for being upset at the older boy, "I have no idea Taehyung hyung are actually that afraid of me killing him." Jungkook tried to joke but Namjoo just looked at him with that unreadable expression, "Err, I actually did mad at him for a while but not anymore, heck I even spare Jimin hyung's life."

Namjoo nodded his head, looked to her surrounding and then back to Jungkook, "Err I just want you to ease your feeling but our class has set a strict regulation towards this kissing booth. We even made the 5 second rule, even though we didn't write it out but trust me the duration of the kiss was barely 5 seconds, the rest are talking time." She said with her big eyes wide open as she tried to convince him and Jungkook looked around following Namjoo's action before and then he saw it, the regulation.

No tongue, no teeth, no biting, no groping, and a bunch of no's was written around the kissing booth made Jungkook's heart felt a little bit at ease. "I know that Taehyung probably doesn't realized it and even though he said he just afraid that you might kill him but I know he actually just doesn't want to hurt you." Namjoo calmly stated and Jungkook once again wondering wether Namjoo knew the truth about his feeling.

And then suddenly Namjoo drew her body closer to Jungkook before standing on her tiptoes to whisper on Jungkook's ear, "I just want to let you know that I actually know something about Taehyung that you probably don't know. And I also know somethong about you that Taehyung doesn't know." That were all she said before gave Jungkook a wink and disapeared behind the curtain.

The curtain wher there was Taehyung on the other side, waiting for anyone to come and kiss them. Psh! Just the thought of it made Jungkook felt sick all over again but he was forced to compose himself when Namjoo got out from behind the curtain looking as normal as when she went in. She gave Jungkook a wink again before gigled away towards her also gigling friends.

When Jungkook finally went to the other side of the curtain he was mildly surprised to see Taehyung standing there without so much difference in his appearance. What Jungkook meant was Taehyung didn't seem like a person that just kissed nearly a quarter of the school. He just looked pure happy when he saw Jungkook, he smiled with all his crincled eyes made Jungkook wondered if he gave the other people that enter his booth the same smile like what he gave Jungkook just now and the thought made Jungkook wanted to kill Jimin again.

"… And you won't see me again." Jungkook was too lost in his thought he couldn't even make out what the boy in front of him just said.

"I'm sorry hyung, what?" Jungkook quiete surprised to see how red the tip of Taehyung was, it was as red as what Jimin always said everytime Taehyung was talking to him.

"Forget it, Jungkook. I'm just happy to see you." Taehyung smiled again and this time Jungkook didn't fail to catch a glimpse of a tint red on the older boy's cheek. Serriously, was Taehyung always being like this when he was around Jungkook? Because the last time he checked he was the only one that always on constant fight with his blushing cheek.

"Forget about what hyung?" Seriously, Jungkook need to pay more attention to the thing that Taehyung was saying.

Taehyung sighed at the younger uncharasteristic lack of focus, "Nothing Kookie, Why are you here again?" he said, the smile still lingered on his face.

And the question got Jungkook back to his sense and the blush that been absent just now was suddenly coming and attacked his face. He had to calm his pounding-like-crazy heartbeat first before he could look straight at Taehyung again. "Ugh, Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung were ganging up on me and made me do their stupid dare."

Jungkook winched slightly when he saw Taehyung rise his eyebrows, "And the dare is…?"

"Ugh, to pay your booth a freaking visit?"

And now there was smirk on Taehyung's face that Jungkook had to admit look as good as his sweet smile before, "Is that all? Your dare is just to visit me?"

Jungkook let out a loud sigh, "Okay, my dare are also to kiss you. But hyung…" Jungkook look straight at Taehyung's smirking face, "can you just lie for me? Just tell them that I…"

Jungkook never got the chance to finish his wish because the next moment was Jungkook let out a surprised gasp and Taehyung's hand was already snaking around his waist and pulled him closer to the older boy, "Kookie, Kookie, Kookie," Taehyung shook his head, "You know that I promised my mom to never lie to anybody, right?"

Jungkook gulped down what it seemed to be nothingness in his mouth while staring at the older usual handsome face that just a few inch away from his, "B-but hyuuung~" Jungkook whined which was turned out to be a mistake. Because after that Jungkook could clearly see Taehyung's flinched at the sound he made before closing his eyes and took a deep breathe. When Taehyung finally open his eyes, Jungkook could see there was something differnent in Taehyung's eyes, something dark, something that he was sure he never saw before.

And when Jungkook heard how hoarse Taehyung's voice suddenly become, he couldn't think of anything, "I'm sorry, Kookie." That was all he heard before Taehyung smashed their lips together, closing whatever distance between them.

At first Jungkook just stood still, blinking rapidly while looking at the older closed eyes face and then he started counting.





And finally 5!

The five seconds rule was broken and Jungkook found himself immidiately responding to the kiss, snaking his arms around Taehyung's neck while finding its way to mess up Taehyung's hair while Taehyung tug the younger boy body up front made them stuck close together from chest to chest. And in the midst of their lips frenzy move Jungkook could feel Tehyung's let out his tongue to Jungkook's lower lip before biting it and mad Jungkook's gasped a little before he could find the older tongue was already i side his mouth wildly exploring his hot cavern.

Between all the biting and a strangled moan that caught up on the back of their throats, Jungkook could clearly feel the older boy's heart pounding hard against their pressed up chest just as hard as he thought his heart would beat. And when Taehyung pull their body imposibly closer than before, Jungkook knew that it wasn't the kiss that Taehyung would give to just anybody. Maybe, maybe Jimin was right all along. Maybe Taehyung's heart was beating for him too just like Jungkook's heart was always beating for the older boy.

When Taehyung's mouth was once again tumbling out a muffled moan then the realization hit him. That they were basically broke all the rule stated by Taehyung's class, then again Jungkook could feel how Taehyung's lips was still on his and how he implied that he wasn't planing to stop and by the way Taehyung moved his lips on Jungkook's, he had an inkling that Taehyung was asking him to screw the rule too.


Author's note: Yeay I updated! my leptop is still broken so my life is still misserable hahahah. By the way have you watched BTS American Hustle Life? I laugh si hard watching J-Hope expression oh and I can't wait to see Taehyung do the 25 push ups hahaha


oh oh like always don't forget to subscribe, comment, and upvote and and and spread Vkook's love to the world wohooo

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Chapter 16: I just read your story and it's so damn cute and y in the same time! I really love it! I hope you will find a way to continue it soon. ?
Chapter 16: 2017 already~ where are authornim
Chapter 1: Wow! amazing intro! becoming friends like this!
Chapter 16: when will you update? ㅠㅠ
Aya2000 #5
Chapter 16: I am waitting u
Suga014 #6
Chapter 16: yes i'll listen to it. please update soon:-(
diamondkook #7
Hanakana #8
Chapter 15: When will you update?!?!!!
Shawolinspiirit21 #9
Chapter 15: Ahah I love this! It's so sweet and hot at the same time xD I would like to see how Taehyung would react if JungKook did him the things he does to him like groping his , or teasing him, kind of exchanging the roles xD (ok I'm a ahah)

Hwating author-him ^-^