
Till forever, okay?

CL boarded the van, followed by Dara, Minzy and Bom.


“ Oppas? “, CL gasped at the sight of BigBang, not knowing why were they seating in the same van.

“ Good Morning! “, The guys said in unison happily.

“ Good Morning! “, The girls greeted back except for Bom.

“ Omo!! Is this delusional?! Good Morning! “, Bom was slow enough to realized that BigBang was in the van. The guys just laughed at their noona’s reaction, how is having them in the same van delusional? 

“ Why are you guys here? “ Dara asked.

“ Are we not welcomed?! Just joking, we’ve performance too, noona. “,  GD teased Dara.

“ Yahhh!! “ Dara started hitting GD’s shoulder.


“ Anyway, what’s with the boxes? Is it Bom noona’s pastries?! “, Daesung asked smiling with his tiny eyes.

“ Yes oppa! Unnie stayed up the whole night to bake all this! “, Minzy replied.


“ Chincha? Give me please! I missed noona’s baking, it had been really long since I’ve ever have them! “, Daesung said eyeing on the box Minzy was holding.

“ Same here please! “


“ Sure sure, feel free to help yourself. “. Bom said smiling tiredly. After all, she did not get any sleep throughout the whole night. She can’t help it but take a rest while having her eyes closed.


“ Save for me the chocolate cake!! “ Jjangmae shouted towards the back from the front seat.


“ Sigh, awhile I was being troubled by the “ Family care. “ for whole night. And now, I mean, early in the morning.. Damn… Why am I thinking so much anyway? Don’t you remember this Bom? You told yourself a few times. And you end up forgetting? It’s just family care. And PARK BOM, what’s with you? It’s just yesterday TOP was concerning about you and you’re already reacting like this? The guys in YG are all gentleman, what makes you think you’re special huh? “, Bom scolded herself mentally. Slowly, Bom drifted to her dreamland.


TOP fixed his gaze on Bom all the time. He tapped Minzy’s shoulder lightly and asked, “ Is she alright? Why is she so tired? “, TOP asked softly with uneasiness.


“ Unnie spent the whole night on baking and did not sleep at all. “, Minzy said sadly.


“ Why? “


“ No idea.. “, Minzy sighed.


“ Oh.. thanks Minkki! “, TOP fixed his gaze back to Bom again.


It was really quiet in the van as everybody knew that Bom did not sleep throughout the night and decided to let her rest without any disturbance. They all whispered really softly throughout the ride.


“ Unnie.. Unnie, wake up wake up, we’ve reached. “ Minzy patted Bom’s shoulder softly.


“ Where… are we? Ain’t we suppose to go home? “ Bom asked rubbing her eyes like a lost kid.


Everyone can’t help, but laugh at her silliness.


“ Bommie, we’re going to have a performance, remember? “, Dara said softly.


“ Really? “, Bom looked around.


“ Yeah, let’s get off the van now unnie. “ CL said smiling at Bom’s silliness and cuteness at the same time.



2NE1 and Big Bang walked to the destination accordingly. Much to their surprise, they’re actually going to be using the same preparation room. Bom and TOP had their make up done first follow by the rest.


“ Aigo, Bom your panda eye is really obvious, did you not rest enough yesterday? “, the make up artist asked Bom.


“ Noona, I’ve panda eye too, maybe we can be a good match? Heheh. “, Seungri said happily knowing that he had got a partner.

“ Yah, don’t tease your noona like this. “, TOP smacked Seungri’s head from the back. Actually, he wasn’t liking the idea of Seungri saying that Bom and him would make a good match.


“ Hyung!!! “, Seungri pouted sadly.

“ It’s alright TOP! “, Bom said giggling while looking at the poor maknae.


Not long later, Bom spoke up, “ This won’t do, I’m falling asleep anytime right now. I’ll go out and have a walk. “ 


The girls nodded as approval. When Bom walked towards the door..

“ Noona I’ll go with you! “, TOP said suddenly.


“ Ah.. alright. “, Bom said with a silent sigh. “ Family care TOP is coming along.. Because of him, I stayed up last night, and now he’s going to follow me.. What should I do.. “, Bom thought to herself.


Bom and TOP walked down the corridor together. It was really awkward as both of them had not spoken since they left the room.


“ Noona/TOP “, Both of them called each other on the same time.

“ Yeah/Yes? “ Bom and TOP replied at the same timing again, they can’t help but laugh at each other.


“ Sorry noona. “, TOP said still laughing.

“ It’s okay, you can say what you want to say first TOP. “, Bom smiled.


“ Why didn’t you sleep last night knowing that there’s a performance the next day? “, TOP asked with curiosity, inside his heart, he was actually worrying. He didn’t get the answer from Minzy there for he thought they he can get a define answer from Bom. Not knowing why he’s caring & worrying about her, “ It must be because I cared too much as a family care. Nothing else, TOP. “ TOP told himself.


“ Cause I couldn’t sleep, FCFCFC( Family Care) guy. “, Bom said speedily trying to not let TOP catch what's she saying.

“ FCFCFC? Sorry? ”, TOP asked slightly confused.


“ Nothing! “, Bom gave TOP a slight smile before walking off. 


" What did you want to say anyway? ", Bom asked.

" Nothing already. ", TOP just smiled.

They walked around for 20 minute talking about all sorts of things, diet, songs, and movies. Bom literally forget about the “ Family Care “ problem that had bugged her for the whole night. Now they were more comfortable from each other. Laughter travels from places to places when they’re together.


“ I’m more awake now, thanks TOP! Let’s go back now. “, Bom said delightfully.

“ Sure. “, TOP answered back.


Bom was busying guessing what’s the answer to TOP’s riddles. She was looking on the floor while walking. TOP just keep on giving her hint. Both of them were so into their own world.


“ Omo omo sorry sorry! “, Bom immediately look up and realized that a tall guy wearing tuxedo was right infront of her. She accidentally bang onto him while trying to guess TOP’s riddle. And TOP wasn’t paying attention to where they walking towards because he was laughing too much due to Bom’s cuteness.



“ It’s fine Bom-ssi. Be careful in the future ok. I’m Siwon from Super Junior. “, Siwon gave a polite smile and offered a handshake for Bom and TOP.


“ Big Bang, TOP. “ TOP shook his hand, and return a small smile.


“ He called her Bom-ssi, didn’t he? Whatever, this noona does not even pay attention to her surrounding. “, TOP just stood there looking at Bom introducing herself.


“ 2NE1, Park Bom. “, Bom smiled and shook his hand too.


“ Deh Miss Spring and TOP-ssi, see you guys around then. “, Siwon waved goodbye, smiling charmingly.


“ He’s quite handsome actually.. “, Bom told TOP while continuing walking back to their shared preparation room.


“ Oh, really. “, TOP replied without a single expression.



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The next chapter is coming soon! Yay to double update today! ^^


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Can you update this story soon????
kratepow #2
Chapter 17: are you still updating?
haneul024 #3
Chapter 17: Authornim where are you... pls to update this sweet story ㅠㅠ
haneul024 #4
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaaa sweet Authornim pls update soon and don't break bomie's heart ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 17: OMG yaaahh TOPBOM You must be real guys !
MizuAndKaze #6
Chapter 16: hahaha..... Thanks Authornim :)
angelin #7
Chapter 16: cuteeeeeeeeee :)
Chapter 15: Date ASAP !