First Date

Till forever, okay?

" It's just TOP!!! Bom why are you taking sucha long time to prepare?!? ", Bom scolded herself.


" But it's a date..... ", Bom sighed. 


" WAIT BOM IT'S NOT A DATE! ", Bom knocked her head.


" But he said it's a date.... ", Bom sighed again. 


" Dara yaaaaaaah!!!! ", Bom shouted. 


" What's wrong Bommie!!! ", Dara rushed in. 


" I don't know what to wear.. ", Bom pouted. 



" Ah!! Small thing! I can help you choose! ", Dara clapped.


" Bom ah bom! You're going for a date!!! Woooo! ", Dara happily jumped on the spot. 


" We've to consider about the medias. ", Dara said.


" Therefore you should wear this pullover and mint jeans with a shoes!! And this beanie!! ", Dara excitedly pulled Bom from her bed and pushed her to the toilet!!!


" Dara yah!!! ", Bom came out from the toilet and Dara was so happy as Bom looked really cute!! 


" Would he think I'm well prepared or I'm looking forward if I dress like this?! ", Bom scanned herself from up to down. 


" You look casual!! So it's fine! ", Dara gave a thumbs up. Last night when Bom came back after the practice, the first thing she did was to find Dara to tell her about TOP asking her out for a date. She knew dating when there's a dating ban was wrong, but... And she couldn't tell her leader, CL as she would strongly disapprove. To be honest, part of her wanted to go for the date. 


Actually Bom went to do her hair early in the morning as she wanted a different hair colour not because she wanted to change a impression for TOP. 


And now she had chocolate brown hair which's suppose to be bleach into light copper brown. Due to lack of time, she just dyed her hair and went back to the dorm. Lack of time was actually an excuse, while doing her hair, she was thinking about what should she wear and all. So she decided to do her hair appointment the other day. Since she had a proper hair colour after the first half of the appointment, that's why she left earlier. 


" UNNIE! Where're you going?! Usually you'll be resting and sleeping when it's a rest day! ", CL asked. 


" Um.. I'm going out with my friend!! ", Bom smiled. 


" Girl? Boy? ", CL eyed Bom carefully. 


" GIRL! ", Bom said nervously. In her heart, she felt sorry to lie to CL. But this would be the one and only time she'd lie to her. As she didn't wanted to give CL a difficult position. 


" Ok! Have fun unnie! Come back earlier!! ", CL gave her eye smile. 


" Unnie have fun! Bring some foods back! ", Minzy smiled. 




" Bye Bom!! ", Dara clapped happily.


When she's about to leave the dorm, she received a text. 


" I've reached, you may come down now!! "



Bom boarded the car immediately and fastened the seatbelt. 

This was what Bom wore.


This was what TOP wore.



" Afternoon, my date! ", TOP smiled cheekily. 


" Afternoon sir! ", Bom said without looking at him. 


" You've got a new hair colour eh? I asked you for a date yesterday and today you changed hair colour.... ", Bom covered TOP's mouth with her hands before he could continue saying anything. 


" YAH YAH YAH!!! I changed hair colour because I wanted to change it long time ago! Not because we're going for a date that's why I change my hair colour!! ", Bom panicked. But her hands were still on TOP's mouth. And she didn't realize that TOP was staring at her. 


" What? Is there anything on my face? ", Bom took her hands off his mouth and checked herself. 


" Ani, it's just that you look really cute with beanie. ", TOP smiled and drove off.




" ... ", Bom felt her cheeks heating up. 


" Um, where are we going? ", Bom tried to change the atmosphere.


" You'll see later! ", TOP smiled.



" Are we gonna eat later? You won't starve me right? ", Bom asked while looking at TOP's side profile and blinked cutely. 



" You wanna try getting starve? ", TOP winked at her. Bom gulped, not because she's afraid of getting starve, but his wink was making her heart dropping out. 



After an hour, they finally arrived. 



" We're here! Let's go!! ", TOP parked the car. 



" We're going to the amusement park? I mean we're going to spend the day at here?! ", Bom not liking the idea of herself playing all the scary place. 



" Yes!! Let's go! ", TOP pulled her hand and walk towards the ticketing counter. 



Bom stared at her hand that's totally covered by TOP's big and warm hand.. For some reasons, she felt so good and safe.



It's safe for them to come here as before TOP decided where they should go. He already did research on all the places. There wouldn't be any medias here as it's far from the city. It's a rural area too, therefore, the chance of getting recognized was low.



" Which ride do you want to start off with first? ", TOP asked happily like a kid. 



" Um... Bumper car!! ", Bom select the least fearful ride. 



They got on the bumper car, and started bumping on to each other. Bom tried to escape with her bumper car but everytime when it happens, TOP would bump her car from the front. Seeing her being so happy and with so much expression made TOP's heart skip a few beats every 30 seconds.



" YAH!! HAHAHA did you see your face!!! ", Bom laughed!



" YAH!! Did you see your face instead?!?! It's so funny! ", TOP teased back! 



" Give me a minute! ", TOP told Bom and ran to somewhere. While bom just look around. 



" Boo! Here you go! ", TOP gave Bom a cotton candy and a cup of corn. 


He expected Bom to be really happy and munching the foods immediately. But Bom just blinked. 



" Um... You don't like?.. ", TOP awkwardly stood there with the foods on his hands.



" Ani, thank you. ", Bom smiled sweetly. 



" Welcome, let's go for the next ride! ", TOP smiled.



" Ahhhh ", Bom pulled some cotton candy and ready to feed TOP. As he was just drinking water. TOP obediently opened his mouth and thanked her.



" AHH!! ", Bom realized she just fed him. 



" What?! What's wrong!! ", TOP worriedly look at Bom.



" I just fed you? ", Bom blinked.



" Yeah, you did. "



" Ok.... ", Bom pouted cutely. 



" He don't really seems happy that I fed him..... Even though I mind that fact that I fed him. ", Bom thought to herself while pouting.



" I'm happy that you fed me, so you don't have to think too much! ", TOP nudged her teasingly. 



Bom looked at TOP unbelievingly. How did he know she was thinking about that? 



" Let's go for the Viking!! ", TOP smiled like a 5 year old kid.



" Deh!! " 



" AAAAAHHH!!!!! ", Bom shouted as the Viking was much scarier than she thought. 



" BOM! ", TOP shouted, not because he's scare but he wanted to tell her something. 



" WHAT AAAAHHHH ", Bom shouted back. 



" I WANT TO GO FOR ENDLESS DATES WITH YOU!!! ", TOP shouted but at the same time, Bom shouted too, therefore she did not heard TOP properly. 



" WHAT DID YOUUUUUU AHHH SAY!! ", Bom asked while shouting. 



" NOTHING!!! ", TOP shouted back and started looking at Bom as the ride went on. 



The ride stopped and Bom's face went pale and TOP could not help but laughed at her. At the same time he was worried for her.



" You ok? ", TOP asked.



" Yeah, this ride is nothing. I'm Park Bom!! ", Bom tried to look okay!! 


" Do you want to go for the roller coaster then?! " , TOP teased knowing that she's scared of the rides but not admitting it. 



" Ah... We'll go for that later. ", Bom smiled. 



" Exciting rides we can keep it for later.. ", Bom tried to explain and succeeded.



" Let's go for carousel then! ", TOP choose the relaxing ride.



While they're walking to the carousel ride, a staff approached them.



" Hi there, do you both want to take a Polaroid? You guys really look good together. Not many people would come to this amusement park as it's near rural area. But we'd like to ensure our visitors would have a enjoyable times. And memories to be remember. ", The staff smiled sincerely.



" Yeah sure, thanks! ", TOP and Bom thanked her.



They stood infront of the carousel as the background for the photo.



For some reasons, TOP put his hand around Bom's waist like it's normal and pulled her closer to him. Bom didn't felt uncomfortable or something's wrong. But she felt something different. It's a feeling that she had never experience before. And Bom actually likes this new feeling. 



" Heres your Polaroid. The staff passed both of them one each. ", and waved goodbye.



" Thank you. ", Bom and TOP smiled sincerely.



" I give both of you my blessings. ", The staff smiled and walked away to find more people.



" The Polaroid is so nice.. We do look like a couple, eh,", TOP stared happily at the polaroid. 



" Yeah. WHAT?! ", Bom just look at the Polaroid. 



TOP just laughed off.



After a few more rides, they leave the amusement park as the sky was getting darker and reason being Bom has schedule tomorrow. TOP did not want her to get insufficient sleep. 



" Today was a fun day!! ", Bom clapped her hands happily. 


" Yeah. ", TOP smiled at her and started driving away.



TOP was driving Bom back to the dorm straight as CL texted Bom to have dinner at the dorm as it's cooked by Minzy's mother. Bom being Bom, always respectful. Therefore she decided to eat at the dorm to appreciate Minzy's mother effort.



" Mianhe, I couldn't have dinner with you. Please go and fill up your stomach later!! ", Bom looked at him apologetically and gulits.


" It's alright. I'm already fed full being with you today. ", TOP smiled sweetly. 



" Ah... Thanks for today again. ", Bom felt her cheeks heating up again. 



" Reached! ", TOP told Bom sadly, knowing that their first date ends here. 



" So fast? Alright! Goodnights! Be careful! Text me when you're home! ", Bom unfastened her seatbelt. 


" Close your eyes? ", TOP requested.


" Ah.. Okay. ", Bom not wanting to reject TOP as she felt so bad to not have dinner with him. 


Bom felt a light peck on her cheeks and she immediately opened her eyes and looked at TOP. Thankfully, TOP's car window is made of privacy glass. Therefore it's safe even if there's any medias.


" Goodnights, thank you for today. I hope we'll go for more dates like this in the future. I'm really happy today, thank you. ", TOP said with sincerity all over his face.

" Yeah sure, Goodnights. ", Bom smiled sweetly with her flushed bright pink cheeks. And Bom got off the car and waited till she couldn't see the car in her sight anymore and then she went up to the dorm. 


" Is this right.. ", Bom asked herself. 


" I've never felt like this before... Is this real? It seems like he's making way into my heart even before I can even take precaution of him.. ", Bom smiled at the memories of TOP and her spent in the amusement park.




I hope you guys liked this chapter! It's the longest chapter among all i wrote. And yay because I did a double update. And do comment on what you think and your views. Appreciated! Do subscribe for more updates! ^^

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The next chapter is coming soon! Yay to double update today! ^^


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Can you update this story soon????
kratepow #2
Chapter 17: are you still updating?
haneul024 #3
Chapter 17: Authornim where are you... pls to update this sweet story ㅠㅠ
haneul024 #4
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaaa sweet Authornim pls update soon and don't break bomie's heart ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 17: OMG yaaahh TOPBOM You must be real guys !
MizuAndKaze #6
Chapter 16: hahaha..... Thanks Authornim :)
angelin #7
Chapter 16: cuteeeeeeeeee :)
Chapter 15: Date ASAP !