Chapter 15 (Pabo)

The Simple Wish That Changed My Life (Opposite Wish)

Super Junior - All My Heart


“~~~!” Kwangmin ran towards you.

“Are you alright? I’m sorry if I wasn’t here to save you, the queue was long.” he observed you from head to toe.

“I’m alright, don’t worry.” you gave him a reassuring smile.

“Stay away from the boys here, they won’t do you any good.” Youngmin advised.

“Neh.” you responded.

Youngmin walked back to his girlfriend who was waiting impatiently at the side. She had an annoyed expression on her face.

“Yah why did you ditch me?!” she frowned.

“I’m sorry.” He pulled her into a hug.

“I will forgive you if you gave me a kiss.” She winked at him.

Her face instantly brightened up when Youngmin gave her a peck on her cheek.

You tried to hide your laughter since you find Minyoung’s jealousy ridiculous.

“Let’s eat.” Kwangmin guided you to the table.

You sat obediently with your eyes still on Youngmin and Minyoung.

“Here you go.” Kwangmin handed you your food.

“The students here are so mean.” you said while chewing on your food.

“They’re always like that.”

“They ignored me earlier and now one of them tried to hurt me. What did I do to them?” you asked.

“You’ll get used to it. Don’t worry I will protect you. I won’t let anyone hurt you since you’re my friend.” he tried to cheer you up.

“Alright.” you said gloomily.

You used the napkin and wiped your lips.

“Hey, I’m going back to class first.” you got up from your seat and straightened your clothes.

“Wait for me.” Kwangmin stuffed the remaining food into his mouth and tried to catch up with you.

You stopped on your tracks when you heard his voice.

“Let’s go.” he took your hand.

Eyes were pinned on the both of you when the two of you were walking back to the classroom.

“He finally found a friend.” you overheard them gossiping.

You linked arms with Kwangmin and you also quickened your pace since you were afraid that he might hear all the hurtful comments they were blurting out.

“Slow down please.” he pleaded.

You pretended that you didn’t hear him and you just continued walking briskly.

“Whew we’re finally here.” you wiped your sweat.

Kwangmin walked you to your seat.

“Bye.” he waved before he went to his desk.

You rested your head on the table while facing the door.

Few moments later, Youngmin arrived with his girlfriend.

Before Youngmin sat on his desk, he gave his girlfriend another peck on the cheek.

She blushed in return.

You were feeling uncomfortable since they were doing it just in front of you.

“Gross.” you thought.

You looked the other way and made puking expressions while trying to choke yourself.

Minyoung went to her seat which is located just behind Youngmin’s.

“Yah what’s wrong with you?” Youngmin saw you strangling yourself.

You froze.

“N-nothing.” you cleared your throat.

“Pabo.” he mocked.

“What did you say?!” you thundered.


My exams are in 3 weeks' time so I will be busy studying. I will try to update whenever I can ^^

Thank you Sanzenin for making a poster for me on your own accord. I really appreciate it ^^

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Chapter 42: way..i thought it will be a happy ending..ya!! The evil hyerin sdfbnnj, i wish to punch you..hehe sory..i'm so emotional @_@
Start reading this story..i hope i can finish read this story before 12.^_^
lol! Great story.... :)
Chapter 6: Where the hell did kwangmin came from? XD by the way I like it : DD
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #5
Chapter 42: eisshh sevana.. u r really good in captivating my heart to keep reading aaa.. thumbs up!
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 40: awwww how was that possible?? how about the accident thingy? not really happen? or turned back time?? aigoooo well just read the next
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #7
Chapter 31: tsk.. im liking this.. afstfdjksayfiojsa;
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #8
Chapter 27: ahahahaha.. this is making me crazy
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #9
Chapter 23: ?????????? confusing... let me finish it all nooooww... read.. nyahaha
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #10
Chapter 22: OOOOOOOOOO..... gasp