Heal Me: When the alpha meets the rogue



I went to the pharmaceutical department and took some serious dosage of a drug that could, if not kill, disable the rogue to shift back to its wolf form. Looking around, I made sure nobody sees me before I placed the shots in my pocket and went out the department.

Bad mood is really clawing its way up to me now. Hyunsuk and Eunjoo sure did this out of being nice but i can never forgive them if something bad will happen because of this mindless Good Samaritan gesture. I would never let this pack end up , like what happened to The Moon Shadows. Thinking about the possible outcomes, I can now feel black fur appearing at my back.

Im so damn pissed! Whoever was this tresspasser, he’s doing a good job because now he’s at the center of the town where no rogue had gone before.

I placed my mask over nose before pushing the doors of the emergency room. Immediately , I saw hyunsuk comforting a crying eunjoo. I glared but didnt let them notice me. My knuckles grew pale as i tried to clench hard to control my anger while walking towards them.

“What happened?” I asked sternly. Hyunsuk jumped up at the sound of my cold voice; Eunjoo was still burying her face in her now damp hankerchief. When hyunsuk recognised me, his right hand flew up to the back of his head with a worrying expression.

“Hey Doc” He greeted

“WHAT HA-PPENED” I ask again in my Alpha voice, starting to lose it.

“I was just driving to get us home, it was dark really. Then a figure of something just flew right in front of the car. I thought it was just a deer or something but when we get out of the car to look at it, we realised we hit a person” He explaned with too many gestures, its annoying me.

Just as hyunsuk finished his sentence, we heard a loud thud from behind. I quickly turned around and saw a big burly male nurse scrambling on the floor trying to push himself up, apparently he was pushed by the rogue hidden behind that curtain. ! This one’s strong.

I stepped towards the male nurse but stopped when eunjoo gasped.

“She’s alive” She exclaimed joyfully.

She? This rogue is a she-wolf? What the hell? Something’s really fishy; I have never come across with a she-wolf rogue. She might be a spy or something.

I paced towards the rogue’s direction, gripping the shot in my coat’s pocket and readying myself to attack her if she ever tried to hurt anybody. There are humans here for crying out loud! If anything happened, i cant shift here so i had to be quick and inject this as soon as possible.

I push the curtains aside and then I saw her.

Our eyes met and i felt something I never felt before. A pull so strong I just want to be close to her and crush her in an embrace.

She was a brunette, her hair was a little messy but i can tell it was straight and a little wavy at its ends. She was gripping tightly at the thin cloth, trying to cover her ness. Her exposed little white skin made me gulp a little. I shook my thoughts aside and took a step closer to her briefly aware that my wolf was whining and being all energized around me. What the hell is wrong with my wolf?

She paused her growling and I watched her eyes widened after she sniffed the air. Now she knows she’s in the presence of another werewolf. I took another step forward and she growled. Her eyes is black as the night, Oh no! She might shift anytime now. I raised my palm to show her i mean her no harm but I ony made her hiss at me.

“Miss, calm down. Were just trying to help you” I realise that was my wolf that was talking now and i fought him for control. Help her? What the! We are trying to end her! I can feel him growl fiercely inside me as i reminded him of our original plan.

She hissed again then winced next. I saw her grip her right shoulder, it was severely dislocated. If we dont fix it now she might not be able to use her right arm anymore. Said my wolf, I growled. I know he is right why is he being a doctor in this? Blood now flowed down in her head to the corner of her right eye, down to her cheeks but she never tore he glare away from me. A feisty one, i like . My wolf purred proudly.

I cursed, pulling my mask off. What the HELL is wrong with MY WOLF?

Then as her scent reached my nose, I realised what the commotion is all about.

Mate My wolf announced excitedly.

I looked at her in awe, watching her drew out one ragged breath at a time. She was shivering as well, either because of her coldness or anger. My heart felt a painful pang when another gush of blood went down to her cheeks and dropped to the white thin fabric covering her body. I instinctively took a step forward to her, making her growl in response. I froze back, not wanting to scare her or make her feel threaten but three male nurses appeared from behind me and pinned her down to the bed.

She shrieked in pain, obviously one of the nurse had been careless and took hold of her injured shoulder. Before I knew it, I grabbed the stupid nurse by his neck and pushed him away. My wolf roared in fury, hes not please that this brainless thud had hurt her.

I looked back at her and saw that she had lost her grip at her covers, and one of  her s was now fully exposed. She was unable to cover herself back because she was now closing her eyes writhing in pain. !

“All guys get the ed out!" I exclaimed, grabing the clothe back above her chest. Hell, im not allowing any other guys to see her like this. “Dohee!! Minah! Get in here and close the curtains!” Dohee and Minah were werewolves who also happened to be nurses in this hospital. They immediately obeyed bowing their heads.

“Jiyong?” I heard taeyang pushing the curtains a little to peek. Apparently, my voice was loud enough to be heard outside the ER’s opening.

“Get out” was all i could muster. Ill deal with him later. My first priority right now is my mate, my hurting mate.

I signaled Dohee to inject the dextrose to my mate’s left hand. As soon as she felt something touching her hand, she opened her eyes and jerk it away.

“Don’t touch me” she yelled. My wolf whimpered while I felt another painful pang in my heart.

“Dont be afraid Love. We are only trying to help you” i said softly. She glanced back at me and i forced a smile “what is your name?”

I saw hesitation in her eyes.

“please tell me. I will never hurt you” I watched as her eyes slowly return to a normal shade.

“Dara” she whispered as if breatheless.


in werewolf stories, a werewolf and human are just one being but they can talk to each other. the wolf form is more emotional possessive and loses control while the human side is the rational one. 

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Chapter 2: update juseyo
Chapter 18: Omg THUNDER
Chapter 12: Jeez dont force her alpha
Chapter 11: But hes dead already so we thought?
Chapter 10: Aigoo cant be apart jiyongie you miss her already
Chapter 6: He will avenge her
Update juseyo
Chapter 18: Mooooooore pleaaaaaaseu ㅜ_ㅜ
Chapter 9: Update juseyo
Chapter 18: Hope you can update.. ❤❤❤