I'm G-dragon.

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Just like every words of Kwon Ji Yong said, after one month, who the loser is, who the winner is, people has known.

Jack, contratry to the first brave impression of him, now he is the loyal “ dog” of the Alphas. He does everthing that he is told to do, and all he does, just to please the Alphas. We can see, his intention to attend this school, it’s not because of the Mission, but because he can take Apha’s attention and lives a luxury life, even if he becomes their toy. In Jack’s eyes, only having intrigue and cunning, like a damn fox.

D-lite, what can we talk about him ? He only smiles and smiles. Alpha only sees him like an idiot. However, don’t know why, he still has something to make people feel breathless when they look at him. Maybe because even when he smiles, deep inside his eyes, only having the coldness and lonliness. It’s just like, he’s not alive anymore, he’s just a walking dead , no soul, no heart. Still, whenever he sees V.I, his eyes have a little warm. He likes following V.I around, and V.I just ignores him. People can tell that he likes V.I, maybe…

And finally V.I, the one who is like a shadow. Why can he be called like this ? Because he always keeps his silent. He doesn’t talk to anyone, when he’s asked, then we can hear his voice. No extra words, just enough for the question. When the Alpha orders him to do something, he’ll obey them. No frustration, no complaint, no emotion, he does everything like a machine. Alpha can’t retort him at all, but they don’t like him at all. V.I is just like that, quietly stands in the crown, and no one notices his existene.

He only know how to trains and trains. He only wants improve his skills The places where you can always find him, always is the library and training field. Just like right now, D-lite happily talks to V.I, ah no, more exactly, he’s talking by himself.

“ V.I, congratulations !! One again, you have good rank. You’re so good, I believe soon, you’ll take “ Tear of God”. I wonder what element power you’ll have ??”

V.I doesn’t open his mouth, he just let D-lite talks like crazy. However, when he hears one sentence from D-lite, he lifts his head immediately, and the first time, looks deeply into D-lite’s eyes.

“ However, V.I  ! You must take caution to anyone’s around you, even I. A smart one, need to know how to hide your talent from  people. When you become the strongest one, that’s the time you show the world, who you are…”

D-lite smiles when V.I looks at him. In a moment, V.I almost thinks he sees his Daddy. In D-lite’s eyes, also shines the light of warm and gentle, like his Daddy used to look at him. D-lite comes near to V.I and gently his hair. V.I unconsciously let him do that, because he doesn’t feel any harm or discomfort from this action. His Daddy always liked his hair when he wants to show Seungri his love.

“ You don’t look like my little brother at all, but why do I always feel you’re my brother ? In your eyes and soul, shines a light like my brother so much. I just want you to be happy, V.I…”

“ Your brother, where’s he ?” V.I asks, he doesn’t know why, but he just wants to know.

D-lite laughes but V.I can feel his hand are shaking so much. D-lite is feeling pain, so much pain, V.I suddenly understands.

“ My brother, used to be like you. He was a genius of my family. It’s him who would attend this school, not me. My family was so proud of him. I was so proud of him. He’s my precious brother. I can give him everything, just for his smile can always remain in this world. I thought, we would always be happy like that, if…If my brother didn’t love an Alpha. Hahaha, a beta loves an Alpha, what’s his fate ? only Death and humiliation . Haha, my brother died, and that Alpha only turned away and married to a beautiful Omega, hahaha. My treasure, broken in that bastard’s hand !!”

Calling an Alpha by the word : bastard, D-lite must loath him so much. Seungri can see in D-lite’s eyes, the look of a murderer.

“ So you know, I came to this school. To do what ?? So I can kill Alpha. Becoming a stronger Apha than that bastard, I can kill him with my own hands. Killing him, so I can give him to my brother. My poor brother…

However, somehow, I suddnely changed my thought. When I met you. V.I, so sorry that through your life, I see my brother. I want you to live his life, I want you to take his dream, I want you to be happy for him. So sorry for my selfishness. Please, I want to become your brother, let I stay behind your back, support you and protect you. I….Brother, can you live happily this time…I…I”

And D-lite cries. His tears drop down on his face, one by one. He’s crying in silent, not a sound can be heard, but h

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Misammisa #1
Chapter 20: Aww the part with the ring😍😍my heart is melting
Befun21 #2
Chapter 24: This the second time I read this story love it So much and this story so beautiful thank you
pandari_1212 #3
Chapter 24: Love this story
Befun21 #4
Chapter 20: Love this story thank you for make beautiful and amazing story .. yeyyy nyongtory
Chapter 22: Nyongtory and their little family will be the end of me
Oneda73 #6
Chapter 24: Haii..I just read your story and amazed..it's really a good and touchy story and funny too lol, however hope that you don't abandone this story since we curious what's next of TopDae hopefully they will reach happy ending as well as Nyongtory
OwLotus #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for this story, first time to read a beta/Alpha story
Seungri character here I like the most, never give up, never lose, always fight even alone till victory
I need to read this after seungri's chaos : I'm happy he is still standing fighting alone, I loved him more for that. I don't say he is right or wrong, he is a human too, can make a mistake & sin. He can be punished too & forgiven, it's not my concern . because i wanna be like him in my life even it's hard, even all world against me, even if i become alone, even i did wrong, i want to fight for me never lose fate till victory. My IDEAL LEE SEUNGRI
More stories like this one please! ♥