Love. What's love ?

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Notice : The name  GD in this chapter is Kwon Leader  - Kwon Ji Yong's father

Lee Seunghyun - Lee Seungris father

Choi Seunghyun -  TOP's father

I have very bad taste in naming character so.....I just use those names. And one more reason, I always want to write a love triangle among Seungri, Ji Yong and TOP :)) 

( Again) emotion chapter of this story. Thank you so much for your reading ^^

At the execution grounds, only Kwon Leader, Choi Seunghyun, Lee Seungi, Kwon Ji Yong stood there. All people left and Ji Yong’s death judge also was abolished. What happened ? Seungi didn’t understand at all. Things just came and went so fast.

Just when Seungri thought that he and Kwon Ji Yong must die right here, suddenly, Choi Seunghyun appeared and stopped everything. He made a contract with the government, his organization :” A rebel organization of Alphas” will give up the war in long time and cooperate with the government in peace. Paying a big cost only to save Seungri’s life ? What’s the hell in Choi Seunghyun’s mind ? Seungri thought. He and Choi Seunghyun didn’t even meet so, just why ?

And like to answer Seungri’s , Choi Seunghyun walked near him. Ji Yong immediately glanced at him and pulled Seungri behind his back, protected him from Choi Seunghyun’s eyes. Choi Seunghyun smirked and turned to talk with Kwon Leader who was standing not too far.

“ Your son is just a punk like you, GD. Like father, like son. I wonder why Lee Seunghyun’s son can love this kind of thing.”

“ Shut up !” Kwon Leader and Kwon Ji Yong shouted to him together.

“ Hahaha, I told you. Now, little kid, go away, I have something to ask this little one. Go, before I still talk this way.”

Kwon Ji Yong wanted to scream at him again, but Seungi stopped him. Seungri gently pushed Ji Yong away so he could meet Choi Seunghyun’s eyes. Seungri asked him coldly.

“ What do you want ?”

Choi Seunghyun looked at Seungri’s face this near and he was speechless. They’re really son and father. Lee Seunghyun….this is really your son. His eyes look so much like you.

“ Where’s Lee Seunghyun ?”

Kwon Leader when he heard that name, he also run near to Seungri’s side and looked at him seriously. This kid, really Lee Seunghyun’s son ??? So, he must know where Seunghyun right now.

“ Tell me !” This time, Kwon Leader and Choi Seunghyun talked together.

 Why do you know about my adoptive father ?” Seungri cautiously asked them. He has never heard from his father the name of Choi Seunghyun and Kwon Leader. So why they proved that they have had a relationship with him this deep ? They looked like they would go crazy if Seungri said no.

“ You’re his adoptive son ? No way, you’re so much alike him.” Choi Seunghyun didn’t believe Seungri’s words.

“ Yes, he’s right. You’re his son, no other way.” Kwon Leader also had the same thought.

Just when they argued this matter, from a dark alley near their place, a shadow run fast to where Kwon Ji Yong was standing, in that person’s hand, was a knife. Seungri was the one who noticed that person first, so he pushed Ji Yong away, grabbed that person’s hand and twisted it hardly. That person screamed in pain. Then he knew that’s person was an Omega female.

The Omega female is a middle age Omega. She looked like she was out of her mind. Her hair was tangled, her clothes was tattered and her eyes were red. She glanced at Kwon Ji Yong and insulted him with harsh words.

“ You ! Killer ! ing bastard who killed my daughter ! Go to hell ! Die ! Monster ! You deserve to die ! you ! you !”

She wanted to rush on Ji Yong again but Seungri held her back. She turned to scream at Seungri’s face and then she open her eyes widely.

 “ Lee Seunghyun !!! You’re still alive ??? No way ! No way !”

Kwon Leader and Choi Seunghyun realized her at that time. They all came near her and pulled her violently.

“ It’s you ! You ! Why are you here ? Ad where’s Lee Seunghyun ?? Where’s him ??? You’re the one who took him away from us !”

The Omega female looked around and finally, she laughed out loud. She laughed crazily.

“ Really ? Really ? Fate ! Hahaha ! Fate !!! Fate ! Hahaha !”

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Misammisa #1
Chapter 20: Aww the part with the ring😍😍my heart is melting
Befun21 #2
Chapter 24: This the second time I read this story love it So much and this story so beautiful thank you
pandari_1212 #3
Chapter 24: Love this story
Befun21 #4
Chapter 20: Love this story thank you for make beautiful and amazing story .. yeyyy nyongtory
Chapter 22: Nyongtory and their little family will be the end of me
Oneda73 #6
Chapter 24: Haii..I just read your story and's really a good and touchy story and funny too lol, however hope that you don't abandone this story since we curious what's next of TopDae hopefully they will reach happy ending as well as Nyongtory
OwLotus #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for this story, first time to read a beta/Alpha story
Seungri character here I like the most, never give up, never lose, always fight even alone till victory
I need to read this after seungri's chaos : I'm happy he is still standing fighting alone, I loved him more for that. I don't say he is right or wrong, he is a human too, can make a mistake & sin. He can be punished too & forgiven, it's not my concern . because i wanna be like him in my life even it's hard, even all world against me, even if i become alone, even i did wrong, i want to fight for me never lose fate till victory. My IDEAL LEE SEUNGRI
More stories like this one please! ♥