My name's V.I

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Why does Alpha take the first place in this world ? The answer is, because Alpha has special power. Each Alpha has different supernatural natural power. One can have power of water, or power of fire..etc… All their powers base on elements of world.

 And the most special and rare is a kind of power which beyond all the bounders or rules in world. Because it’s too strong, so in thousand years or more, only one or two Alpha is born and has “ that power”. Those are called : “God of the world”.

What’s Omega ? First, Omega doesn’t have gender. Male or Female, it’s not important at all. They’re all beauties.  They can with Alpha or Beta no matter what. And their place in this world is, only Omega can give birth to a Alpha. Alpha and Omega, is the most appropriate couple in this world. The more powerful Alpha, the more beautiful Omega, when they combine, maybe “ God of the world” can be born. So of course, Omega wants to be with Alpha, Beta isn’t their choice at all. Still, if an Omega has mistake or sin, they must be given to a Beta and forever lives with him. So, Omega usually hates Beta, they always look down on Beta.

Beta takes the last place in this world. They don’t have special power or the beauty. They’re normal, too normal for this world.  

They’re all males, they can’t give birth but they still become toys to Alphas, or the worst, the slaves.They can’t dream of Omega, the kind that hates them with all their heart.  The fate of Beta, they can have the normal life, works for Alpha and lives peacefully till death or…becomes a Apha.

Yes, they can turn into a Alpha. A strong Beta with a brave heart, they must prove their power, they must overcome all challenges of this world, they must bet with their life, when they collect enough consensuses from three Alpha Kings,they can have a stone is called “ Tear of God” and they can have a special power from the stone.

The mission is too difficult. From the beginning of this world until now, only two Betas could achieve their dreams, and all the rest, paid their life to that dream. Till, the dream can’t stop, never stops…

The school for Alpha, is the place for  the strongest Alphas are all around the world, attend and train their power. Alphas in this school, are the leaders of this world in the future. And also it’s the place for the strongest Betas to train for their mission.

This year, three Betas are chosen and come to this school. One has ability about swordsmanship, one has ability about guns, one has ability about poison. They’re the best in their domains. Now, they’re standing in front of all the Alphas, do the “ welcome” ceremony.

“ You, The beta, our servants, can attend in this school, because of our kindness, because of our pity, so you must follow all our rules and know your place !! Betas, are always Alpha’s emplo

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Misammisa #1
Chapter 20: Aww the part with the ring😍😍my heart is melting
Befun21 #2
Chapter 24: This the second time I read this story love it So much and this story so beautiful thank you
pandari_1212 #3
Chapter 24: Love this story
Befun21 #4
Chapter 20: Love this story thank you for make beautiful and amazing story .. yeyyy nyongtory
Chapter 22: Nyongtory and their little family will be the end of me
Oneda73 #6
Chapter 24: Haii..I just read your story and's really a good and touchy story and funny too lol, however hope that you don't abandone this story since we curious what's next of TopDae hopefully they will reach happy ending as well as Nyongtory
OwLotus #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for this story, first time to read a beta/Alpha story
Seungri character here I like the most, never give up, never lose, always fight even alone till victory
I need to read this after seungri's chaos : I'm happy he is still standing fighting alone, I loved him more for that. I don't say he is right or wrong, he is a human too, can make a mistake & sin. He can be punished too & forgiven, it's not my concern . because i wanna be like him in my life even it's hard, even all world against me, even if i become alone, even i did wrong, i want to fight for me never lose fate till victory. My IDEAL LEE SEUNGRI
More stories like this one please! ♥