
Approaching A Lion

“Ya, there you two are, come on look at you two still in your suits! Get changed, I’m hungry!” N stormed into the room, frightening Leo and Ken, making them jump apart.

“What?” N blinked as Leo shot him death rays and Ken blushed.
“Ever heard of knocking,” Ken stuck his tongue out before taking Leo’s hand and marching past the leader to go get changed.

“Ya, ya, ya you’re holding hands!” Was the last they heard as they turned the corner to the dressing room.

“Ah, N has the best timing doesn’t he?” Ken rolled his eyes as they got back to their corner. Leo had to smile.

They were alone, everyone else must be done and have goe their way.

In that moment it dawned on them. How were they going to do this?

They stood their awkwardly looking at the floor.

“So, besides me talking to much… Leo, would you … do you want to try this?” Ken managed to muster, and looked at the other vocal.
Leo looked back, thinking, then softly replied “Yes, let’s do this…”.

More awkward silence.

“Okay,” Ken said after a while, “so… just to put it out there…

I’ve never dated… so I’m not really sure what to do…”
Leo snorted, causing the other vocal to smack him on the head, this only caused the scary vocal to giggle.
“Ya! This is no laughing matter!” Leo reached out and took the other’s hand before he could smack him again.“That’s not it…

All the talk…putting everything on the line… and here we are…

both of us… for the first time…” Leo gazed at the other, smiling, “So this is how it’ll be…”

Gently, he the other ones cheek, “Let’s go for it!” This wasn’t the most intimate thing they had done in the past 10 minutes but it made Ken blush. The sincerity in Leo’s voice and his loving gaze made him melt inside.
“You’re doing it again…” Ken murmured as he looked at Leo, the other tilted his head. “Doing what?”

“Reminding me why I like you…” with that he took a step forward and kissed Leo.
This was definitely a habit Leo had nothing against.
It was a sweet short kiss. Kind of like sealing the deal.

“Okay, but with this whole relationship thing… I suppose there should be a guy and a girl!” the younger said, it seemed only logical to him.

In the meantime Leo and him had started looking for clothes to change into.
“A guy and a girl?” the quiet vocal asked. “Yeah, a girly one and a manly one!” Ken started to change with his back turned to the other,  he couldn’t help but tease “I think I will be the manly one, cuz you’re so quiet!”

After a few seconds of saying that, he realized it had gone quiet

... more quiet then usual.

... deathly quiet.

Deathly quiet.

“You’re the manly one?” sounded from behind him, like a growl in a deep tone.
Slowly turning around, half an arm out of his shirt and slowly fearing for his life, he turned to face the source of the voice.

Leo was glaring at him, only his suit jacket off, but the shirt clutching his muscular frame wasn’t helping.
“You’re … the manly one…? ” he repeated, and Ken felt every one of those words bury themselves in him. 

With eyes fixated on him, like a predator looking at his prey, Leo took a step forward.

Ken shrunk back instinctively.
“You’re … the … manly one?” it sounded like a challenge.
Without breaking eye contact, Leo took another step forward, as he did so he reached u for his tie, slowly taking off.  

Something at the back of his mind noted: He is doing this on purpose.
Ken couldn’t take his eyes off the other; every single movement he made memorized the younger.
Why did he look so good in a suit?
The tie fell to the floor and as he looked up Leo was another step closer. Towering over him.

“What makes you think,” Leo growled as he took another step forward now chest to chest with the other member.

“You are the manlier one?”

Ken suddenly felt weak in his knees.
He was so close; he could feel the warmth radiating from Leo’s body.
His eyes weren’t helping, they were taking in each and every crease in the shirt, Leo’s smoldering eyes and his glorious hair.

The younger jumped a bit in fright as he felt one of Leo’s arm snake around him, as if to hold him in place.

Then without saying a word Leo reached out and pulled Ken’s half off shirt down just a bit. Exposing his collar bone.
Ken watched in a state of shock as Leo smirked at him before leaning down to the exposed skin. With the other hand holding him, there was no escape.

He felt the other’s breath, there was a second of silence.

Like the calm before the storm.
And then Leo leant down even lower and Ken felt small kisses being pressed against his skin.

Wherever they were placed he felt warmth spread across his chest.
He could literally feel Leo smirk into his collar bone.

Automatically he reached up and held onto the other, his knees giving way to this new feeling. The arm around his waist was now supporting him, preventing him from falling, thankfully Leo was so strong.
His breath hitched as the kisses started to wander up his neck and across his jaw line. These were merely butterfly kisses, quick and delicate but the warmth spreading through his body was almost too much to handle.
 Leo then started to slow down, the kisses then ceased and Ken let out a deep breath, he hadn’t noticed he had been holding it in. He then looked to the side, to where Leo had been taking care of him and was greeted with a smirk.

 There was that damn smirk again.

He blushed, and without a moment warning Leo came up and met his lips. In this movement he straightened up and leaned over Ken, giving him the chance to deepen the kiss.
If he wasn’t flustered yet, the younger vocal lost it as he felt the other one gently nibble on his lip. This caused him to gasp in shock, involuntarily granting Leo entrance to his mouth.
He felt Leo gently enter and panicked.

How do you kiss like this? His kiss experience wasn’t that great that he kissed anyone like this.
The other must have felt the restlessness, for he then felt the hand from his shirt reach up and cup his face, steadying him.

Moving slowly Leo explored Ken’s mouth, tasting every inch of the other, and gently coaxing him. Ken mustered up enough courage to try respond, moving his tongue back against the others. Like that they danced in each other's mouths, tasting and enjoying every second of it. As Leo shuddered, Ken realized that the warmth he was feeling must also be in the other.

Finally they pulled apart gasping for air, Ken blushing bright red and Leo out of breathe but with that smirk on his face.
“I guess, that settles who the manlier one is… ” Ken was too flustered to even respond to that. He felt so hot, his heart was beating like crazy and he was trying hard to breathe normally again.
However it did pride him to know, he wasn’t the only one affected, and being so close to the other he could feel Leo’s heart also racing.

What had they gotten themselves into.


There was suddenly knocking on the door, "Hyungs, we're going to go ahead, we sent you the adress on your phones. Just today would be nice." With that they heard Hyuk leave. The pair smiled at one another, Leo putting his other hand around the other too, holding him close, then he bent over resting his head on Ken's shoulder. 
"At least he learnt to knock... that is an improvement..." and Ken had to laugh as he reached to ruffel the other's hair.


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Chapter 14: GDI i read all the chapters in one night, this fic is so so soooo good !!!!! please update soon <3
Starlight-Kenjumma #2
Chapter 15: Hi I'm a new reader and I just want to say that this story is really good ^-^ thank you for this and please update soon ^_^♥
BookWormNerd #3
Chapter 15: *snickers* I love that some of the members were eavesdropping xD
Sneaky~ Sneaky~
rurutiaxx #4
Chapter 14: this is like so ing good!!!!
Chapter 14: new reader here, I'm in love with this story, it's so cute and it got me really curious for hyukbin and keo, stay well and waiting for an update
morgan47 #6
Chapter 14: Definitely worth the wait!
Chapter 14: So happy for the update ^^
Chapter 13: Owww keo so sweet i just cant! Omg! Hongbin how dare u hurt hyuk. Hopefully the will find hyuk faster.
melii96 #9
Please update on hyukie
Chapter 13: I enjoyed reading this, I really like the flow of the story and the unique relationship between them. The only complaint (which isn't really a complaint) are Jaehwan'g long monologues (in the last chapter and once before too). I understand they were meant to be so blunt, but I simply can't imagine anyone saying those things out loud, and all at once. XD

Hyuk's personality was spot-on, and Hongbin is thick-headed as usual. XD Ken had to deal with Leo's boundaries, but Hyuk's boundary seems to be age. I wonder what will happen between them next...