The Couch

Approaching A Lion


During the following days the two spent most of their time together, still uncertain how to go about with this new thing called a relationship. It was difficult.
Ken didn’t want to jump Leo, even though there were numerous events where he would have loved to, most involving a certain suit. Too valuable was their little romance to him, he wouldn’t scare him away.

He did his best to go about things slowly. His knowledge of romance movies was being put to the test. Every day he would rack his brain to think how those famous couples did it. It was even harder that they were two guys and their relationship situation was a bit different.
The lovely dovey, breakfast in bed things, was out of the question. With promotions they were lucky to be able to eat a bit in the car. But Ken was determined, he would find a solution. So he took to getting up early and helping the manager prepare their snacks. Something that made him feel proud, when he saw the other’s eating happily his prepared stuff.
Due to the stress during the promotion, they hardly found time to be together. It was hard, Ken longed for Leo and the Lion showed signs of Ken cold turkey. So the younger vocal made it his task to, at any chance he got, take the other’s hand and gently squeeze it. Like a small notice, I am here for you. The returning squeeze showed him the gesture was appreciated.
However as much as he would have loved to kiss those soft pink lips there was never a chance, too often were they in the company of the others or their managers. And too soon was the time to tell them about their relationship.
They took too sleeping in one bed, something the others wouldn’t suspect, since everyone ended up sharing beds , due to the limited number of beds in the first place.
In the dark they would hold hands and unconsciously Ken would go to sleep with a smile, only Leo knew this. He liked to lay there and watch the other sleep, peaceful and with such a happy look on his face. It was calming, and reassuring.

Now Leo on the other hand was just downright shy. He didn’t want to be known as the overly attached boyfriend, but he really wanted to be a better boyfriend then he was being now. He saw how hard Ken worked, the snacks didn’t go unnoticed. However, he didn’t know what to do. Unlike Ken he stayed clear of romance movies. So this left him with nothing.
What he did know was he wanted to make Ken happy, somehow. He wanted to spend more time with him. As he found himself in the car with all the members chatting all at once and an oncoming headache approach, he felt Ken reach over and take his hand. There was a gently squeeze and he turned to look at the other. Ken wore a reassuring smile.

He wanted to spend more time with him alone. He managed a smile and squeezed back the hand.

His pent up energy found a way to release itself as he saw himself often glare daggers at anyone who got too close to Ken for his liking. The too friendly stylist, the choreographer who was helping Ken into the right pose, they all had to suffer the silent wrath of the lion.

In the end it had gotten so out of hand N had to take Leo to the side to have a chat. Ken had been absolutely bewildered, now no one dared to approach him. He had had a hunch it was Leo but every time he looked for his boyfriend in those situations, he’d look away and then avoid him.

“You have to take it down a step there, my dear” the leader told the vocal, “We won’t have any more stylists or choreographers left if you carry on like this!” Leo’s face just grew darker. N studied his face, umma mode slowly , “Ya, look here. Would you and Ken please talk? I know it is difficult with promotions but do it for us. And for all stylists and choreographers out there! Talk!” The lion, made a move to protest but N shot him an evil look, “Talk!”
And that was final.

That evening, at dinner, well if one could call it dinner… it was 2 in the morning and they were eating some spicy noodles they had picked up on the way home. N shot Leo a look before getting up, “Ya, it’s late and we need to get up early tomorrow! Hongbin, Ravi, Hyuk! You guys didn’t do the bed this morning! Go clean up and go to bed! Bedtime punishment!”
Leo could have cringed, and face palmed himself. Ravi caught the drift and immediately followed N into his room. Hyuk looked from N to Leo and then to Ken, he too caught on. “Hongbin-hyung, you heard N let’s go!” He said and grabbed the other by his arm. “Ya! I’m eating, look!” Hongbin protested, but the maknae was strong, so he found himself being dragged, noodles inclusive back into the room.
“Well that wasn’t obvious at all…” Ken murmured, voicing Leo’s exact thoughts.

The other vocal studied his boyfriend, even though he had his hand covering his face, Ken saw how tired he was.

 “Ya, come here, let’s sleep on the couch today!” he decided and got up, whisking away his and Leo’s dishes. As he returned to find the other hadn’t moved save to put his hand on the table, watching the other, “Then we can talk, okay?” The lion nodded slowly, letting Ken take his hand, as he turned off the lights and lead him to the bed. Since they had just come back from practice they were wearing their comfy training stuff and couldn’t care less about sleeping in them.
Jogging pants and tank tops, another issue Ken needed to talk to Leo about, but that he’d save for another day.
Without protest the lion flopped down on the couch, spreading all his limps so there was no space for Ken. The younger vocal huffed at the other and started to poke “Ya…” Leo didn’t move. “Ya!” Ken poked harder. The last thing he heard was a growl before he found himself wrapped up in Leo’s arms trapped.
“Ya! Can’t breathe!!” Ken managed as the air was squeezed out of his lungs. He felt more then heard, Leo laugh into his ear; it sent chills down his spine. He was so close.
The lion loosened his hold on the other, letting Ken breathe. 

They just lay there like that, in silence, on the couch. Listening to each other breathe. It was comforting. For the first time, being able to lay in each other’s arms, just them.

“I miss you…” under normal circumstances Ken would have laughed, they saw each other every day. But he knew exactly what the other meant. “I miss you too.” The younger one turned in Leo’s hold until he was facing the other, carefully placing his hands on the others chest.

So close…

“Do you have something to say to me?” Ken asked quietly. The other sighed, “I’m sorry…” “For what?” another sigh, “I’m sorry for scaring away your stylist…” “And?” “And the choreographer…” Ken smiled into the dark.

It grew silent again.

“You are really stupid sometimes…” the younger teased, “You don’t need to chase anyone away…”

At this Leo pulled him even closer, grumbling under his breathe, something about “I know” and “can’t help it…” and the other was even closer the lion whispered, “I just want to also be close with you…” Ken felt his heart tighten. That was how he felt too.

He reached up and cupped one of Leo’s cheeks, “I know, same here…”

More silence…

“It is hard…” Ken had to admit, his face falling, it was a fact. As he made to pull his hand away, Leo reached up and caught it before he could take it back.

Ken watched with thousand butterflies in his tummy, as Leo gently leant down and pressed a kiss in the palm of his hand, “It is really hard” The other whispered into his skin, pressing another delicate kiss down into the hand. Now it was Ken’s turn to sigh, this won’t do.

“We will find a solution!” Leo looked up, the other spoke with such determination, it had taken him by surprise. He buried his smile into the other’s hand, blushing in the dark. There was definitely a reason why he liked Ken.

The other felt a tickle as the lion chuckled into his palm, “Ya, watch it!” This cause the older one to look up and stick out his tongue but before Ken could respond he found a very good argument not to. Well let’s say two lips gently kissing him were TWO very good arguments.

“Hey, we have to talk remember?” Ken panted as they broke apart, but another kiss prevented that from happening. The logical part of Leo’s brain however, nagged him so much that finally after but a few more, he enjoyed the state he had put Ken in. Panting, and looking more disheveled than before, beautiful.

Just one more, he thought as he stole one last kiss off the other.

The younger had been rendered speechless and it took multiple attempts before he could produce a sentence, “Onekissaday!” Leo blinked what? Ken tried again, “One kiss a day? Like a deal. We make a deal, I’m for one kiss a day!” Not a bad idea, the older nodded. It was a start
“Okay, we’ll then work from that!” Ken smiled happily; it was however interrupted as he produced a big yawn, the hours of promotion and practice waying down on him.
By the yawn of Leo, it was clear the other was just as tired as him.

“For now, let’s sleep, okay?” Again nodding in agreement.
Ken snuggled close to Leo’s chest; it was so warm and comforting.

 “Good night, Leo”

The kiss on the top of his head was enough reply for his tired mind and he was swept off into dreamland.

A/N: next chapter is called “Poking the Lion” muhahahahaha

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Chapter 14: GDI i read all the chapters in one night, this fic is so so soooo good !!!!! please update soon <3
Starlight-Kenjumma #2
Chapter 15: Hi I'm a new reader and I just want to say that this story is really good ^-^ thank you for this and please update soon ^_^♥
BookWormNerd #3
Chapter 15: *snickers* I love that some of the members were eavesdropping xD
Sneaky~ Sneaky~
rurutiaxx #4
Chapter 14: this is like so ing good!!!!
Chapter 14: new reader here, I'm in love with this story, it's so cute and it got me really curious for hyukbin and keo, stay well and waiting for an update
morgan47 #6
Chapter 14: Definitely worth the wait!
Chapter 14: So happy for the update ^^
Chapter 13: Owww keo so sweet i just cant! Omg! Hongbin how dare u hurt hyuk. Hopefully the will find hyuk faster.
melii96 #9
Please update on hyukie
Chapter 13: I enjoyed reading this, I really like the flow of the story and the unique relationship between them. The only complaint (which isn't really a complaint) are Jaehwan'g long monologues (in the last chapter and once before too). I understand they were meant to be so blunt, but I simply can't imagine anyone saying those things out loud, and all at once. XD

Hyuk's personality was spot-on, and Hongbin is thick-headed as usual. XD Ken had to deal with Leo's boundaries, but Hyuk's boundary seems to be age. I wonder what will happen between them next...