Furry Creatures

Approaching A Lion

“Ken, what did you do?” the director was fuming, however the singer just stared at the floor, he didn’t even seem to hear the other. His eyes were glazed, not focusing on anything; it didn’t look like he was present. The manager patted his shoulder, bringing Ken back to the situation at hand, “P-Pardon?” This time the director could only sigh, “I just got a call from the teacher and he wants to resign, do you know how long it took us to get him?!” Right, the dance teacher, Ken’s face darkened, that person. How could that person… why would he do that? 

 “And the manager told me you took a private lesson with him, what did you do?” the director leant over the desk, waiting for any kind of reaction, since entering the room, Ken appeared to be completely out of it. Again the manager placed a hand on Ken’s shoulder, making the singer flinch, “Ah, the teacher… he… well he got too close… and I told him not to…”

The director raised an eyebrow, “Got to close?? He is a professional, what do you mean 'got to close'?” Ken’s face turned a few shades darker, “He got too close! What is there not to understand?” This shocked the other two in the door, Ken wasn’t the type to speak with such a vicious tone in his voice, taken back the manager and director shared a glance.

“But I can’t understand if you don’t tell me what happened! He’s been teaching forever and no one has ever complained what on earth could he have done-“ “He made me feel very uncomfortable!” “But that isn’t an excuse to make him leave-“ “I didn’t make him leave!! I just told him to back off!!” now Ken was looking his superior directly in the eye, now it was he, who was fuming. Eyes narrowed and anger written all over his face, the singer glared at the one behind the desk.

“… impossible…” the director was so confused, the teacher had been recommended by many people and he had only heard positive feed back.
Suddenly the was a crash and through the door tumbled, Ravi and N, who had very apparently been listening in on the conversation.“Director-nim!” N had pulled himself together, and went to stand next to Ken, “As you told us which teacher we were getting, we also did some research, it is true. He is the best and honestly, he may be a professional but Ravi and I, to be frank all of Vixx saw how he tried to approach Ken. Manager-nim saw it too! He was constantly looking for chances to get Ken alone! As far as I know, he was the one who jumped Ken, it is not Ken’s fault he is leaving. If we had an opinion in this, it would be better if he left!” Ravi had come to stand beside him, N was radiating the authority that had gave him all the right to be leader of Vixx, head held high, he looked at the director. The manager pondered, Ken wasn’t the type to frighten people off, and he had indeed seen the way the teacher had looked at the vocal. It had been something border lining of obsessive. “That is true, director-nim! Ken wouldn’t try rid us of a teacher! Don’t blame him!” Ravi spoke up, the manager nodded in support. At the look of those four determined faces, the director sighed.

That was true, for all the time he knew Ken, he wasn’t someone to do something like that. However as he had gotten the call from the teacher, he had been so angry and shocked, all his hard work to hire him had been for nothing. He had jumped to conclusions.

“Argh, I need to give this some thought,” he rubbed his temples, this was all too much for so early in the morning,”… for the time being you guys have the week free… we need to find a new teacher…”

The ones looking at him didn’t need to be told twice, with manager at one side and N on the othe,r Ken was marched out of there Ravi bowing respectfully as he shut the door.

As they got to the van, they finally paused, and Ravi asked the question that had been bothering them, “Ken, where did Leo go...?”
Ken looked up, “He… he walked over there…I mean… I don’t know!-“ all the emotions from before came back, the panic, the fear and awful dreading feeling “-What- What if he left, hyung! It is all my fault, hyung! What happens then if he-“

Ravi and the manager’s eyes widened, N had just slapped the vocal neatly across the face. Ken was shocked, N however didn’t give him a chance to recover, “Look! Your lump of a boyfriend is somewhere out there and you are no use to him, blabbering like an idiot! So listen up, you have a phone: call him! If he doesn’t answer, go look for him, important places first, kay!? Do you understand?! He is Leo, our Leo, your Leo! You know him best! Use your head!” Only silence followed that, everyone staring at the leader, not even the manager managed to say something. There was no doubt about it, N was their leader and he’d be damned if he didn’t do his job right, “Now, shut your mouth and get moving! We’re checking where Hyuk and Hongbin are! Call us when you find him!” With that he more or less threw Ken in the direction or Leo’s departure. He and the leader watched as Ken picked himself up, a more hopeful expression forming on his face, but even just a little hope was very welcome in this situation. With that the vocal left, jogging down the road, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
It has stopped raining, but it still looked surreal with the sun shining and the huge puddles he had to avoid. Now, thinking-cap on, dial Leo’s number, he told himself. As he heard it ring it was sure the other wouldn’t pick up, but it was a good sign that he hadn’t turned it off. Here it comes, “You have reached the phone of ‘Leo’ please leave a message after the tone.” It was obvious that Leo wouldn’t speak his own voice mail, but the fact that he had ‘Leo’ as the name made the vocal smile and even though he got the voice mail, he didn’t mind, this made sure the other could hear him, “Ya, Jung Taekwoon, listen up! Let me get right to the point, I’m sorry-“ he had come to the end of the road, instinctively he took the turn left back to the dorm, what else was there to say, “and you idiot, would you please hear me out! I didn’t spend the last months constantly falling for your stubborn just to have you suddenly run off-“ another corner and up some stairs, he had to be at the dorm! “-so I will find you! You can bet on it! And when I do you don’t have to say anything but listen to me, okay!” with that he hung up, it was a trouble running fast and trying to formulate his apology, have to get to the dorm fast, it was still a while to go. As he ran past their supermarket and down another road, past a school he hesitated, wait, Leo wouldn’t go to the dorm at a time like this! There was a too high chance of running into the other members, no. He stopped, out of breathe, where would he be? Think Ken, think!

His lion, where would his lion go at a time like this? Football field! The one they often went to! He ran past the school and down to the soccer field, it was open to the public and Leo was often there, he must be there! However as he caught sight of the field, he saw that class was being held there, he faltered again, too many people. Leo wouldn’t be there. Where else!? Once again the vocal stopped and thought hard.
All the places they had been together, practice room, salon, dorm, field, all were out of the question… the supermarket? Impossible, too many people! His lion, his brave but lonely lion, where would he go at a time like this. The vocal jumped in fright as at his feet as a bark ripped him out of his thoughts. “Omo, I’m so sorry! Usually Jackjack doesn’t do that!” a man, no wait a woman called and picked the dog up at his feet, then bowed to him, the vocal assured he everything was fine. And in mid bow it dawned on his, there was one place!
He couldn’t possibly have…

Ken suddenly knew exactly where he had to go.

~~ a month ago (more or less)~~
“Come on, Leo!” Ken pulled at Leo’s arm, the other vocal looked extremely nervous, more quiet then usual, “We shouldn’t-“ “What are you talking about, we have the day free! I extra called them to book a table!” Ken beamed at the other one, it was one of the few days that they really didn’t have any schedule. He had been planning the surprise for a while now, a little treat for all the hard work. And because he wanted to see Leo suffer.
They were getting closer; one could see Ken brighten whilst Leo kind of shrunk into his pullover, wanting to disappear. Surprises worried him, and most importantly, wasn’t this a date? He immediately hid his face as he felt it go completely red, as Ken looked back he got awfully puzzled and stopped them. “Come out of your shell, you’re a lion not a tortoise, even though you look adorable currently!” he gently patted Leo’s head, reassuring him, “Look, no one will recognize us, we both got hats on, you have a mask and I got my sunglasses!” With that the younger struck a pose, Leo who had just come out of hiding, had to duck back into his pullover it was too cute. Ken was going to be the death of him.
Suddenly he felt the other put his hand to his own, in the pockets of the jacket, “Like this, you look like my extremely shy girlfriend, but Leo, my dear, don’t worry! I’m here!” Leo rolled his eyes, never the less taking the hand that was now sharing the pocket, “It is because it’s you that I worry…” He had spoken so softly, if Ken hadn’t come accustom to it he would have over heard it, “Ya! What does that mean!?” But Leo silenced him as he pulled his mask down and pecked Ken’s cheek, this definitely robbed the other vocal of all speech. It wasn’t like Leo to do that, definitely not in public, but as he looked around, they were the only ones in the small alley. It didn’t prevent him however from blushing, with a new smile on his face, Leo put the mask back in its place, happy with his work. After a few more moments of silence he couldn’t resist, “Now, who is the shy girlfriend?”
Before Ken finally came back to life, “Wha-what shy girlfriend?! Let’s go!” Cheeks still flaming red, he marched off, dragging Leo behind him, holding tight to the one hand. Their destination was close.
“We’re here!” Ken announced as they reached the fateful door, this was the best he could come up with and he was sure Leo would like it. As he turned to the one next to him, Ken couldn’t stop a giggle, you could see the shock on Leo’s face even with the mask on, his eyes big and not blinking staring at the door. They stood there for a bit, Ken happy with the reaction, it was all going according to plan, when suddenly the door opened and the manager smiled at them. “You must be Ken and Leo, come in, Ken your table is upstairs, just go straight through!”
Leo didn’t say a word as Ken gently led him into the dog café, he was in total shock. All the little fuzzy creatures running around his feet, the big fluffy ones in a separate part of the café, leaning their heads over the barricade happy to see him. “Don’t worry, you have the café to yourselves for an hour, we’re only opening then, so go ahead!” The owner shooed them further into the shop and as the couple got into the main section, Ken swore he had never seen Leo so happy. His eyes were sparkling, surrounded by many furry things, trying to touch them all at once. “Aigoo, come here, funny bunny! Jacket and mask!” the younger carefully got to Leo’s side and relieved him of said clothing, now he could see that breathe taking smile he had been suspecting this whole time. He then went to hang up the coats, and to thank the owner, “Nothing to thank, you are after all my daughters favorite idols, how could I resist? And that one he is so cute!” They both turned to see, Leo sitting at a table, surrounded by all the dogs, a small puppy had claimed his lap and guarding it diligently, Ken could only agree- even though he wasn’t sure if the owner meant Leo or the puppy, in his eyes however the person beaming from ear to ear was undoubtedly the most precious being in the room.
After getting them both a coffee, he made his way to the other, happy as some of the dogs made place for him, greeting the new comer with and tail wagging. “Is this heaven?” Leo spoke in a soft voice as he looked up to Ken, he truly looked like a child that had just received a Christmas present. “Who knows? Maybe?” Ken smiled back at him; Leo’s happiness was so contagious. They then spent that one hour there, Leo trying out stuff with the dogs, tricks, commands and as the owner gave them some treats, he had gone down laughing as the dogs all tried their hardest to get the yummy snack. Maybe this really was heaven, Ken thought as he watched his precious lion.

“So, here you are…” he panted, the café had been a bit far away from the park, and yet as he arrived there was no sign of the other, only as he questioned the manager did he discover there was a court yard further into the store. Leo had seemed like he wanted peace and quiet so the owner had sent him there. Ken was now, completely exhausted, out of breathe but never so relieved as he saw Leo sitting on the steps of the courtyard, it was completely silent. The sounds of the city were only faintly heard, it was a small concrete yard with a few plants and a couple dog houses. Speaking of dogs, Leo appeared to have a guest; on his lap was a too familiar puppy, fast asleep. As the blond vocal finally looked up, Ken was taken back, unlike last time they had come here; Leo had just sadness in his eyes, nothing else, no anger or anything, just frustration and sadness.

 “I’m going to talk now; I just want you to listen…” Ken started seating himself on a stole opposite the stairs; Leo turned his gaze back to the small creature on his lap, it, careful not to tear it from its dreams. There was silence; well he hadn’t expected him to say anything. The younger one took a deep breath,
“I was blind, for the entire course of this new era, I was blind. I should have paid more attention. But there is no excuse for being so blind that what happened at the studio happened. Anyway, this whole thing, being with you is new to me, I am still very naïve in some aspects. But I know one thing, I need you, and I need to apologize! If I learnt something at all from that person, is that I only want you, my eyes are only on you. As you missed the practice, I was so distracted worrying over you… it … I should have paid more attention. Dammit, I know you. I’ve known you now for quite a bit.
You’re my lion, and I neglected taking care of you properly, for that I apologize. Maybe, you’ll never speak to me again; maybe you won’t even look at me. I know I did wrong; I should have paid more attention.
But, now open up those ears of yours, we need to talk about something. We’ve been together now for a while, okay? We have a good share of special moments, our thoughts, our time. And damn you know exactly how I feel about you, and I know exactly how you feel about me.

May I say that since that day, the first time you let me share the couch with you, you know exactly that you had me since back then. And I’m not planning to leave anytime soon!

And so, are those ears open? You know my eyes and my heart only belong to you. I know somewhere in that thick skull of yours, you know that!

We can talk about jealousy. We can talk all day about it! We may even argue about it if you may. But instead of wasting breathe; I will remind you each and every day, that the one in by heart- the one I love is only you!  There I said it! Look what you made me do! Argh!”
The puppy on Leo’s lap stirred, making Ken automatically slap a hand over his mouth, scared he had woken the creature. However, it remained in deep sleep, Leo gently petting it, before looking at the other vocal, his boyfriend. He sighed, “You… you are not the problem, I just can’t, every cell … every single cell in my body … saw him touch you… and… I just wanted to just rip his fingers off you… I … I didn’t know how to react… that shocked me… it made me realize too… the love thin… that was frightening” The older vocal suddenly got very interested in the puppy again, Ken gave him time, “I just… being close to people… it scares me… I just… never had good experiences with it… and being this close with you… loving … loving you? That is the scariest thing ever… I mean… how does one love someone? What is the code? What is the recipe? Where do you stop loving the other, where do you pull the line? What am I suppose to do? What can I do, so you won’t go? All those thoughts… everytime I look at you… as I saw what he did… I just… what am I suppose to do? Why can’t this stuff me … easy…” Ken felt his heart pain, as the other one trailed off, he knew his lion. He knew his difficulties, but how had he not seen how big those difficulties were? His lion, his brave lion.

“Ya, look at me,” as Leo looked up, he saw that Ken was now kneeling in front of him, “We are both new to this. We are in it together! All those worries, talk with me. We can easily fix them! What am I hear for if not to take care of you! One loves someone by being there for them, trusting them! The code, well our code, is so far one kiss a day. The recipe: love. Wow that does sound cheesy if you say it out loud. Anyway, as for when you stop loving someone… I’m not sure… as far as I can see, love just keeps growing and I’m not going anywhere. You know me well enough, if I don’t like something, I’ll tell you! We can get through this! And my feet are falling asleep.”

 Truth be told, after spilling out his heart like that, his feet were simply incapable of carrying him, as he flopped to the floor, Leo started up from his seat, clutching the now awake and ruffled puppy in one had. Ken blinked; Leo blinked back, now the one kneeling in front of the other. The older sighed, “If you put it like that it may be simple… but there are so many things-“ Ken placed a finger on his lips, “Shush! I said you should listen to me, don’t think so much, you idiot. I love you and will remind you every day just how much I do, is that understood?”
Leo’s mind went blank, don’t think? But, there were so many questions! “We’ll figure it out!” Ken answered his thoughts. But what to do, Leo wasn’t sure. “I’ll be sure enough for both of us!” Leo blinked, it was scary how the younger could almost read his thoughts. “Of course it is creepy for me too, but I am not your boyfriend for nothing! Now, nod for yes or I will kiss you so that you finally fully understand the situation you’re in! There is no escape!” so many thoughts ran through Leo’s head, how could the younger be so determined. He looked so fierce. He could be the lion out of the two of them, he definitely had the stuff to be a lion.
“Time’s up!” Ken exclaimed but before he could react, Leo had put the puppy aside and leant down to kiss him, arms wrapping around him. “I’m so sorry, Ken!” the older one murmured as they briefly parted, Ken replied with “I’m sorry, Leo!” The lion then hugged him tightly, Ken responding by placing his hands on Leo’s broad back. Feeling Leo buried his head into his shoulder, Ken his hair gently, silently saying, it is all going to be okay. They remained like that for a while. It was important, a gesture, that everything will work out.
Just being there together, that things will be fine. Leo trying to apologize for his actions and over thinking and on the other side: Ken trying to show him that Leo was the only one for him.  
And through all that conversation, the thing that ran through both of their heads. One of them, really talkative and the other, quiet. All this time, they had know that their relationship had gotten deeper. That like turned into love. And that had put them more on edge, maybe participating in escalating to the events today. They had been so stupid.

It had been so obvious.


After a good five minutes, they looked at one another, Ken smiling wider then ever since that morning and Leo managing a small smile. When the phone rang, “Your timing is awful but I found Le-“

“Hyuk is gone! Hongbin did something! Not sure what! But pretty face is in some deep trouble! Meet us at the dorm!”

Leo tilted his head confused, “Who was that?” “N… he… he says Hyuk is… gone?” Ken looked at the other, “OH no, Leo! I yelled at him!” Leo placed both his hands on Ken’s shoulders, “Breathe! Where should we look?” “Well, N says to meet back at the dorm…” “Then we will do that” Without hesitation, Leo got up and took Ken’s hand, tugging him to the exit and off they were. Why was Hyuk gone? What had Hongbin to do with it?!
Leo, who had secretly known that Hyuk knew of their relationship, was also worried.

Their problems aside, this was their maknae they were talking about! 

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Chapter 14: GDI i read all the chapters in one night, this fic is so so soooo good !!!!! please update soon <3
Starlight-Kenjumma #2
Chapter 15: Hi I'm a new reader and I just want to say that this story is really good ^-^ thank you for this and please update soon ^_^♥
BookWormNerd #3
Chapter 15: *snickers* I love that some of the members were eavesdropping xD
Sneaky~ Sneaky~
rurutiaxx #4
Chapter 14: this is like so ing good!!!!
Chapter 14: new reader here, I'm in love with this story, it's so cute and it got me really curious for hyukbin and keo, stay well and waiting for an update
morgan47 #6
Chapter 14: Definitely worth the wait!
Chapter 14: So happy for the update ^^
Chapter 13: Owww keo so sweet i just cant! Omg! Hongbin how dare u hurt hyuk. Hopefully the will find hyuk faster.
melii96 #9
Please update on hyukie
Chapter 13: I enjoyed reading this, I really like the flow of the story and the unique relationship between them. The only complaint (which isn't really a complaint) are Jaehwan'g long monologues (in the last chapter and once before too). I understand they were meant to be so blunt, but I simply can't imagine anyone saying those things out loud, and all at once. XD

Hyuk's personality was spot-on, and Hongbin is thick-headed as usual. XD Ken had to deal with Leo's boundaries, but Hyuk's boundary seems to be age. I wonder what will happen between them next...