What was this?!

Approaching A Lion

Their relationship remained the same over the course of the next days.

 Ken enjoying the privilege of being the only one who could touch the lion.

And Leo, being the one enjoying being taken care of.

They knew each other’s boundaries and how to silently respect them.

Ken giving Leo space when he knew the other needed it and Leo was grateful for that.


However, he realized he was growing more and more dependent on the other singer.

He almost felt cheated on when he saw the other pet Hyuk when he was cute.

 But how come?

Ken was free to do as he pleases!-Oh look there he goes again!

Don’t touch him!

What was this?!

Once Ken glanced over to Leo, his hand still on Hyuk’s head.

A shiver ran down his spine at the glare the elder was giving him, no wait, he wasn’t looking at him. He was looking at his hand.

At this he too looked at it. What was wrong with it?

It was on Hyuk… so?


Leo started as he suddenly felt something on his head.

He had been so deep in his thoughts he hadn’t notice Ken walk over and place a head on his head.
“You are also adorable,” the other said softly, smiling at Leo’s shocked expression.

The other was in such a state of shock he could only look at the other with saucer big eyes and enjoy the warmth radiating from the other’s hand.

What was this?!


They were in the midst of voodoo promotions and as usual had a lot of performances to do.

Now that they had gotten closer, Leo and Ken spent a lot of time together behind stage.They were to be found warming up together or just sleeping next to each other during the breaks.

Usually, whilst performing they’d go their respectful ways and do their thing.

But now Leo noticed how his eyes lingered on the other, sure he enjoyed being taken care of but at the same time there were so many questions.
How far could he go? How far would Ken go?

What would he do when it stopped?

How does it feel like to pat Ken’s head?
Wow, he looks awfully hot in a suit…

At the last thought Leo shook his head violently.
What was he thinking? Ken had always been good looking… it was nothing new! But to think

he was hot!

More violent shaking of his head.

They were on stand by on the stage and yet he could not take his eyes of the other.

Suddenly he was taking in every detail of the other.
His eyes… his nose… his hair…

He traced each and ever body part with his eyes.

The suit, the long legs, his hands…

“YA LEO DON’T DO THAT YOU’LL BREAK YOUR NECK!” N shrieked as he saw the quiet one shaking his head so violently, it was starting to look unnatural.
“You okay?” Ken was by his side in a flash.

No! Go away! Leo stared at him with wide eyes, feeling the warmth of a hand being pressed to his forehead. So warm.

“I’m fine!” he choked out gruffly and pulled out of the grip of the other.

Ken -thinking he had simply over stepped his touching boundary- nodded and headed back to his spot.
A certain pair of eyes followed him, unable to look away.

Was he really starting to think of Ken as hot?

As the other, absent mindedly, dropped his mic and bent down to pick it up…


“YA STOP IIITTT!!!” N was screeching as he saw Leo had silently gone to the side of the stage and started banging his head forcefully against one of the walls.

Thankfully after some talk and a chop to Leo's head from N Umma, everyone calmed down and the performance could start.

Everything went well, even though Leo had a slight bruise on his forehead and N was keeping an eagle eye out for him that he wouldn’t start acting crazy.

At the end, they bowed to all the fans and thanked the staff for their hard work.

Leo had been able to distract himself from staring at Ken through the dancing and singing but now he had to face his worst fears:


a breathless,

sweat drenched


who was starting to strip... (to get changed! Ken doesn’t just randomly start stripping! Leo tried to tell his hazy mind, it didn’t really work)

Clothe pieces were falling...

first the jacket...

then the shirt...

then the pants-
“Leo could you help me-“ there was just a gush of wind and emptiness where the other had stood a second ago.


In the mens bathroom down the corridor, Leo was panting, he had never run so fast.

What was this?!

He was in deep trouble. And his mind.
The main vocal washed his face vigerously in an effort to clear away the dirty thoughts.

But the facts were:

Ken was hot. But not just like a hot friend...

nooooooooooooooo it was like attractive hot,

like really really attractive hot!

Was he attracted to Ken? He glanced in the mirror as if his just as paniced looking mirror image could answer him.

What was this?!

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Chapter 14: GDI i read all the chapters in one night, this fic is so so soooo good !!!!! please update soon <3
Starlight-Kenjumma #2
Chapter 15: Hi I'm a new reader and I just want to say that this story is really good ^-^ thank you for this and please update soon ^_^♥
BookWormNerd #3
Chapter 15: *snickers* I love that some of the members were eavesdropping xD
Sneaky~ Sneaky~
rurutiaxx #4
Chapter 14: this is like so ing good!!!!
Chapter 14: new reader here, I'm in love with this story, it's so cute and it got me really curious for hyukbin and keo, stay well and waiting for an update
morgan47 #6
Chapter 14: Definitely worth the wait!
Chapter 14: So happy for the update ^^
Chapter 13: Owww keo so sweet i just cant! Omg! Hongbin how dare u hurt hyuk. Hopefully the will find hyuk faster.
melii96 #9
Please update on hyukie
Chapter 13: I enjoyed reading this, I really like the flow of the story and the unique relationship between them. The only complaint (which isn't really a complaint) are Jaehwan'g long monologues (in the last chapter and once before too). I understand they were meant to be so blunt, but I simply can't imagine anyone saying those things out loud, and all at once. XD

Hyuk's personality was spot-on, and Hongbin is thick-headed as usual. XD Ken had to deal with Leo's boundaries, but Hyuk's boundary seems to be age. I wonder what will happen between them next...