It was going to be fun

Approaching A Lion

Over the course of the next days, Ken noticed how comfortable he was getting with the dark haired main vocalist. He didn’t find him as threatening as before and actually enjoyed being in his presence, no matter if the other said something or not.

It was calming to be around him.


No one expecting a lot from the other and just enjoyed the company of one another.

They often sat together, Ken either taking the seat next to Leo or on some rare occasions like in front of the TV Leo would sit down next to the other vocal.

 It was becoming natural.

Also food wise, Ken would offer the lion stuff to eat and to everyone’s surprise Leo would take it.

They seemed like really good friends.

The distance between them seemed to have shrunk.


Leo quietly enjoyed Ken’s attention.

It wasn’t pressing or forced and actually very sweet. He didn’t force him to talk anymore and if he did play around at home he would make sure to let Leo have his peace and quiet. It was as if he understood the lion.

He made him laugh a couple times as he was acting dorky for which Ken was very proud of himself. If he saw the head of the other’s duck and those broad shoulders shake lightly he knew the other was suppressing some giggles, it made him smile.

However, Leo had to admit he wasn’t used to such attention. The other members were friendly to him too but they left him alone most of the time.

N was a different case all together, because they had known each other for so long.

But Ken really made an effort to be kind and close to Leo.
He wasn’t used to it. It was nice but don’t friendships usually have to work both ways?
What if Ken gets tired of looking out for me?
Should I do something in return?

Leo thought hard about this, he didn’t know what he should do.

He couldn’t jump up and down and hug Ken, that wasn’t something he would do and probably make Ken eye him like he lost his mind. He quickly shook that thought out of his head.

Neither could he, like Hyuk and Hongbin did, feed the other one. That thought made him bang his head against the wall, much to the other's shock

What if Ken really did stop?

What would he do?

Wouldn’t things go back to normal? He thought, but as he watched Ken having a fight over an eggroll with Ravi, he panicked.

What if he didn’t want stuff to go back to normal?

What did he have to do to keep that person where he was right now?

Over the course of the past days, Ken had grown on him.
It took him a while to admit but then a day came where Ken had a different schedule then him, he had to admit he missed the person poking him jokingly in the car seat. And his singing partner in the practice sessions, who would successfully pull faces at the singing instructor when he wasn’t looking. Also the I Got A Boy practice didn’t go as smoothly without his mental support from the other.

He was stuck. Very stuck.

N noticed how Leo had started looking gloomy; the other started to stare at his food deep in thought and head straight to the bedroom when they got home, leaving behind a very confused Ken.

 He did usually like to be by himself but this was down right off.

One day, as they got home and Leo went to his bedroom and N saw Ken follow him with his eyes, very very confused, it was enough.

“Ya, what is going on?” N had marched into the room and asked the pile of blankets on Leo’s bed.

They didn’t move.

“I saw you enter this room so I know you are under there, answer or I’ll sit on you!” The blankets shook violently, and shifted so Leo head showed and he could glare at the other.
“Has it got something to do with Ken?” as the head disappeared and the blankets rolled around in the bed, N knew he had hit a bull’s eye, “Wait, are you dating?!”

The blankets shot up so fast, Leo hit his head on the shelf over the bed and doubled in pain.

“Ow… why on earth do you think we’re dating…?”

N crossed his arms, “Well, I don't know,

there would be that you guys always sit together,

you let him lean on you during movie time

and you let him feed you… Honestly, you’ve never let me feed you-“

 The look Leo gave him made him throw his hands up to show he was joking.

“So if you aren’t dating, what got your in a twist?” Leo stared daggers at the other, “What? You look like you are carrying a grey cloud over your head and Ken is sitting just outside this room looking equally as dull.

You look definitely happier when you are with him and yet you decided to hide under your blankets…”

 “… I’m not hiding…” “Yes you are, Leo.

I’ve known you now for a really long time. I have never seen you let anyone so close to you as you let Ken. My only guess is that you are getting worried over something stupid.

Remember, you panicked the first time you let me close to you, and then you were downright mean?

You punched me and called me names to make me go away… If I wasn’t who I am I might have done so and left, but I recognized you just didn’t know what to do.

Look at us now, I think our friendship is still functional, give or take a punch or two.

Now, listen closely, don’t do anything stupid. Ken is bubbly and happy most of the time and he really likes to take care of you. He enjoys it, taking care of the lion. But he has gotten really really worried and confused because of you and your droopy phase.

So hurry up get your head out of your blankets and let him do what he has been doing over the past weeks, let him look after you!”
N glanced sternly down at the blanket covered Leo.

“… but I don’t know what to do…? What does he wants in return…” the blankets mumbled.

“For pete’s sake, Leo," N reached over and tugged the blankets off Leo, "he doesn’t want anything in return, he is happy with just taking care of you! Now move! I can’t have two sulking people in this group!!”

“Move it, now!” Leo shot him an insulted look and slowly left the room.

In the living room he found Ken, Hyuk and Hongbin sitting in front of the TV.

He looks perfectly happy, he grumbled, he doesn’t want to ‘take care of me’.

But as Ken turned his head and saw Leo staring at him, his expression brightened ten times over.

The maknae and Hongbin were deep in a conversation about a movie but Ken silently gestured Leo if he wanted to sit next to him. This made the other feel awkwards standing in the door, then just as quietly the lion stalked over and sat himself down.
“Everything okay?” Leo looked up as the other asked softly. He nodded slowly.

Ken seemed relieved to hear this but as he turned back to watch the TV, Leo noticed he was fidgeting nervously with the edge of his shirt, an annoying habit.
The normal cheerful main vocal was still unconciously worried, had he annoyed Leo?

Why had he been so shut off lately? It wasn’t avoidance but Leo just hadn’t been reacting to him.

He was surprised as he felt a hand stop his from playing with his shirt and without a word grab his shoulder and pull him back so he was leaning against Leo like they used to do.

“What- Hyung-“ he tried protesting but was elegantly ignored by the other vocal.

It did feel quite nice to be leaning against the other, this was how it had all started, right?

The couch. Sharing the warmth of the other.

“Well, good to see you got back together again!” Hyuk commented innocently and only with Hongbin and Ken’s combined strength did they manage to stop Leo from launching himself at the maknae.

Ken laughed as he patted the head of the fuming lion lovingly.

Taking care of a lion, well this was going to be fun~






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Chapter 14: GDI i read all the chapters in one night, this fic is so so soooo good !!!!! please update soon <3
Starlight-Kenjumma #2
Chapter 15: Hi I'm a new reader and I just want to say that this story is really good ^-^ thank you for this and please update soon ^_^♥
BookWormNerd #3
Chapter 15: *snickers* I love that some of the members were eavesdropping xD
Sneaky~ Sneaky~
rurutiaxx #4
Chapter 14: this is like so ing good!!!!
Chapter 14: new reader here, I'm in love with this story, it's so cute and it got me really curious for hyukbin and keo, stay well and waiting for an update
morgan47 #6
Chapter 14: Definitely worth the wait!
Chapter 14: So happy for the update ^^
Chapter 13: Owww keo so sweet i just cant! Omg! Hongbin how dare u hurt hyuk. Hopefully the will find hyuk faster.
melii96 #9
Please update on hyukie
Chapter 13: I enjoyed reading this, I really like the flow of the story and the unique relationship between them. The only complaint (which isn't really a complaint) are Jaehwan'g long monologues (in the last chapter and once before too). I understand they were meant to be so blunt, but I simply can't imagine anyone saying those things out loud, and all at once. XD

Hyuk's personality was spot-on, and Hongbin is thick-headed as usual. XD Ken had to deal with Leo's boundaries, but Hyuk's boundary seems to be age. I wonder what will happen between them next...