
Approaching A Lion

“Ya, Jung Taekwoon! Don’t walk away from me! Get back here right now!” Ken could rip out his hair, damn the stubbornness of Leo. The other made no move to come back, he carried on walking. They were standing on the road outside of the studio, it was raining and Leo was walking determined in the direction of their home. Ken standing at the door currently very torn and confused.
It had been a few months into their relationship and things were going brilliantly, now it was a new era: Eternity. They all loved the song and recording it had been so much fun, the fans were going to love it. However, now it was the stylists turn, and it had been very apparent they had been very hesitant to show their concept, with encouragement from the members however they introduced the hairstyles. The surprise Leo received, at the concept of him with blonde hair, had put him into a state of shock, which had rendered him unresponsive for a couple of hours. Concerned N and Ken had moved the hair day to a later appointment, to make sure the other vocal was still alive at all. With lots of convincing, and the companies director have a talk with him, Leo had to bow to the wish of the many.
Secretly, everyone was anticipating seeing Leo with blonde hair, even Inguk came by to the hairdressing appointment. Needless to say it took multiple people to hold the singer down, as he saw the crowd that had formed, only with Ken holding his hand had he decided to accept his fate. No one said a thing but watched intently, Ken sitting right next to him and kept him company as the hair products did their magic. All the while Leo was very quiet.
Finally after a good time, the hairdresser came to wash his hair. Like a stubborn child, Leo had refused to let go of Ken’s hand and it had been quite an act to get him to the sinks, Ken however didn’t stray from his side and from what he saw it was gorgeous. As the hairdresser finished, she rubbed the singers hair, Ken couldn’t breathe he was anticipating it so much. Then Leo sat up and he gasped, frightening Leo, “Aigo, sweetie… you’re blonde!” Leo had punched him in the shoulder for the comment, but the small smile playing on the lips let Ken know he had taken some of the lions nervousness away. Ken squeezed his hand reassuringly, the plan was to get it blow dried right here at the sinks before presenting it to the crowd that had formed outside.
The hairdresser was good at what she did and within a show time she was done, Ken couldn’t peel his eyes from the other. Leo raised an eyebrow, tilting his head before tilting it the other way, silently asking for an opinion. Having a good sense, the hairdresser had disappeared as soon as she had put the finishing touches in his hair. Ken couldn’t resist, it seemed surreal the earlier black haired lion of his was now blonde, he reached out with one hand and touched Leo’s new hair.
It was still a bit damp and didn’t feel any different but it sure looked it! “We… we might have to shave your head-“ Ken couldn’t stop laughing at how Leo’s face dropped, “No, Leo!” The newly blonde singer stuck out his tongue and pouted. “I’m just pulling your leg, sweetie-“that had become Ken’s favorite name for Leo as their relationship grew, “I’m just so amazed, you look so beautiful, I need to joke about it for I might fall for you again!” That made the other blush, it was now almost impossible to hide those red cheeks, next to the platinum blonde.  Silently, looking around Ken went and stole a kiss of his gorgeous boyfriend, “I don't mind if I fall for you a thoasand times." Leo smiled and kissed him lovingly. "Come on, I think some people want to see you…” Leo rolled his eyes, and Ken could have sworn he heard him mumble something along the lines of “Some people have a serious death wish…”
As they stepped out in the foyer of the hairdresser they were overwhelmed at the amount of people there, apparently all the staff at the salon, the director, all of Vixx, Inguk and some of their cordi’s had come to see Leo’s new look. There was just silence at the sight of the singer, Ken was a step behind him smiling like a proud mother, whilst his ‘child’ was glaring at everyone, daring them to say something. “Woohoo!” N cheered, breaking the silence, which was the sign, everyone was clapping and nodding their heads, Ken’s smile grew even wider, good, Leo didn’t have to kill anyone today.
Then after style change, it was time to start practicing, that’s when problems started. They had a new choreographer, a taller muscular teacher, which Ken, would like to point out, he hadn’t really noticed, if N hadn’t swooned over him after their introduction, which had lead to Ravi kicking N and a collective eye rolling from the rest. The teacher had simply laughed it off and gotten straight to the lesson. During the first few minutes he failed to notice that the teacher was always focusing on him individually a lot, it wasn’t anything special, since he wasn’t a natural at the dance thing, singing was his deal. So as the teacher came over to personally correct him for the third time within ten minutes, he still hadn’t noticed anything wrong.
Only as N aegyoed, “Teaach, pay attention to us too!” did he realize something was fishy. He had looked up surprised, the teacher smirking at him, what? He hadn’t understood it. For the rest of the session he worked even harder, thinking it had simply due to him being so incapable. It didn’t end there, at the end of the session the teacher had come straight to him, before he had even a chance to move and was smiling down at him, “Well, Ken, maybe you should consider coming in later… you have a lot to work on…” Innocent as he was Ken answered, “Sorry, teacher but I got vocal practice today! I’ll work harder next time-“ There was suddenly a tight grip on his arm and as he looked, he saw a clearly angered Leo. “Ya, wha-“ “We.need.to.go” the other vocal managed to growl through gritted teeth, the teacher’s eyes narrowed, “I think you’re hurting him-“ That made Leo bristle visibly, his gaze turning deadly before he his heal and stalked out, dragging a very bewildered Ken after him.
“Hey, so what did Mr hottie want from you?” N asked as the pair entered the car, earning another punishment from Ravi. “Mr hottie? Erm, he wanted me to stay behind and practice more…” Ken replied, innocent as ever. There was silence, everyone in the car staring at him, save Leo, who was scowling and aggressively flipping through the songs on his iPod. “What?” the vocal was really confused. “You can’t be so stupid, hyung!” Hyuk exclaimed, he couldn’t believe the other, it was obvious as night as day the way the other had looked at Ken, moving him into the ‘right’ positions even though the vocal wasn’t that far off. Touching him at every chance he got! How could Ken now see that?!
Ken blinked, “I really don’t understand! So, I did a few mistakes and he helped me! What’s wrong with that?” N threw his hands up in exasperation, “You have got to be kidding me! Ken! You’re not that stupid are you?! That guy wants you more than Hyuk wants ice cream on a sunny day! Hell, we only know him a few hours and he looked at your arse six times and asked you to stay behind-“ Leo’s fist was in the seat right next to N’s head, the leader’s life flashed before his eyes before he turned around and yelled at the other, Leo going back to agressively listening to his music. Ken looked at them only more confused. What? Looked at his ? Huh? But he had only wanted to help him with the dance, what was he talking about? What was up with Leo?
“I’m not sure, what you guys mean…but I am sure you’re mistaken!” He stammered, everyone looking at him, including Leo, they all realized that Ken just couldn’t see what they saw. He was just so innocent. As the manager started driving, N leaned back, making sure no one else could here, “Ken, just be careful… Leo is well… I don’t think Leo can handle it well if the teacher carries on what he is doing… just watch out, kay?” Ken immediately looked at Leo, nothing seemed off, or so anyone would think, but Ken saw he clutched his iPod tighter and his lips were in a deeper frown then usual. , something was up. He nodded to the leader, “I’ll pay more attention!” That night after he got home from vocal training, Ken had apologized to Leo, still unsure what had upset the other, and the lion had silently let him into the bed, before wrapping him in his arms so tight, all the air fled out of Ken’s lungs. After that new death experience, Ken had stuck out his tongue at the other before lovingly kissing him and they went to sleep.

They next day however, Mr Hottie hadn’t changed; only this time Ken paid more attention. He didn’t see how bad it was, but he definitely saw that the teacher tended more to him and went about completely ignoring Leo. Was that because the lion had dragged him away so harshly, yesterday? Ken couldn’t really figure it out; of course the answer was plain as night and day, it was exactly because of that. The way he saw it, it was really just a case of him not being able to do the choreography, it was a lot of position changes and he couldn’t keep up. So in the end the teacher, personally always came up to him and gently moved him to the correct position. It didn’t go unnoticed that Leo’s face was going darker and darker and with only half an hour to go N called off the practice, immediately frog marching Leo, with Ravi’s help, out of the room, before he could murder a certain someone.

Hyuk eyed the teacher warily, as he went straight up to Ken again, talking about positioning and if he needed help. This was all wrong, it was meant to be Ken and Leo not Ken and this person! The maknae had supported his hyungs in silence during the duration of their relationship, being their secret keeper he hadn’t told a soul. They had become his rock, for all his emotions before had been to wild and out of control, seeing them helped him build up his confidence and strength, they gave him hope to someday face his own greatest fear, the one he loved.
He wasn’t about to let some wannebe hot guy take that away from him, he put on his biggest smile and went to the two chatting in the middle of the room. Naturally putting an arm around Ken, he grinned at the teacher, “Ya, our Kendy, he’ll get it in no time! No worries! But we really have to get going, Ken the director said he’d skin you if you came late to the radio show!” The teacher didn’t mirror his smile and had to watch as the maknae guided a once again confused Ken out of the room. Hongbin met them at the door and helped the youngest get the other to the car, they sat there waiting for the other three.
Meanwhile in the bathroom, “Leo, Ken can’t do anything about it!” “I know!” thud, the vocal struck the wall for the nth time since they had gotten to the bathroom, the leader wincing at the sight. “Please don’t kill the teacher, he knows what he is doing-“ thus, N great choice of words… “He is good at the dance!”

Ravi was standing watch at the door turned and added, “Leo, I know it is hard but in all honesty, Ken only has eyes for you so there is nothing for you to worry about!” Leo went to the sink, he sighed, he wasn’t frustrated at Ken or the teacher, he was frustrated at himself, he knew this, he knew that Ken was his!

But, but, but, he also knew what he had seen in the practice session. Dammit, he splashed some cold water on his face, stupid teacher. N and Ravi watched him, concerned looks on their faces, it had really been a close call, Leo had look like he was ready to rip the other’s head off. “Maybe you should take a break, kay? Tomorrow, clear your head…” N suggested, Leo didn’t react, that was an option. He trusted Ken and coudln't stand the thought of having to see that teacher, so maybe he should just take a day off, “I’ll do it… but tell me if anything happens…” Ravi and N looked at one another, silently making an agreement, before nodding simontaniously.
With that the three headed to the car, Leo acting hard like nothing was wrong and Ken instantly seeing through it. That night they simply lay side by side, Ken holding Leo’s hand in his, like he had done so often, a sign of reassurance.

The next day Ken was surprised to see Leo going off to extra vocal lessons and not to the practice. Strange, the teacher seemed even happier than usual, “We have a new move today!” Ah, that is probably why he was so happy. “It is at the ‘ooooh’ part,  we’re going to do some body waves!” All of the members tilter their head, what? Had they just heard correctly? N and Hongbin then broke into bright smiles and started cheering together. Hyuk groaned, he wasn’t as flexible as N or Hongbin, this was going to be tough. Ravi just had a hand covering his face, obviously rolling his eyes, whilst Ken just smiled watching them all. Leo would have had the teacher’s skin.
“Let’s get started! “ with that they began, and it all went horribly wrong at first, N was doing far to much, whilst Hyuk was far to shy. The teacher gave everyone then stretching exercised to ‘warm up’. He sneakily partnered himself with unaware Ken, N and Ravi shooting him a concerned look. “Now stretch!” Ken groaned as the teacher tried pulling him: they were sitting, legs straight in front of them, holding hands and he was ‘suppose’ to touch his toes. It wasn’t going to happen. “Mercy! Can’t! My legs!” Ken managed and the teacher laughed at his pain, making Ken glare at him. That was the cue for the teacher to let go, he reached over and patted the sore vocal on his back, a sorry look on his face. “Well, Ken, that is absolutely devastating! We might need to do some stretching before practice together…” lucky for the teacher, N was too busy, trying to get Ravi to stretch that he missed it, but Hyuk had heard it all. Ken couldn’t possibly, what was he nodding?! Hyuk abruptly let go of Hongbin and since he had been pulling him, the other snapped back after there was nothing holding him there, “Ow!” The maknae gasped and leapt up to see if he had broken his hyung, thankfully there was just a lot of and nothing really hurt.
After more stretching and more touching on the teacher’s side, they tried the movement again, this time much better and in synch. However, Hyuk didn’t like how close the teach was standing to Ken; even N noticed it this time, making him glare at the not Leo person. They got it done really well, the teacher clapping at their hard work, Ken smiled brightly, “I’ll show Leo the moves, since he missed it today!” The teacher’s clapping stopped immediately, and an odd look grew on his face, Ken thought it was anger, but nah, why would the teacher be angry. Still smiling, he followed the rest of his band out to the car, not before quickly dashing to the bathroom, Hyuk followed him.
“Hyung, you can’t be serious about meeting the teacher?!” The maknae couldn’t keep it in,  Ken started in fright, “Ya, Hyuk! Don’t scare me like that? What are you talking about?” “You agreed to go to practice earlier!” “Ah that, I am obviously no good at flexibility, it is very sweet of him to offer that-“

“You can’t be serious, he wants you can’t you see!?” Ken’s smile faded, “Don’t you start with that too!” Hyuk faltered, Ken was… really upset. “N and Ravi tried telling me that too, it is complete rubbish! You guys keep going on about, he wants me, he looks at my ! But that just isn’t true! Stop doing that! He is just a nice guy and he just wants to help me!!”

 The maknae didn’t understand the world anymore, “But! Leo-“ “Don’t start that, Hyuk! I don’t get what Leo has against him either! He just-he gets so jealous! That idiot! I really need to talk to him. This cannot go on like this!! Argh! I need some fresh air! I’m walking!! Don't wait for me!!” Ken stormed off, leaving a perplex Hyuk behind. What had just happened? That can’t have just happened? ... can it?
He couldn’t move, no, no, no no no. Leo and Ken, it ‘cannot go on like this’? No, they can’t… but … ah… right

what say did he have in their relationship? , they were his role models, he had only wanted to help…
As he looked up into the mirror, he was shocked to see he had tears in his eyes. Ah, Hyuk, he told himself, pull yourself together, things will just go back to how they were before Leo and Ken... relationships just aren’t meant to be. Who were you kidding? You in a relationship? The maknae smiled, such rubbish. He then wildly scrubbed his eyes, before dashing to the van, everyone was getting impatient already.
That night, Ken slept alone in the bed; Leo hadn’t come back. At that moment however, Ken was so upset, he hadn’t even noticed.
Early the next day he smsed the teacher through his manager, about when and where he should go for the extra lessons. The two of them, manager and Ken, were mildly surprised about the quick response: Practice room, half an hour.

As he got there, it was really empty, well it was morning, not many people come here so early. He got to the practice room and started a few of his own warm ups. His mind was a lot calmer than yesterday, he’d decided to talk to the teacher, set things straight. Tell him, what the other’s had said and then they’d have a laugh about it and he could go back to Leo and everything would be fine. He smiled, as the teacher entered the room, strange, those weren’t his usual training stuff. Ken saw he was wearing a skin tight t-shirt, something at the back of his mind commented, how uncomfortable it must be to dance in that. And was his hair styled differently, Ken wasn’t sure, he hadn’t really paid attention to the teacher, so he wouldn’t really know.
“Let’s get started?” he chirped happily as the other got closer. All he got was a nod and a smile, strange… anyway. They did the same stretch routine as the other time, pull, pull. Bend. Bend. “Oh, Ken do it properly like this!” the teacher reached out his arm and elegantly swung it over his head, elegantly bending his waist, Ken shook his head. Pig would fly before he could do that. The teacher took then a step closer to him, barely half a meter at his side now, strange “Try it…” Eyes rolling, Ken tried mimicking what he had just seen, the teacher laughing at the sight. Wait, Ken’s nose twitched, was that perfume? Strange, maybe teacher was going to see some one later.
“Now, teacher, I think we need to talk about something, I mean-“ “Yes, I know, your dancing!” huh, Ken blinked, what? “Well, you want extra dancing lessons, right? You don’t want to bring the team down… that is why you asked for this correct?” Ken just stared, well, wait? He was bringing the team down??

Before he could react, he felt a piece of paper being pressed into his hand. “Here is my number! Call about the extra lessons, kay? Now we got to try some of the moves, we'll chat some some time then about extra lessons, okay?” Ken nodded, not really sure what to say, he went to put the paper away and the teacher went to the stereo.So, he had been right all along, the other’s were so stupid.

The vocal made his way back to the middle, the song starting just before one of his solos, it had been difficult for him to dance his.

But he had been right, the teacher just wanted to help him. He was just being helpful, trust the other’s to put strange things in his head!
Suddenly he was ripped out his thoughts as he felt a pair of hands on his hips, and those were not the familiar hands of Leo, oh no. “At your part you can really exadurate, kay Ken?-” The teacher’s voice was right next to his ear, he could feel his breathe on his neck! He was standing far to close!! “-And really put your hands here, it dramatizes this part!” Suddenly those unfamiliar hands moved from his hips all the way up to his chest. It wasn't right! Ken jumped in fright, at the same time he heard the door slam shut, what was that? It hadn’t even been open!
The teacher sighed, “Looks like twinkle toes just woke up…” Ken blinked, wait! No, no, no, it was coming back to him. Let hadn't come back home last night. When Leo worked late, he sometime slept in the practice room. As he had come in this morning, those pile of clothes on the sofa… they hadn’t been a pile of clo-

“Ya, Jung Taekwoon!” he ripped himself from the teacher’s grip and ran to the door. Not before stopping in the doorframe and glaring at the dancer, “And you! Don’t you ever dare touch me like that again! I thought you were just trying to help!!” Without a further glance back, he turned and ran after what he was now certain was Leo. As he got to the main door, it had started to rain and sure enough, he saw familiar blonde hair stalking away in the rain, “Ya, Jung Taekwoon! Don’t walk away from me! Get back here right now!”

Suddenly the company car appeared before him and the rest of the members jumped out, N saw his distressed look, “What’s wrong?!” Ken ignored him and started after the fading figure of Leo, “Get back here! Leo!” “Wait, Ken!” the manager stopped him, “You can’t go! Just got a call from the director, he is really angry and wants to see you pronto!” Ken, their lovable Ken, looked like he was going to have a breakdown right there and then, N and Ravi sprung into action as his legs gave away. With one at each side, he let himself be guided back in, “N… you … you were right… the teacher… Leo saw…” With that the others knew exactly what had happened.

Hyuk had stopped in his tracks, it was over.

Ken and Leo… it was over!

The whole night he had been mentally preparing for any scenario that could have happened. But now it was really happening and he couldn’t accept it. He turned and ran out into the rain, in the general direction where he had seen Leo walk, this cannot end like this.

Shocked, Hongbin immediately took after him, “Hyuk, get back here! You’ll get soaked!” 

The maknae couldn’t hear him; it was now, raining cats and dogs, the sun shone through the rain making it difficult to recognize anything but Hyuk kept running. He couldn’t let them end like this, so many relationships ended like this but theirs wasn’t allowed to end like this!!
Without knowing it, he now had tears accompanying the rain running down his face, running wilding, no umbrella and a distant voice calling him from behind.

He ran and ran.

For a long time, and no sign of the blonde vocal anywhere; he tried many roads and looked in many parks nothing, a bit behind him Hongbin watched, after realizing that his calls had been futile he had taken to silently following the maknae.

After an hour search he saw Hyuk flop down on a bench in a park and he sprung into action. “There there, no need to cry…” Hongbin had his jacket around the younger one in a blink of an eye, “Look, Ken and Leo are grown men, they can figure things out by themselves...

It’ll be okay…”

Gladly would Hyuk have nodded and said, “Why yes, hyung! Sure everything will be okay!”

But now it had been a few years of emotional turbulences and tjen Ken and Leo had been the first stability and hope in his situation.

So instead of nodding, he broke into tears, everything was going to end now. What was the point? Why hide? It had been such a difficult feat, hiding… he sobbed. He couldn’t do this anymore!

“Will it, hyung?” He sniffed, “Will everything 'be okay'? Has everything ever 'been okay'?” Hongbin remained silent, Hyuk could hardly talk, for all the tears running down his face. He had never seen the younger so devastated, this must be something big. As the good hyung he was, he reached out and in an attempt to put an arm around the younger-

“Don’t to that!” Hyuk shook him off, “Don’t do that, it makes me think... it makes me think things could be okay!

But they can’t, can they?!”

The maknae glared at him, the tears still pouring out of his face, Hongbin waited. “You- you- you let me think…things are okay,” now Hyuk was speaking more quietly, “You wrap your arm around me… you … you take care of me… but you … for you …”

There was a pause, before the younger looked up, “You think everything is okay, that everything will be fine for your little dongsaeng.

That is what you call me right?” Hongbin watched as Hyuk took a deep breath, steadying his voice, which had been shaking a bit, “You… you never considered that things weren’t okay for me? All these years?” The usually smiling member of Vixx didn’t know how to reply, his dongsaeng- wait… Hyuk had spoken that name with such disgust in his voice- Hyuk… seemed really upset. 

“You never once even considered me more than a dongsaeng did you?” Hyuk was looking him  straight in the eye, accusation flaring in them. Hongbin opened his mouth but then had to shut it, he didn’t understand, “More than a dongsaeng?”

Hyuk’s eyes darkened, “See? All these years, you’ve taken care of me as your ‘dongsaeng’

... and you fail to notice that I love you?!”

Now, Hongbin was taken back, Hyuk ‘loved’ him.

There was silence. ‘Love’ rung through Hongbin’s head.


“ Hyuk… ‘Love’? You are but a child… what do you know of love? Don’t say those things; did Ken and Leo get your head mixed up?” Hongbin, smiled at the other, it was impossible. Hyuk loving him? Yeah right. This had to be a joke or he was probably just having a late hormone thing going on. “You shouldn’t joke about those things, kay?”

There was just silence following what Hongbin had said and as he looked up, Hyuk had lost all the colour in his face and his tears had stopped.
“Hyuk, you look-“ Hongbin started alarmedt, “Don’t ever speak to me again!” Hongbin faltered, the younger was speaking so softly but the words were so clear. What?
Then, with all the energy he could muster, Hyuk got up from the bench, Hongbin's jacket slipping from his shoulder, then slowly, his legs threatening to give way, he started to walked away.

His world had just been smashed into little shards of glass and now Hongbin had just merrily trampled apon them. Just keep walking, he told himself. One step, another step.Everything, he had put everything on the line! One step after another, just keep walking. Leo and Ken, they loved each other, they knew it! But no, he was a child- careful, one of his feet almost didn't listen. One step, another one, he chanted in his mind, almost.around.the.corner. Why had he done that? All those years of sealing his heart from Hongbin, why had he thought now was the right time to open it?
He had just made it around the corner, and on cue his legs gave away, falling to the floor the maknae of Vixx didn’t even make the effort of trying to get back up, what was the point. He rested his back against the wall of some building. The floor was wet, the sun was up and yet Hyuk had nothing to be happy about. 

A/N: long long long long long, chapter ermagerd, hope you like it ... well... then again ...//guilty// but I still hope you like it... had to look at the practice video for eternity for 'research' //cough//cough//cough// no who am I kidding, just HAD to look at the body wave again! It will be having another cameo soon *-* 

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Chapter 14: GDI i read all the chapters in one night, this fic is so so soooo good !!!!! please update soon <3
Starlight-Kenjumma #2
Chapter 15: Hi I'm a new reader and I just want to say that this story is really good ^-^ thank you for this and please update soon ^_^♥
BookWormNerd #3
Chapter 15: *snickers* I love that some of the members were eavesdropping xD
Sneaky~ Sneaky~
rurutiaxx #4
Chapter 14: this is like so ing good!!!!
Chapter 14: new reader here, I'm in love with this story, it's so cute and it got me really curious for hyukbin and keo, stay well and waiting for an update
morgan47 #6
Chapter 14: Definitely worth the wait!
Chapter 14: So happy for the update ^^
Chapter 13: Owww keo so sweet i just cant! Omg! Hongbin how dare u hurt hyuk. Hopefully the will find hyuk faster.
melii96 #9
Please update on hyukie
Chapter 13: I enjoyed reading this, I really like the flow of the story and the unique relationship between them. The only complaint (which isn't really a complaint) are Jaehwan'g long monologues (in the last chapter and once before too). I understand they were meant to be so blunt, but I simply can't imagine anyone saying those things out loud, and all at once. XD

Hyuk's personality was spot-on, and Hongbin is thick-headed as usual. XD Ken had to deal with Leo's boundaries, but Hyuk's boundary seems to be age. I wonder what will happen between them next...