Chapter 9.

[HIATUS] Complications


It’s been two weeks since the big “get together”. Jaejoong oppa and I grew a lot closer. We were more comfortable around each other. After all, we did have to live under the same roof and share the same bathroom... well, everything.

“Jihuynnie..... listen, I know you’re probably already going to be used to this from Taeminnie, but I’m not going to be home often anymore because we’re recording a new album.” Jaejoong oppa said, as we both sat down in the living room to talk.

“Ne, I understand. Don’t worry oppa, I’ll be fine here. And I won’t steal anything...” I joked and smiled reassuringly.

He smiled. “I hope not. Well, I’m giving you an option. You can stay here, or you can go back to your house. Taeminnie said that he would be home more often because he didn’t have any individual schedules. What do you think?”

I thought for a while. If I moved into my old house, I’d have to pack everything again... and I wouldn’t see Jaejoong oppa for a long while. We had grown so close I felt that we were actually related. Even more than Taeminnie oppa.... but don’t tell him that. But if I did move back... I could get closer with Taeminnie oppa.... and then have him leave again.

“Oppa, is it alright if I stay here? I don’t feel like packing and all that...”

“Ne~ Of course~ You can do whatever. Listen, I have to go now. I’m meeting Junsu and Yoochunnie to talk about the album. I’ll be back later, arasseo?”


“...And if I come home later, don’t stay up waiting for me. If you do, I’ll get my revenge on you tomorrow. Arasseo?”

Oppa’s revenges were scary.... he would tickle you until you...die, splash cold water on you in the morning...

“N-Ne....I got it....”

He giggled at my stuttering. He stood up and started to head to the door.

“Wait! Oppa, where’s my hug?” I pouted unintentionally.

“Aish, don’t do that to me... I can’t live.” He hugged me tightly and ruffled my hair. “Remember what I said~” He sang, and left.

I sighed. Eotteokhae? WAIT. I rushed to the nearest calendar. August 3rd. OMG. INFINITE’S NEW MUSIC VIDEO IS GOING TO BE RELEASED SOON~

I rushed upstairs and my laptop. I waited impatiently as it started to load Chrome. I went to put my phone on ‘Vibrate Only’, just in case oppa called. I quickly went to Wooliment’s channel. I gasped. IT WAS ON~~~~

I quickly clicked it, not able to wait until I could see them again... well through the computer screen. All of a sudden, ‘She’s Back’ blasted throughout my room.

I squealed every time I saw L and Sungyeol. THEY WERE SO CUTE~ Well, they were all cute, but L and Sungyeol were my favourite. Of INFINITE at least.... on my bias list, they were 2nd and 3rd. THAT REMINDED ME. Before my heart could get captured fully by L.... I quickly typed in another MV.

Only his breathing sounds could be heard. After a few beats, I started to sing along.

“Somebody nugunga nareul jom mallyeo jwoyo~ Eotteokhae ireokhae dang halsuga inayo~”

When the chorus came, I shot up off my bed and started dancing to it.

GIVE IT TO MY Y~~~~~~~ LISTEN TO MY Y~~~~~~~

I was so into it, that I didn’t notice my phone vibrating until I saw it moving closer to the edge of the bed. I quickly grabbed it and answered it, forgetting that MBLAQ was being blasted.



I paused the video. “Mianhe oppa, what did you say?”

“....Aish, this dongsaeng. What happened to SHINee? Did you move on already??” I could already imagine his pout on the phone....

“....I.....moved on from SHINee... a long time ago...” I answered carefully... I think.


“I moved on from SHINee a long time ago...” repeating myself more clearly.

“....Then why’d you keep your ringtone as Lucifer?”

.....This oppa is a babo.... “Because you told me to..... and I didn’t want to face your aegyo....”

“Oohhh. So you like MBLAQ?” Oppa said a little too casually.



.... He really needs to stop hanging up the phone on me... and he always bugs me about not saying ‘Saranghaeyo’ to him.


After 5 hours of basically replaying the ‘She's Back’ MV, I closed my laptop and looked over at my phone. 11:34PM.

Ooohhhh, Jaejoong oppa’s not going to be happy.

I quickly ran down to the kitchen to get something to eat, just so he didn’t nag me about not eating. I made instant ramen and ate at the island. I looked outside the window. I could see a few cars passing by, being in the spotlight from the streetlights. I thought I saw Jaejoong oppa’s car for a second, but it passed by the house. I continued eating, thoughts going in and out of my mind.

The doorbell went off. I looked towards the driveway. No car. Jaejoong oppa wouldn’t ring the doorbell in the first place… I turned off the lights and hid behind the island. I couldn’t make a run for the stairs because I would’ve been caught. I quickly texted Jaejoong oppa.

“From: Jihyunnie ^^

     Oppa…. There’s someone at the door ringing the bell. Eotteokhae??? I’m behind the island….”

The doorbell went off again. I could see a head looking through the window because of the shadows from the streetlights. My phone suddenly vibrated.

“From: Jaejoong oppa~♡   

    Jihyunnie~ Don’t be scared. I’m coming home. I’ll be there soon. Don’t open the doors. Just stay right there.”

I sat down on the ground, my back facing the island. The person kept looking through the window. Didn’t this guy or girl already get that no one was home… It’s been 3 minutes. I was a little irritated. But what if he saw the lights go off in the kitchen? I was scared…. I hope Jaejoong oppa was going to come home soon….

I suddenly heard shouting outside the door. I looked towards the driveway to see that Jaejoong oppa’s car was back. I tried to hear what they were saying, but I was too far away. I just stayed behind the island, trying to get my bowl of ramen on the countertop just to be interrupted by my phone.

“From: Jaejoong oppa~♡  

    Jihyunnie make a run for the stairs now and take your phone with you text me when you get up and make sure you lock the door”

I followed his instructions and dashed up to my room, locking the door. I quickly texted him that I was in my room and fell back onto my bed. I put my phone on silent, in case something was happening downstairs.

“From: Jaejoong oppa~♡  

  Arasseo, thanks Jihyun. Mianhe, a reporter came and wanted to ask me about our upcoming album… please sleep first… and try not to make a lot of noise when you use the bathroom >< the reporter might get suspicious.”

....Why would a reporter come THIS late? It was about 12AM in the morning… or is that reporter just trying to get some stuff out of a tired Jaejoong oppa? Maybe some of Jaejoong oppa’s reactions when he’s tired… but Jaejoong oppa wouldn’t show it. I know it.

My phone suddenly started vibrating again…


   Jihyunnie~ What are you doing?? ^^ I miss you~ I might come to visit you tomorrow~~~ Have a good sleep~ Love you<3”

…Something was a bit off in this text. He was usually….more happy? Maybe he was just tired….

“From: Jihyunnie ^^

   Oppa~<3 I’m lying in bed…tired . A reporter’s downstairs with Jaejoong oppa…. Oppa, do reporters usually come this late to celebrities’ houses??”


   Jihyunnie sleep then… don’t ruin your beautiful face~ Get some “beauty sleep” as Key hyung would say kekekeke. And ani…. that’s unusual. They aren’t allowed to go to celebrities’ houses as far as I know…. But then again, Jaejoong hyung’s been working longer than me so molla-yo.”

“From: Jihyunnie ^^

   ……..okay…. I guess I’ll get some “beauty sleep”…… and oh…. I see…. Well I’m going to get some sleep, good night oppa~<33333 Saranghaeyo~”

I turned off my phone. I tried as quietly as I could to brush my teeth and get ready for sleep. I went over to the door to try and hear what they were talking about. That failed, because I could only hear mumbles.

I turned off the lights and went to bed. I made a note to self: Ask Jaejoong oppa about reporters tomorrow….. well, in a couple of hours.

I fell asleep peacefully, not knowing what was going downstairs.


*Jaejoong’s POV*

Goodness, when was this reporter going to leave? Why’d he even come in the first place…. Sure, reporters came to my house often, but not at MIDNIGHT…. And not when Jihyun was here. I hope she was alright upstairs….. I felt bad for trapping her in her bedroom and the bathroom.

“Jaejoong-sshi, did you hear that noise?”

I snapped my attention back to him. “What noise?”

“It sounded like someone was walking upstairs… maybe we should go see.” He started to get up, but I waved him to sit back down.

“Oh no, it’s okay. Just continue with your questions please. I’ll check later.” What if he wrote about this in the article? I started to panic inside, but kept my posture.

“Arasseo….Jaejoong-sshi, just one last question. It isn’t about your album, but how does it feel living in a big house all by yourself?”

I froze. I tried to think about what it felt like before Jihyun came, but I could only remember loneliness.

“Well, I wasn’t home very often. I’d usually go out with Junsu and Yoochun, so I wouldn’t really know. I can’t remember since I’ve been out more often now, preparing for the album.” I replied carefully, hoping that the answer didn’t give any suspicions.

“….Alright, Jaejoong-sshi, thank you very much. Sorry for coming at such a late time, but I wasn’t sure if you’d be home earlier.” He got up and started to head for the door.

“It’s alright. Thank you for coming.” He left and I closed the door, sighing. Stupid reporter. He’s probably going to write about hearing sounds from upstairs… they’d do anything to get more money. Frustrated, I turned off the lights and went upstairs. I checked on Jihyun. She was sleeping peacefully. I felt bad for giving her all this trouble…. Not being able to go outside…. Hiding from everyone…..

I hoped this wouldn’t get out of hand. I didn’t want to trap her and take away her freedom.

Please, don’t let this get any worse.


…..But it was already too late to be saying that.

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Done 3 chapters :)


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obsessedwithkpop #1
Why are you such a good writer, dude >.< Please update <3
Thank you~ ^^ I'll try haha.
-mesmerized #3
Nicee >__^<3 (the story & the title<3) update ^,^
-mesmerized #4
kyaa x33 ~ ♥ updatee ! & Key's jealousy ♥♥♥
:3 hehe.
obsessedwithkpop #6
I don't like Sulli >.> Update~
Thank you~ ^^ <3
Love it! keep up the great work! please update soon! :D
Thank you~ ^^
obsessedwithkpop #10
Sounds good, please update~ :)