Chapter 3.

[HIATUS] Complications
A/N: From now til the few last chapters is a flashback of what happened that caused Jihyun to leave. Sorry if it's confusing! Enjoy~ ^^
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   It was a year ago. Mom told me that I was going to meet my brother for the first time after 4 years.... 


  My brother had left 4 years ago, when I was 11. I can't remember what he left for.... but we lost all contact with him. At least, that's what I thought. How my mom got in contact with him, I have no idea. But then again... she IS the CEO of the biggest company in North America and South Korea, so that's pretty understandable. It's also understandable how she'd be able to get me a ticket to Korea a few days later.... but wait. It was a one way trip?

   Now was the time when I had to start panicking. I had forgotten a lot of my Korean. But it shouldn't really be a problem.... I was quarter Korean and Japanese from my dad, and a quarter Chinese and Vietnamese from my mom. But obviously, I was Canadian, since I was born here and all that. So it shouldn't really be a problem.... I could just keep talking to my dad in Korean whenever he was available, and I guess I could crack open a few books and go online. My mom also knew that's not bad.


   It was finally the day I was going to leave Canada for who-knows-how-long. I couldn't tell my friends, otherwise they'd get suspicious. I didn't tell any of my friends who my parents were, or they'd take advantage of me/my money. So I had to just 'disappear' from school...

   My parents dropped me off at the airport. They couldn't come in for obvious reasons. Everyone knew they had 2 sons, but not a daughter. I hugged them goodbye and left with my suitcases. 

   I took one long look at the scenery before me. Highways everywhere, filled with cars, vans, and buses. The sky was a beautiful mix of pink and orange, as the sun was starting to set. I quickly ran inside and left for a different life in another country.



                                                                                      *Jihyun's Brother's POV*

  .... I can't believe my mom would do this!! She knew I was busy now. I had to practice! But then again, Lee Soo Man Sungsaenim allowed me to go, which is even more shocking. Well.... my mom IS pretty good at these things.... why am I even complaining in the first place? I'd get a little break... but I seriously needed to practice. Our comeback was in a couple of weeks.

   Oh yeah, my little sister's coming to visit me. When I say little, I don't mean like 4 years old. She's 15 now I'm pretty sure. It's been 4 years.... I wonder how she looks now. She probably doesn't even remember me. I hope she's my fan though, that'd be pretty awesome. But I'm pretty sure she'd be Key-biased....

   I stopped mid-thought and bolted to the living room to look for the time.. OMG! WE WERE GOING TO BE LATE!!! I looked at everyone. 


   They all looked at me and stood up to leave. I ran into my room together a disguise and a sign I made for my sister at the airport.... I checked the time again. 7:29AM. It was going to be a long day today.

...Wait a minute.... my mom never told me when my sister was going back to Canada. 

That could only mean.....

She wasn't going back any time soon.



I ran out the door. Now this... was going to be difficult. 

Oh boy.

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Done 3 chapters :)


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obsessedwithkpop #1
Why are you such a good writer, dude >.< Please update <3
Thank you~ ^^ I'll try haha.
-mesmerized #3
Nicee >__^<3 (the story & the title<3) update ^,^
-mesmerized #4
kyaa x33 ~ ♥ updatee ! & Key's jealousy ♥♥♥
:3 hehe.
obsessedwithkpop #6
I don't like Sulli >.> Update~
Thank you~ ^^ <3
Love it! keep up the great work! please update soon! :D
Thank you~ ^^
obsessedwithkpop #10
Sounds good, please update~ :)