Chapter 2.

[HIATUS] Complications


		"....Please don't forget, I am right here...."

   I slowly woke up. I thought to myself, 'Who could ever forget you Jaejoong...' but before I could get lost in thought, the silence was broken by the flight attendant at the front.
"We are shortly going to arrive in Alaska for a pit stop. Please buckle your seatbelts, pull up your trays and get ready for landing. We will be stopping for...."
   I blocked everything out as I focused on fixing everything. I shook the person beside me until she woke up and told her to put her seatbelt on. I looked out the window, and then at my phone. 11:37PM in Korea... so that means it's about 5:37AM in Alaska.... the day before.
"Ugh, I seriously hate this time differences! They're so confusing...."
I looked up beside me. The girl beside me was looking over at my phone's time.
"Oh... haha sorry I'm getting into your personal space again, aren't I..."
"Aniya, you aren't. It's fine, unnie." I replied, smiling at her.
   We had become friends on the long flight here. Her name was Chung Ae. She was a nice and beautiful girl with a powerful aura around her. She was a few months older than me too. It was sad that she was going to be staying in Alaska.
   I looked out the window again. We were getting close to land. The sun was rising beautifully, coming up and devouring the darkness. I closed the window and lay back into my seat. I could feel us dropping, so I just closed my eyes to get a little more shut eye before we landed.
"Hey, we're getting off now. Wake up." Chung Ae shook me lightly, but stopped when I slowly opened my eyes. Many people were standing up, and others being woken up flight attendants. I said thanks and started gathering my stuff. 
   Minutes later, I stepped off the plane, still talking with Chung Ae. We were exchanging numbers and such with each other before we separated. She gave me a hug and left, but not without turning around and yelling, "YOU BETTER E-MAIL ME OR WHATEVER WHEN YOU GET TO TORONTO~~!" with a huge smile on her face. I giggled silently and nodded, waving. She turned around and walked towards the exit.
   And now, I was alone again. I couldn't believe I got it this far. I processed everything that happened in the past few weeks in my mind after I got settled down with a drink and a sandwich. I sat at the farthest chair there was so no one could see me.
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Done 3 chapters :)


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obsessedwithkpop #1
Why are you such a good writer, dude >.< Please update <3
Thank you~ ^^ I'll try haha.
-mesmerized #3
Nicee >__^<3 (the story & the title<3) update ^,^
-mesmerized #4
kyaa x33 ~ ♥ updatee ! & Key's jealousy ♥♥♥
:3 hehe.
obsessedwithkpop #6
I don't like Sulli >.> Update~
Thank you~ ^^ <3
Love it! keep up the great work! please update soon! :D
Thank you~ ^^
obsessedwithkpop #10
Sounds good, please update~ :)