Chapter 4.

[HIATUS] Complications

*Jihyun's POV*

   Now, when I got my luggage and went out into the other section of the Incheon airport, what I didn't expect is seeing SHINee standing a few metres away from me. Even though they were in disguise, I could still recognize them. Afterall, I was a huge Shawol about 2 years ago. Taemin was holding a sign, but I couldn't really see what was written on it because he kept turning around, so I walked closer, forgetting I had to meet my brother.



*Jihyun's Brother's POV*

   I was constantly turning around, looking at the flights board to make sure I was at the right gate and looking around if I could recognize my sister. I forgot I was holding the sign, and whichever way I turned also.

"Yah, do you really think your sister's gonna be able to see the sign if you keep turning it around?? Babo."

I looked at my hyung and then the sign, which was facing the opposite direction of the gate. I laughed sheepishly, turned it the right way and just stood there, eyes scanning the crowd. My eyes shifted back a little. I saw a girl with her hair tied up into a messy ponytail with a plaid shirt and skinny jeans eyeing my sign. A hint of recognition hit me. She looked familiar... was she at a fan meeting or something? ...Wait,we didn't have a fan meeting in so long. How could I possibly recognize someone from one? Plus I barely remember fan's faces...I mean, I would love to, but there are just too many faces. She was probably some girl I saw on the street then.



*Jihyun's POV*


   I looked around me. Everyone was doing their own thing.... People didn't even notice what they were wearing.... black everything basically. Beanies/hats, shirts, jeans, shoes... how can you not be hot in that?! But then again, they were probably used to it...

   I looked back at the sign... but noticed Taemin first. Taemin was looking at me. Actually, not even looking, more like observing. Even though a fan would be squealing, I was kind of weirded out. It was so uncomfortable. I focused on the sign once again and started walking toward it to get an even better view. After a few steps, I could finally see what was on the sign. I looked around me. Still, no one noticed them.. Oh well, their loss. I focused on the sign. Ji.....Jih.....Jihyun? Wait.... that's my name..... but it could be another person too.... right...? 4Minute's leader maybe?

But then I remembered. Taemin's the son of Lee Eunhye.... who is also MY mom.

Oh my goodness.

I felt so stupid. How could I not remember who Taemin's mother was?


Taemin oppa, the cute maknae of SHINee, the aegyo king...

was my brother?



*Jihyun's Brother's POV* 

   That girl was still staring at me. She started to walk towards my direction.... I looked at my hyungs. MWOH? THEY DISAPPEARED...

"Uhm..... excuse me...."

I looked back around. The girl was now standing in front of me. She was a little shorter than me, but still pretty tall for her age..... well at least what I thought her age was. 

"Ne...?" I asked... what if she was just a fan? Omo... then I just got caught staring at a fan... this isn't good! What if she posts it onto a fan cafe or something? OMO, OR WHAT IF-

"You're looking for Lee Jihyun, right....?

"Yes...." I was still unsure of what she wanted. Was she my sister?

When I said yes, she just froze up. Her face was like 'O__________O;;' 

".........That's me." 


OMG I KNEW IT! EVEN THOUGH I HAD DOUBTS, I KNEW IT!! Celebration in my mind~~ Woot~!

I pulled her into a hug. You'd probably think, that's kinda awkward isn't it..... but I missed her!!! I don't care if she didn't remember me. I REMEMBERED HER AND I MISSED HER. The only thing that actually stopped me from going to Korea to train under SM was Jihyun..... but my mom said to go, so I left. I don't know why she wanted me to go though...

After a few seconds, I felt her arms encircle my waist. I hugged her even tighter. I never wanted to let go. 



"... You do know that if we got caught, your fans will kill me right? And you're also kinda choking me...."


I let go immediately. I didn't want to kill my sister.... but DANGIT, I seriously wanted to hug her. Why did I have to be famous again???



"..When are we going to go? I'm tired..."

"....Let's go look for hyungs and then we can go." I replid happily, took her hand, and started walking around the airport trying to find where the heck hyungs went....


*Jihyun's POV*


   I looked around the airport, but my mind was still on one thing. I couldn't believe it. Lee Taemin. My brother? Woow..... 


I looked up to see Taemin run to the rest of SHINee, who were coming our way. 


I blushed and looked down. Darn it Taemin..... if only you weren't older... I would've attacked you...

"Yeesyes, she's really pretty. We'll talk about that later. But we have to get back to the SM building... Sungsaemnim called and he has to talk to us." Onew replied, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

And so, we left the airport. SHINee and me. THE SHINee.

.... My life just became a little more difficult.

But who knew that this wasn't alll that was going to happen during my stay here...

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Done 3 chapters :)


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obsessedwithkpop #1
Why are you such a good writer, dude >.< Please update <3
Thank you~ ^^ I'll try haha.
-mesmerized #3
Nicee >__^<3 (the story & the title<3) update ^,^
-mesmerized #4
kyaa x33 ~ ♥ updatee ! & Key's jealousy ♥♥♥
:3 hehe.
obsessedwithkpop #6
I don't like Sulli >.> Update~
Thank you~ ^^ <3
Love it! keep up the great work! please update soon! :D
Thank you~ ^^
obsessedwithkpop #10
Sounds good, please update~ :)