Chapter 19.

[HIATUS] Complications


“Excuse m-“


I turned around to see 5 men, all dressed very casually with shades hiding their eyes, looking around the gift shop. They didn’t even seem to notice their fans screaming at the top of their lungs in the same small gift shop. I could see the store manager getting pretty mad, so I asked one of the guys that tapped my on the shoulder earlier if they could leave the shop. I tried to do it secretly behind a shelf, but got caught right away. I knew as soon as someone yelled out, “OH MY GOODNESS, WHO IS THAT GIRL? WHY IS SHE WHISPERING TO MY HYUKKIE? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!??!??!!” I covered my ears to prevent the other screams that followed when they directed their attention to me. I turned to look at Hyukkie oppa who had also been shocked by the outburst. All the others also turned around to face us too. I shook my head in an unnoticeable way at them. They immediately caught on and started to leave the store, which made me the open target for questions and answers from the fans.

I bowed to the store manager, apologizing for all the noise and ran out the door. I passed Eunhyuk oppa who was going to keep me with him, but let go of my shirt at the last minute to save myself and him from rumours, although I could imagine a few popping up about me being a mysterious girl in L.A that knew him. I ran until I stopped at a big mall that I’ve never seen. Great, if I never saw it, that probably meant I was lost.

My phone suddenly vibrated as I got a text. I opened it and it read,

“From: Hyukkie oppa :3

Jihyunnie~ you’re safe, right? Most of the fans followed us, but I saw a few running your way. Where are you?

From: Jihyunnie~<3

Hyukkie oppa~<33333 ^^ Ne, I’m safe~ I’m at some mall….. I don’t know where exactly ><; I think I’m lost….but I’ll find my way home. I’ll see you later~ Tell the other oppas I said hi~ ^^

I turned around to check for any fans, and there were actually a few studying me closely. I turned the other way immediately and started to walk, pretending that I didn’t notice them. I walked into the mall, hoping to lose them in the big crowd and also get a few souvenirs for the others. I tried to walk as fast as possible at the same time of looking in the store windows to look for anything interesting. Soon enough, I was pretty sure I lost them, and focused on getting everyone gifts.

Just when I finished shopping for the gifts and bought some new clothes for myself, I got a call from Key oppa saying I had to be back. I took the taxi home, since I didn’t want to get even more lost. As soon as the taxi stopped, I quickly paid, said thanks, and ran inside the hotel to the ninth floor.


We quickly boarded the plane. I was now sitting alone for the whole trip home? Why? Well, why don’t you ask Mr. I’m-so-in-love-with-her and his girlfriend snuggling with each other at the front of the plane? Then again, the good part is that I get more space for myself. As soon as we got high enough in the sky to take our seatbelts off and walk around, I positioned myself to occupy both chairs and tried to sleep. It was pretty cold because of the air conditioning, but I was too lazy to get up and get a blanket. I my iPod and drowned out everything that was happening around me.


*Key’s POV*

Awww, she looked so cute sleeping. But she also looked cold. I silently took a blanket and put it around her. She grabbed it to capture the warmth and turned to the other side. I quickly grabbed her arm gently to prevent her from falling. I asked for a pillow and hugged it, warming it up before placing her head on it. I smiled at her being content in her sleep.

“What are you doing?”

I looked up to see Yunho hyung. Okay, I’m guessing Jihyun’s close with Yunho hyung because he never comes back to talk to us….

“I was just getting a blanket and pillow for Jihyun, she looked cold. What are you doing here, hyung?”

“I was just going to check on Jihyun because I saw Taemin sitting with Sulli. I feel bad for Jihyun….. Taemin and her were so close but Taemin seems to be more distant now.”

I nodded, fully agreeing with him. I guess we weren’t the only ones who noticed. Well then again, Yunho hyung is pretty observant and the SM family is pretty close. Everyone probably knew then. Soon enough, Super Junior hyungs will probably come. I doubt Jessica will come though. She’ll probably think that Jihyun deserves it.

“Alright, since you’re watching over Jihyun, I’m gonna go back to my seat.”

“Arasseo, hyung.”

“Try not to take advantage of her.” He slightly joked and left.

Then it hit me. He knew too?!!? Am I seriously that obvious, Seriously, who else knew,? Maybe everyone knew… maybe that’s why Jessica was against Jihyun. But if I’m that obvious, why can’t Jihyun notice it too? Maybe she likes me but is too scared to tell me too? But if she liked me and she knew that I liked her… why wouldn’t she tell me?

Hyukkie hyung came up next, but stopped two seats before Jihyun’s. He noticed me standing there, watching over Jihyun. He smirked at me and gave me a thumbs up. My mouth dropped in shock. I mouthed to him, ‘How many people know??’ and he answered all of Super Junior hyungs, Yunho hyung, Changmin hyung, and a few SNSD members. Greaaat. If Jihyun knew too, life would be so much easier for me. Well, unless she didn’t like me.

I waved Hyukkie hyung over and told him to watch over Jihyun. I went back to my seat and started to think of ways for Jihyun to like me and find ways to make her know that I like her.


*Jihyun’s POV*

I woke up to see Kyuhyun oppa sleeping peacefully beside me and automatically smiled at how cute he looked. I took my phone out and took a quick picture for memories. I looked down to see my legs on his lap. No wonder it was so comfortable. Someone had lowered my chair so I could sleep more comfortably, and I guess Kyuhyun oppa put my legs on his lap so it’d be even more comfortable. I wanted to take my legs off but it’d wake him up.

I looked out the window. It was pretty much past midnight by the looks of it. The only sources of light were the lights from the plane, the moon, and the stars. I checked the TV screen. Yep, it was almost 3AM in the morning. Ugh, seriously, time zones drove me crazy, especially jet lag. I don’t know how celebrities deal with it, flying all over the place in a short amount of time.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around me. I turned my head towards the direction of the arms, only to see Kyuhyun oppa closer to me with his arms around me as if I was his hugging pillow. My legs had already dropped to the ground so he could get closer to me. He mumbled something incoherently before falling into a deep sleep once again. I felt really awkward but didn’t want to wake him up since he deserved to get a good rest. I lay my head on his gently and closed my eyes. People would probably think we were a couple or something, but I didn’t care at the moment. I needed to sleep before I got caught with the hectic schedule once again. Besides, everyone knew that Kyuhyun oppa and I were like brother and sister. Probably even more like siblings than Taemin and me.


*Key’s POV*

Oh my gosh. What were Kyuhyun hyung and Jihyun doing? I thought everyone knew I liked Jihyun. If they did, why is hyung sleeping with Jihyun? Sure, they looked cute, but excuse me, Jihyun’s mine.

I sighed in frustration. Well, now I have to step up my game again. What if Kyuhyun hyung stole Jihyun away from me?

What if someone else stole her from me and the rest of us?

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Done 3 chapters :)


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obsessedwithkpop #1
Why are you such a good writer, dude >.< Please update <3
Thank you~ ^^ I'll try haha.
-mesmerized #3
Nicee >__^<3 (the story & the title<3) update ^,^
-mesmerized #4
kyaa x33 ~ ♥ updatee ! & Key's jealousy ♥♥♥
:3 hehe.
obsessedwithkpop #6
I don't like Sulli >.> Update~
Thank you~ ^^ <3
Love it! keep up the great work! please update soon! :D
Thank you~ ^^
obsessedwithkpop #10
Sounds good, please update~ :)