Chanyeol I.....

Blindless Love

Eunjung's point of view 

As the plane slows down back to the ground, I could feel my heart drop. I'm happy to be here but at the same time I'm heart broken. As much as I tried to smile, my frown just becomes deeper. The plane is finally put into a stop and all of the passengers were told to get out. Getting out of the airport and heading inside the airport, I was pretty surprised. The airport was filled with tons of people and I couldn't understand a thing they were saying. I decided to just keep walking, hoping to see my name on one of thoses signs that people were holding. However, all of them were written in mandarin and everything just gotten worse. People were pushing and shoving me as if I wasn't even there. Luckly, I saw a sign from a far distance with korean writing on it. I quickly ran for it, I had no choice , especially in a crowd like this. I got closer to the sign and read it. While reading the sign, I was pushed down to the ground and hard. I looked up and saw this tall, fit figure. He had a long face, sharp chin, a thin nose, pretty eyes, blonde hair, and his lips fit perfectly with his other features. 

"Don't just bump into people and stare at them like they're stupid," the rudely spoke.

"Ohh I'm sorry." I politely said as he kept looking down on me.

"Watch where you're going next time," he said as he walked away.

The pain on my knees were still circling around, all I could do was hug my knees tightly and sit on the ground. "Oh great my first day here is horrible, not understanding what they're saying, being pushed around like mid-air, and meeting mean people." Tears formed in my eyes as I thought about Baekhyun,"I guess theres no one to catch me when I fall now."

"Ms.Eunjung?" I heard a soft sweet feminine voice call from behind. I quickly turn back and saw a girl about my height. She was thin, had pretty big eyess, a thin nose, long light brown hair, and a beautiful smile. 

"Here let me help you up." she said as she held onto my arm and pulled me up.


"No problem, oh by the way I'm Wang FeiFei, but you can call me Fei, I'll be some what like your tour guide," she said as she took her hand out.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Eunjung," I said as I shook her hand. 

Jiyeon's point of view 

As I felt the sun's warm rays shining down at me as I sleep, I quickly wake up. Rubbing my eyes as I stand up to sitting position. I sat there quietly and took a deep breath in. Then exhaled. I can't believe Eunjung unnie is gone. The fact that I don't have my best friend with me is a little upsetting. With my cheeks cuffed in my hands, my eyes sttarted to get watery, as I thought of Eunjung. A hand suddenly tighten around my waist," are you okay?"

A smile crept on my face,"Chanyeol I'm fine."

"Okay, he said as he placed a gentle kiss on my check. "Now get up, and eat."

"But I'm not hungry," I said as I listened to the sound of my stomach.

"But Jiyeonnie, you got a long day ahead of you," Chanyeol said as he pulled me out of bed.

"Okay, okay fine," I said being dragged by Chanyeol.

Chanyeol took me to the bathroom, helped me brush my teeth, wiped my face, and brushed my hair. He seated me down and fed me gently. After eating, we were headed to the hospital. While I was in the car, out of all the things to think about, Eunjung was the only thing that was on my mind. I really wshed that she was right next to me to cool my nerves down. 

Author's Point of view 

As Jiyeon sat there quietly not saying a word, Chanyeol was already out of the car and beside her. 

"Jiyeonnie, Jiyeonnie, Jiyeon,Yeonnie"

Chanyeol repeated it over and over again. Jiyeon was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear him call for her. Chanyeol got down on one knee and whispered in her ear, "Yeonnniee." 

"Huh?," Jiyeon quickly turned her head to Chanyeol. 

As Jiyeon turned her head, she was so close to kissing Chanyeol. Quietness crept through the atmosphere as Chanyeol stared astonishly at Jiyeon. 

"Yeollie, is there something wrong?," Jiyeon asked as it became quiet. 

"Ohh uhh nothing, we're here."

"Ohhh okay let's go then," Jiyeon said as she slowly got out the car. 

Chanyeol quickly grabbed onto Jiyeon's wrist, "do you want another last piggyback ride?"

Jiyeon's face appear with a very big smile," sure."

Chanyeol got down on one knee and Jiyeon hopped on. 

As they got into the hospital, they waited for the elevator. However, Chanyeol took a different way. 

"Yeollie, are you taking the stairs?"

"Awww man, how did you know?," Chanyeol pouted.

"Put me down," Jiyeon demanded.

"No, why should I?"

"Because you're going to be tired."

"I know, but it'll be worth it."

Jiyeon got quiet and rested her head on Chanyeol's back. 

Baekhyun's point of view 

As the sun shined down on me, my eyelids were so heavy that I could not open them. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and took in a deep breath. I hurried up to get ready and then poured myself some cereal. I sat on my couch and today my apartment was dead silent I could hear a mouse squeak. I feel like a piece of me is gone now that Eunjung is not with me. I checked my phone to see if I had any missed calls from her. All I got was just a text from Chanyeol. 

From: Yeollliee ;)

To: Baccon

Remember Jiyeon's surgery is today! You better come for Eunjung.


"Uhhgg I guess I should go for Eunjung."


Author's point of view

As Chanyeol and Jiyeon reached their floor, Baekhyun was siting there silently.

"Ohh Baekhyun you made it," Chanyeol said as he lightly placed Jiyeon down on a chair.

"Yeah I couldn't miss it," Baekhyun said with a blank expression.

"Thank you for coming," Jiyeon said as she sat there.


They all sat there quietly until they called Jiyeon in. Jiyeon sat there nervously holding her hands together. Chanyeol sat there fast asleep. Baekhyun went through his phone looking at pictures of Eunjung. 

"Mrs.Park Jiyeon," a nurse called from a distancee.

"Huh," Jiyeon turned to the direction of the voice.

Baekhyun quickly nudged Chanyeol. "Huh, what happened," Chanyeol full aware now.

"They just called for a Mrs.Park Jiyeon," Baekhyun whispered.

"Uhh Mrs?", Chanyeol asked with a confused face.

"Yes, Mr.Park Chanyeol, now hurry and go," Baekhyun nugded him again.

Chanyeol took Jiyeon's hand and headed to the nurse with Baekhyun following.

"Are you Park Jiyeon?," the nurse looks at Jiyeon.

"Ye," Jiyeon answers with her head towards the ground.

"Ohhh you must be Jiyeon's husband," the nurse looks up at Chanyeol.

"Ohhh uh.....," Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun.

"Ohhh hey Chanyeol," his uncle calls from behind the nurse.

"Omoo, your his nephew," the nurse suprisingly blurts out.

"Haha yeahh," Chanyeo scratches his head.

"Take Jiyeon to change," Chanyeol's uncle nudges the nurse.

Chanyeol gives Jiyeon's hand to the nurse and whispheres in her in," she's going to take you to change, I'll wait here for you."

"Promise you won't go anywhere?"

"I promise," Chanyeol lightly kisses Jiyeon on the cheek. 

As Jiyeon walks away Chanyeol watches from behind. 

"So is everything ready for the surgery?" Baekhyun asks.

"Yeah, but the surgery will take awhile and we have to take a couple of tests before we start."

"Ohhh well......." RING RING RING

Baekhyun quickly takes his phone out of his pocket. As he looks at the screen, a big smile spreads on his face. 

"Please excuse me," Baekhyun takes his leave.

"Eunjung," Baekhyun says with happiness.

"Baekie, I miss you so much," Eunjung says happily. 

"Hey whats with your friend," Chanyeol's uncle asked Chanyeol.

"He has been depressed because his girlfriend left for China."

"So she left him?"

"No no they are doing the long distance thing."

"You know those thongs don't work right?"

"Uncle don't say that," Chanyeol slapped his uncles arm.

"Here she is," the nurse came out the room with Jiyeon holding her arm. 

"Okay lets go," the doctor leads the way. 

The nurse gives Jiyeon to Chanyeol. "Are you ready?," Chanyeol whisphered into Jiyeon's ear.

Jiyeon took a deep breath in," ready as I'll ever be."

The walk to the surgery was quiet, yet calming. Jiyeon's eyes were closed shut, thinking about memories. 

"Okay we're here, now if Jiyeon you could come with me and Chanyeol you wait here," the doctor pointed to the chair.

Chanyeol looked down at Jiyeon,"hwaiting."

"Uhhh doctor could you give us a second," asked Jiyeon.

The doctor nods and walks away. While walking away he mouths "good luc" to Chanyeol.

"Is everything okay?" Chanyeol sits Jiyeon down and then sits down on the chair besides her. 

"Everything its just uhhh...."

"Uh, what?"


"What is it Jiyeon, you know you can tell me anything right."

"Its just...."

Chanyeol holds Jiyeon's hands inbetween his," dont be nervous just say it."

"Can you hold me in your arms?"

"Of course," a smile spread through Chanyeol's face.

Jiyeon leaned back into Chanyeol's arms. Chanyeol put his arms around Jiyeon and held her tightly. 

"I feel much better now," Jiyeon says as she is being embraced.

Chanyeol squeakes her tighter and kisses her on the cheek and Jiyeon gives out a big laugh.

"Chanyeol will you still hold me in yours arms like this if the surgery doesn't go well?"

Everything became quiet. 

"Sorry to bother you love birds, but its time," the doctor stood in front of them. 

They both got up and Jiyeon hugs Chanyeol tightly." You don't have to answer that."

Chanyeol lifts Jiyeon's head up and kisses her forehead," Always, no matter what happens."

Jiyeon took Chanyeol's hand and gave him a letter," I want you to read this."

Chanyeol looked down at his hand and looked back at Jiyeon. 

Jiyeon gave him one last hug "gomawo." 

Chanyeol watches from behind as Jiyeon walks into the surgery room. After he couldn't see her anymore, he sat down and sigh. "Please let this surgery go well, she deserves it."

Chanyeol looks down at his hand and quickly opened the letter.

Yeollie its me Jiyeonnie,

There is so much I wanted to say to you but couldn't. All I can really say is thank you, thank you for teaching me that anyone can find love. For teaching me the heartache normal people get when their boyfriend or girlfriend leaves them. Thank you for making me laugh again. Thank you for understanding me, and putting up with me. And lastly thank you for treating me like a normal person. But I wonder what made you stay, was it because you felt sorry for me? Am I as helpless as you say? Don't answer that, I want to find out the answer for myself. But there is one last thing I want to say to you Yeollie. Chanyeol I...

"Okay Ms.Jiyeon, we gave you some funny gas, so you are going to sleep for awhile, its going to take five seconds," said the nurse.

Jiyeon breathed in deeply and nodded her head. 



"Sehtt" "Chanyeol," Jiyeon mummbled.

"Nehtt" "I love," Jiyeon's eyes almost shut.

"Daseot" "You," 

Chanyeol closes the letter," I love you too Jiyeon."



Heyyyy you guys! How are you? I missed you guys! But I'm back! I know I've been gone for a long time, but I'm back hahaha :) 

I'm sorry if I have a lot of errors, I didn't really check because I was so excited to finsh it









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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Hyedaa #2
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Augbuhabyu #3
Chapter 14: Please update more!!!
Augbuhabyu #4
Please update
Vyeon_ #5
Chapter 23: OMY!! UD soon authornim. fighting!
trasua #6
Chapter 23: Why don´t you continue updating? Ít is going well. But I don´t think Eunjung is suitable with Baekhyun. Maybe she suits with someone like Chanyeol or Kris more than Baek. And I truely said that I´m a bít disappointed when you take too much lines for Eunjung and Baek bc I think Ji and Chan is the most important in your story
T-araFans #7
Chapter 23: Owh...Chanyeol don't make Jiyeon hurt again...
Nice update...
Please update this story...Please...
Chapter 22: woah,i wait for the next know jiyeon condition..please update soon author-nim:)
Chapter 21: woah,update soon author-nim....:)
xielai #10
Chapter 21: Who's guy that bumped eunjung..
I hope he is luhan or sehun.. haha...