Who does your heart choose?

Blindless Love

Hyuna's point of view

        It's been about two months since I haven't seen you, I thought to myself while looking at his picture. Why do I feel like going back and seeing him again? I know he still loves me, but the thought of him with a blind girl and not me. Seriously a blind girl, no way. I have to find a way to talk to him and clear things up with him. But how? How do I do that without him thinking I'm a bad person? I mean I'm not a bad person, at least I think. But thinking back to the past when I left him there on the cold ground bleeding to death, I really was horrible. But it's not my fault, it was the way I was raised. "Ouhh I got," I said while getting up joyfully. 

Baekhyun's point of view

I was walking out of work until someone came running to me screaming out my name. 
"Baekhyun Baekhyun," she said while smiling. 
I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. 
"Hyuna, what are you doing here," I said while still in shock. 
"You need to help me out," Hyuna said with a sad face.
"Let me guess, help you out with Chanyeol," I asked.
"Yeahhh," she said while looking down.
"I'm sorry I can't help you out this time," I said while thinking. 
How can she come back after leaving Chanyeol in pain? And still has the guts to come to me to help her hurt Chanyeol again. 
"Please please," Hyuna said while trying to act all cute. 
"No I can't, just leave," I said while walking to my car. 
Hyuna hugged me from the back and started crying," please Baekhyun I really need you." 
"Baekhyun," called out a voice from behind. 
"Eunjung," I screamed out as I looked back. 

Eunjung's point of view

        So since today I got out of work early, I decided to go see Baekhyun at work. Since he is usually the one who always comes to see me. "Maybe I should stop by the bakerey and buy some of his favorite bread," I said out with a smile. I was finally outside of his work place, instead of going in I decided to wait for him outside. I was sitting there for about fifteen minutes and saw this girl and guy talking. It looked like they were arguing I wasn't sure, and the guys voice sounded very familiar. I walked closer, and as he was about to leave I realized who it was. I was in shock, it couldn't be I thought to myself. 
"Baekhyun," I called out. 
The girl was still hugging him as he looked back. 
"Eunjung," Baekhyun screamed out. 
It can't be I thought to myself as my eyes started to get watery. I dropped the bag of bread and ran, so he couldn't see my tears fall.

Author's point of view 

Eunjung dropped her bag of bread and ran the other direction. 
"Wait, don't leave," screamed Baekhyun while pulling Hyuna away. 
"Wait, who was that,"Hyuna said while grabbing his arm. 
"She is my girlfriend and she misunderstood what was going on," Baekhyun screamed while removing Hyuna's hand. 
Baekhyun picked up the bag Eunjung dropped and ran after her, leaving Hyuna. 

Baekhyun caught up to Eunjung and grabbed her arm. 
"Eunjung, why didn't you wait for me," asked Baekhyun. 
"Why did you follow me, why didn't you stay with that girl," she said while tears kept rushing down her cheeks. 
"Eunjung I'm sorry what you saw was just a misunderstanding," Baekhyun said while giving Eunjung a hug. 
"If it was a misunderstanding than why did she hug you, and why didn't you push her away huh," asked Eunjung while pushing Baekhyun away. 
"Come with me, I'll explain everything," Baekhyun said while grabbing Eunjung's wrist. 
Baekhyun took Eunjung to the park to tell her about what really happened. 
"I'm sorry Baekhyun," Eunjung said while hugging Baekhyun. 
"No I'm sorry for making you misunderstand," said Baekhyun. 
"No it was all my fault," said Eunjung while breaking the hug.
"You were jealous weren't you," Baekhyun said while smiling at Eunjung. 
"Pshh I was not jealous," Eunjung said while her face turned red.
"If you were not jealous than why is your face turning red, how cute," Baekhyun said while pinching her cheeks. 
"Fine, I am jealous," Eunjung said while moving Baekhyun's hands off of her cheeks. 
"Awhh you are so cute when you're jealous," Baekhyun said while smiling at Eunjung. 
"Whatever, let's go play," Eunjung said while pulling Baekhyun to the play ground. 

Hyuna's point of view 

        As I got in my apartment, I laid my whole body on my bed. Why is it so hard to track down one guy? I mean I even tried going to Baekhyun, but he was no help at all. Man I need to find money again, my bill is already due. Time to go find a new man I guess. Tears started to fall from my eyes. But the only man I need right now is Chanyeol. 

Chanyeol's point of view 

        It's been nine months since I've known Jiyeon and these nine months have been pretty weird. The first month didn't start off so well, and when it did go well Hyuna suddenly appeared out of no where. Lately my head has been caught on Hyuna, all that I can think of now is Hyuna and my past with her. Why did she come back? Is she back for me? It's been about two months since I've seen her. And after that I haven't seen Jiyeon as much as I did before. As I was thinking my phone vibrated. 
To: Jiyeon's cutie 
From: baekiie 
Yeollie, so I heard that Hyuna paid you a visit not to long ago, I bet she is going around your mind constantly isn't she? 
Reply--- How did you know Baekhyun? Uhh yeah she has been.. 
As I was replying back my door bell rang. I wonder who it could be. As I opened the door the a girl immediately hugged me. 
"Hyuna, how did you find me," Chanyeol said in shock. 

Author's point of view 

Hyuna found his address by looking through his paper work at his shop when no one was looking. She went to his condo and rang the door bell. When Chanyeol opened the door Hyuna immediately hugged him. 
"Hyuna how did you find me," Chanyeol said in shock. 
All Hyuna did was cry, Chanyeol took her in and seated her on the couch. Chanyeol could never resist Hyuna's crying, whenever she cried he felt like just always holding her in his arms. And plus she was all wet from the storm outside.
"Sit here I'll go get a towel," said Chanyeol while getting up.
"Chanyeol," Hyuna said while grabbing Chanyeol's hand to tell him to sit. 
"What is it," Chanyeol said in a mad tone. 
"I know you're still mad about last time, but just let me explain," Hyuna said while still crying. 
"Why should I let you explain," asked Chanyeol. 
"Please Chanyeol," Hyuna said while pulling out her sad look. 
"Fine fine explain," said Chanyeol. 
"The reason I did that to you was because they held my mother captive and forced me too in order to get her back, I'm sorry," Hyuna said while hugging Chanyeol. 
"I tried coming back for you but if I did they threaten to kill my mother," Hyuna said while crying. 
When Hyuna hugged him, it reminded him of how happy he felt when him and Hyuna used to be something. 
Chanyeol hugged Hyuna back and said," it's okay I understand." 
In Hyuna's mind she was thinking something different, that was not what really happened at all but I'm glad Chanyeol fell for it. 
"Chanyeol, please come back to me, I'll treat you right," Hyuna asked while still hugging him.
Chanyeol quickly clicked back to life and pulled Hyuna away. 
"What's wrong, you don't want me anymore," Hyuna asked with a worried look. 
"It's not that," Chanyeol said while starring at the ground. 
"It's because of that girl Jiyeon isn't it," Hyuna said while standing up. 
Chanyeol just nodded while still looking at the ground. 
Hyuna walked to the door and before she left she said," well just know this she is blind, she won't be able to provided for you and your future family, when there is no more you she will not be able to care for herself anymore." 
Hyuna closed the door and left Chanyeol there, thinking to himself. 

Jiyeon's point of view 

        It's been a while since Chanyeol has visited, is he okay? Has he forgotten about me? Did he go back to Hyuna? Did he go back because I didn't tell him that I love him? Maybe he did, but he said he would never leave. Why do I have to be blind? Why can't I be normal so I can fight for his love? But he never asked me to be his and we've known each other for nine months now. Maybe he is still in love with Hyuna and really went back to Hyuna. Tears started to rush down my cheeks. "Jiyeon you have to be strong, you can't let your emotions get the best of you, you are blind, you were never meant for love." 

Eunjung's point of view

        It's been about a month now, since Chanyeol came to visit Jiyeon and Jiyeon doesn't seem like herself lately. She would wake up and sit in her chair that was close to the window and wouldn't eat a thing. When I come back from work she would just be sitting there crying, or sometimes she would talk to herself. She hasn't eaten a meal since a week ago, I tried convincing her but she would always refuse and lock herself in her room. I don't know what to do anymore, I don't want her to beat herself up like that. It wasn't her fault, seeing Jiyeon like that always bring tears to my eyes. 

Authors point of view 

Eunjung took out her phone and called someone. 
"Yes sweetie," answered Baekhyun. 
"Baekhyun I'm worried," Eunjung said while crying. 
"What is it, are you okay, why are you crying, what's going on," Baekhyun said while panicking. 
"Just meet me at the park and I'll tell you," said Eunjung. 
"Alright I'll be there in five minutes," Baekhyun said and got ready quickly. 
When he reached the park, Eunjung was sitting at the bench quietly. He went to her and hugged her. 
"What's wrong," said Baekhyun who was looking very worried. 
"It's just Jiyeon," said Eunjung with a sad face. 
Eunjung told Baekhyun about Jiyeon and Chanyeol, and how it's been a while since Chanyeol has contacted Jiyeon. 
"I think I know what's going on with Chanyeol," said Baekhyun while getting up from the bench. 
"You do," Eunjung said shockingly. 
"Yes I do, you go home and I'll try to fix things okay," Baekhyun said while placing a kiss on Eunjung's forehead. 
"Alright then," Eunjung said with a smile. He always knows how to make me feel better Eunjung thought to herself. 

Chanyeol's point of view 

        This past month has been horrible, the only thing I could think of was what Hyuna said about Jiyeon. I know that Hyuna wanted me back and just said that because she was mad but it got stuck in my head. This past month I haven't really visited my shop and I've been living in my condo, not going out at all. My condo became dull and very dark. I sat there in the darkness, thinking to myself like what I've been doing this past month. DING DONG . I sat there starring at the ceiling and then slowly got up to open the door. "Hyung, what are you doing here." 

Baekhyun's point of view

        When Eunjung told me everything about Jiyeon, I quickly realized what was going on. Jiyeon wasn't being herself and so was Chanyeol. Hyuna probably got stuck in his head causing him to become very depressed. Why do I always have to get involved with problems like this? I kissed Eunjung good bye and left to Chanyeol's condo. When I rang to the bell it took him about five minutes to open it. 

"Hyung, what are you doing here," asked Chanyeol. 
"I came to see you," Baekhyun said while pulling Chanyeol's ear to the living room. 
"Oww hyung, let go you are hurting me," Chanyeol screamed. 
"Why have you been living your life like this," I screamed as I let him go. 
"What do you mean," Chanyeol said acting like he doesn't know anything. 
"You've been depressed, I could tell you haven't even been outside for like this whole month," I said while looking for the light switch. 
"Pshhh not true, I was just outside yesterday," Chanyeol said while laughing. 

Authors point of view 

Baekhyun the lights and Chanyeol covered his eyes. 
"Oww my eyes," screamed out Chanyeol. 
"You should go out more," said Baekhyun as he sat next to Chanyeol. 
"I don't feel like it," Chanyeol said while covering his eyes.
"Bro what's been going on with you," asked Baekhyun. 
"It's just nothing," Chanyeol said while breathing out a big sigh.
"I know you've been thinking a lot about Hyuna huh," said Baekhyun. 
"Sort of, it's just she is stuck in my head," Chanyeol said while scratching his head.
"Well tell me all about it, I'm your bro and after all what are bros for," Baekhyun said while taking a bag of chips from the counter and eating it. 
Chanyeol told Baekhyun about the time he saw Hyuna at the mall, at his shop, how she came to see him, and why Hyuna left Chanyeol that day. 
"So you've been thinking about who to choose Hyuna or Jiyeon," asked Baekhyun.
"Yeah I guess so," Chanyeol said as he looked down. 
"And right now your mind is more towards Hyuna," said Baekhyun. 
"Yeah, but there's still Jiyeon," Chanyeol said while biting his lower lip. 
"Ey so how do you really feel about Jiyeon," asked Baekhyun. 
"I don't know hyung," Chanyeol said. "How did you feel about Eunjung." 
"Well that doesn't relate to this but if you want to know I'll tell you, she is the only girl who makes my heart beat like it's going to come out, she understands all sides of me, she is there for me even at the worst times, she has a heart that cares a lot, she has a smile that always seems to take the sadness away, I guess you can say she is my gift from heaven," Baekhyun said while smiling. 
"Wow you're really in love hyung," Chanyeol said while strangely starring at Baekhyun. 
"Now tell me how you feel about Jiyeon," said Baekhyun going back to their topic. 
"Well I don't know how I feel, at first I was afraid to like her because she was different, she was blind, but when I got closer to her, I learned that she has scars like me, and the more time I spent with her my scars started to disappear, my horrible past started to disappear as I spent more time with her. I became that happy hyper guy that I used to be. But then Hyuna came back and reminded me that," Chanyeol said but couldn't finish. 
"Reminded you that you were falling in love with a girl that was blind," asked Baekhyun curiously. 
"Yeah and the fact that Jiyeon never told me she loved me, which upsets me a lot. When Hyuna hugged me that night, it made me realize how much I missed her and all the memories that we had and I couldn't just throw all of that away," said Chanyeol while starring at the ground. 
"So who does your heart want Hyuna or Jiyeon," asked Baekhyun. 
"I don't know," said Chanyeol.
"Don't lie to yourself, you do know, you had a whole month to think, the longer you think about it the longer you will hurt people," yelled out Baekhyun. 
"What do you mean hurt people," asked Chanyeol with a confused look. 
"The whole time you are thinking about who to choose, Jiyeon has been suffering herself thinking it is all her fault you never came back to visit her,"said Baekhyun madly. 
Chanyeol sat there in disappointment when he heard that.
"Look I can tell that your mind is telling you to choose Hyuna, and even though I don't like the thought of you guys being together I'm fine with your decision, but who said that you had to choose now," Baekhyun asked smartly. 
"I mean I guess no one," said Chanyeol while looking up at Baekhyun. 
"That means you can spend time with both, and then realize who your heart chooses," said Baekhyun while heading to the door. 
"Ouhh you're right hyung," said Chanyeol with a smile. 
"Well I got to go, but Chanyeol when your heart has decided, you have to say a proper farewell to the other person you can't just leave without a goodbye, ouh and just because Jiyeon hasn't said that she loves you, it doesn't mean that she doesn't love you,"Baekhyun said before closing the door behind him. 
"Hyung is right, man he can be so smart and serious when time comes, but why does he always act so childish," Chanyeol said as he let out a sigh. 
"I feel a little better now, but why do I still feel this stiffness in my heart," Chanyeol said as he goes back to sit down. 
He took out his phone and looked through his pictures. The more he kept looking the more he realized they were all Jiyeon, but there was one of him and Hyuna together. It was when him and Hyuna were still dating and til this day he has never deleted it. 
"Ughh I really need to go out," Chanyeol said as he grabbed his jacket and keys. 


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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Hyedaa #2
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Augbuhabyu #3
Chapter 14: Please update more!!!
Augbuhabyu #4
Please update
Vyeon_ #5
Chapter 23: OMY!! UD soon authornim. fighting!
trasua #6
Chapter 23: Why don´t you continue updating? Ít is going well. But I don´t think Eunjung is suitable with Baekhyun. Maybe she suits with someone like Chanyeol or Kris more than Baek. And I truely said that I´m a bít disappointed when you take too much lines for Eunjung and Baek bc I think Ji and Chan is the most important in your story
T-araFans #7
Chapter 23: Owh...Chanyeol don't make Jiyeon hurt again...
Nice update...
Please update this story...Please...
Chapter 22: woah,i wait for the next chapter..to know jiyeon condition..please update soon author-nim:)
Chapter 21: woah,update soon author-nim....:)
xielai #10
Chapter 21: Who's guy that bumped eunjung..
I hope he is luhan or sehun.. haha...