Chapter 10

Mr. Tokki

Your Pov

I've been skipping off the class for the whole day staying on the roof top. I'm already over with teacher slapping on me and I'm surprised that Daehyun never left, but how I wish Himchan was the one sitting besides me.   Yesterday, Himchan wait for me at the school gate. Himchan comes to Tia flower shop a lot. He looks so beautiful in the flowers. I always blush when he smiles at me when he comes to the counter. I can't forget how he confess to me all of the sudden. He paid for the flower and left the shop. He didn't take the flower away and left it on the counter. I was going to chase out but a letter fall onto the ground. I pick it up and open it. Dear Jaeyeon, your a cute girl and I've been watching you for awhile. I'll call you tomorrow. I'll meet you at the school ! I lub you <3  * Lub...haha...He is so cute in the letter*  We've been dating for two weeks and yesterday was the first time he kiss me. I like Himchan so much, but I  don't know why his flawless smile makes me insecure...I shook my head and  let out a little sigh and Daehyun heard it. He turn his head and look at me.


"Feel better now?" 

"Neh...Gomawo" you smile to show your fine.

" Want to go? It's 5:30 now... We are not allow to stay in school so late."

" kure, I've got work to do" You stretch your arms and stand up.

You  head to the staircase. When you walk down the staircase and you hear Himchan's voice.  You are so delighful to hear his sound. You walk faster to the corner and you saw Himchan facing the wall. * What is he doing there?* When your going to call him  " Oppa~ Shireo~" a sound come from the place where Himchan is stops you. Your heart drops. You know something is going wrong. You convince yourself to be brave. You take a deep breath and you turn over. Himchan is kissing Sunhwa. *Moya....Himchan...* A tear slide down from your cheek right away. A warm hand cover your eyes and pull you back.

Daehyun's Pov

Jaeyeon suddenly speed up and I try to catch up with her, and when I get close to her I heard "Oppa~ Shireo~" Jaeyeon stops and I know she find out Himchan hyung is cheating on her. I quickly cover her eyes from the back and turn her around. Jaeyeon is crying and I feel my heart is tearing into parts. Jaeyeon must be ten times bitter than I am. I reach out my hand and want to comfort her. "Daehyun.. I saw it all... I saw it..." Jaeyeon whisper and choked. My hand hesitate. 

Jaeyeon Pov

" Daehyun...I saw it all... I saw it..." I am  totally frustrated right now and I have no idea what am I talking now. The stabbing pain  keep  torturing my heart on every second when I think of the scene that just happened in front of me, Today is not my day. Slapping by my teacher and now caught Himchan cheating on me. Himchan, how can you do this to me. And with Sunhwa? When  I get back my concious, I found myself standing out from the corner where I was hidding from.

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Chapter 15: sequel sequel hehehe
Chapter 15: yeaaaaaaaah we want a sequel to this cute story , its great
Chapter 15: Yes I'm ready author-nim !!! ^^
Chapter 15: yes i'm ready for sequel :)
Chapter 1: good so far :)
oODayDreamingOo #6
I'm working on it:-D
Thank you for looking my story<3 I will update soon!
Chapter 15: Yes, please!!!!
exoticsNinspirit #8
Chapter 15: Author-nim.please make a a nice story