
Kyaa Hyuk!!!

SO many of you guys told me to continue this story, and i dont want to disappoint D:

but but but,  i wrote another chapter...still testing D: 

Eunhyuk’s POV


Crap crappy crap crap!! I can already imagine the headlines, ‘Eunhyuk broke into his girlfriend’s house’! This is ridiculous! Why am I here?

My heart was pounding in my chest, I swear its going to jump out any minute as her footsteps came louder.

I held my breath on instinct, preparing myself to be caught. I’ll just jump out and cover , tell her to calm down.

Wait, that might make her scream even more. If I jump at her, she might not even listen.

I bit down onto my lip as I was weighing my options in my head, but my train of thoughts were interrupted when she switched on the light to her room.

I frowned, wasn’t she going to yell at me?

Hesitantly, I started walking towards her room.


Hyesu’s POV


I opened my front door, too tired to even turn the light on. “EUNHYUKKIE” I exclaimed as I strolled to my room. I turned the light on and slumped my bag onto the floor as I went and kissed my poster.

My body jolted up as I heard laughing, in an instant I turned to see Eunhyuk in front of me.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, “E-Eunhyuk..” I stuttered, still in shock. He kept laughing as he wiped a few tears from the corner of his eye.

“D-do you a-always do this??” he choked on his laughter as he pointed at his real life poster.

I slouched onto the floor, covering my face that’s probably blood red from embarrassment. I heard him approach me, but I didn’t budge. I wish I could disappear. I felt his grip on my wrist that covered my face and pulled me swiftly off the ground and into his embrace. He hugged my tightly, still laughing.

“Stop laughing!” I whined softly, as I was extremely aware of how close we were. He could probably feel my heart thumping in my chest.

He chuckled, his breath hitting my neck sending shivers down my spine, “sorry”.

My cheeks were now flushed not from the teasing but from being in his arms. I wonder if he realized he is hugging me.

He released me and stepped back, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. I guess he did.

“You hungry?” I asked, killing the awkwardness. He smiled at me and nodded before following me out of my room and to the kitchen.

I was cooking instant noodles while Eunhyuk sat at the counter waiting.

“You need a hand?” he asked as he strolled in behind me, I shook my head in response but I could feel his eyes watching me, making me more nervous.

“I heard you’ve been unwell lately” he broke the silence. I naturally smiled, Eunhyuk my bias is caring for me. The dream of any fangirl.

“I’m fine” I gave him a soft smile before returning my attention back to the noodles.

“You sure? I don’t mind helping you if things get tough” he frowned and slightly pouted.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his cuteness, earning a bigger pout from him, which then turned into a chuckle.

“I’m sure” I gave him a soft smile and separated the noodles into two bowls.

I set them on the table and we sat down, digging into the food.

“This is really good” Eunhyuk complimented as he slurped up the noodles. I smiled and ate more as well, watching him eat it like a little kid.

He looked up at me a shot me a gentle smile “Where are your parents?” he asked as he took another big bite.

“They passed away” I answered while eating my noodles, but glanced at Eunhyuk when he froze.

“I-I’m sorry” he bit down on his lip and I could see the guilt on his face.

“Don’t be” I smiled at him, trying to make him feel better about his question, “It happened when I was very young, I don’t even remember them” I shrugged it off as I kept eating.

He nodded and finished off the noodles, taking them into the sink. I slurped up the rest of mine, but before I could get up and clean it, Eunhyuk took it off me.

“Let me” he smiled and placed it in the sink and started washing them.

I stared at his back as he was washing, this really felt like we were dating and I love this feeling. Even if we didn’t get together, I wish we could keep this closeness.

I I wrapped my arms around his waist the warmth from his back made me close my eyes, if only he was mine and this was real.

“Uhh…Hyesu?” my eyes shot open and I stepped back…What. The. Hell. Did. I. Just. Do?

So what do you guys think???? D:

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Sujuelf1 #1
Chapter 12: Haha my name is heidi too!
Chapter 26: i am in love with this story please update soon!
Chapter 26: pleaseee updateeee!
Serenity_20 #4
I really love your story I can't wait for the next chapter
new reader =) your story is sooooooo gooood. update please :)
insignificant #6
good one.. i keep smiling like hell... =]
Emerald #8
lol i wonder wat's gonna happen, but that was just so epic :)
Yayyy! You updated! Weeeee! I've been waiting for this. Suju members are soooooo cute. EUNSU COUPLE FTW!!! :D
she will finally stay at their dorm? wohooo! I hope there will be a love triangle :3