
Kyaa Hyuk!!!

I looked down at the mess in front of me. Bits and pieces of my clothes were scattered on the floor.

“Are you okay?” Gain bent down next to me looking at me face. I looked at her extremely worried face and felt Victoria pat my back trying to comfort me.

“I’m fine” I smiled at them. To be honest, I’m not affected easily. My life has never been great, I’ve lived without my parents ever since I was young. I was forced to grow up and be independent. My life never had much meaning to it. I just worked and lived for the sake of it.

“I guess I’ll just have to wear this and return it to them later” I sighed as I stood up collecting the remains of my clothing off the floor.

“I’ll go see if there are some spare clothes or something Victoria said as she hurried to the door, but before she got there the door opened.

It was a girl in a staff shirt with thick glasses, “Hi I’m a staff member and I heard about the incident, here are some spare clothes” she said meekly before placing them on the chair and leaving.

“Thank you” I bowed my head, she looked at me then closed the door.

I dumped the loose fabric in the bin and picked up the plain black shirt and shorts. “Guess this will have to do” I sighed and changed.

Gain and Victoria also changed quickly as they had other schedules to hurry to.

“You really are a model, everything looks good on you” Gain smiles at me. “Wait before I go, let’s exchange numbers”

Victoria picked up her back and walked over to us holding her phone, “Me too” she smiled.

After exchanging numbers we all left the change room. They gave me a hug before leaving.

“Hyesu!” I turned around to a really frantic Eunhyuk.

“What is it?” I smiled at him.

“I heard about the incident in the change room! Are you ok?” he panted.

“Yeah, it was only clothes, of course I’m fine” HE WAS WORRIED!

He gave me a hug, “You sure are brave!” I hugged him back, just feeling his warmth.

But I don’t understand what’s so brave about my situation?

“Come on, I’ll take you home! There are too many haters in this world!”

Before I could decline he was already holding my hand and dragging me to his car.

“Do you know who it is?” he looked at me still with concern.

“No, I really don’t care, they were just clothes. I can always buy new ones” I gave him another smile, hoping he would stop worrying.

“True, but still, haters can be really scary at times. I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess” he clapped his hands in front of his face and bowed, asking for forgiveness.

“OPPA~ stop that! It’s not your fault, I’m benefiting from it as well!” I grabbed his hand pulling them down from that embarrassing position.

He looked up at me, “yeah we get a lot more jobs now” he smiled. Yeah and I get to see you more!

“Thank you!” I bowed and waved as the car left.

I walked back into my house locking the door behind me. “EUNHYUKKIE! I’m so tired!” I dragged myself into the bedroom and kissed my poster before dropping onto the bed.

“Today was fun, who knew that me and Eunhyuk was going to win! I’m so proud that I knew which one was his hand, seriously I think all Jewels would know!” I giggled as I talked to my poster.

“But seriously, how did the haters get into the change rooms? That’s way to dangerous, they could have stolen my stuff. But luckily they only cut up my clothes. Which reminds me, this outfit smells really bad!” I got off my bed and slipped into the shower.

OMO! I still remember when Eunhyuk picked me up! Hehe that really surprised me!

He sure knows how to act like a boyfriend. If he was really my boyfriend, I’ll melt!

I stepped out wearing a big t shirt over my undergarments. I sat on the computer chair as I roughly dried my hair with my towel.

“Wow, what’s with all these mails?” I opened them, most of them were spams. 




What the hell? I’m not even really dating him! I let out a long sigh before deleting all the spam messages. They seem to be from the same address too. Whatever…I expected to receive hate anyways.

I slipped into bed and my tired eyes were really heavy, just before I drifted into lala land, my phone buzzed.

Keeping my eyes closed, I felt for my phone, the bright light blinded my eyes for a second before it adjusted.

Don’t worry too much about today, have a good night- hyuk oppa

I smiled at his message and replied.

Thank you for worrying, I will go to sleep night, sleep early too oppa! – Hyesu

I tucked my phone underneath my pillow, and closed my eyes already drifting off to dreamland.

Little did I know, that I should have been more aware…

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Sujuelf1 #1
Chapter 12: Haha my name is heidi too!
Chapter 26: i am in love with this story please update soon!
Chapter 26: pleaseee updateeee!
Serenity_20 #4
I really love your story I can't wait for the next chapter
new reader =) your story is sooooooo gooood. update please :)
insignificant #6
good one.. i keep smiling like hell... =]
Emerald #8
lol i wonder wat's gonna happen, but that was just so epic :)
Yayyy! You updated! Weeeee! I've been waiting for this. Suju members are soooooo cute. EUNSU COUPLE FTW!!! :D
she will finally stay at their dorm? wohooo! I hope there will be a love triangle :3