X Couple!

Kyaa Hyuk!!!

What to do?

This is my first time being on a variety show. I changed into the t-shirts that they gave us.

“Hi, I’m Gain from Brown eyes girls” she gave me a friendly hug.

“Hi, I’m Hyesu” I hugged back.

“I know, are you nervous?” she looked at me.

I nodded in response, “Yeah, this is my first time being on a variety show”

She laughed, “I totally understand, but it’ll be fun. Just act like yourself”

I smiled and another girl approached me, “Hey I’m Victoria” she had really big eyes.

I bowed, “I’m Hyesu”

They both giggled, “We know who you are, you’re the hot topic at the moment with Eunhyuk-ssi”

I blushed and scratched my head awkwardly.

“Ok, It’s time to play!” They grabbed my hand and I followed them out to the stage.

There were a lot of cameramen. I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

Shin Dong-Yup was the host for this show, there were 3 couples including us.

The other two are from ‘We got Married’ then you have me and Eunhyuk.

“We have a really special couples joining us today!” Shin Dong-Yup introduced.

Victoria smiled as she gently nudged me to walk in front of the camera. I swear my heart is going to fall out.

Eunhyuk also walked next to me, giving me the cutest smile.

We both bowed at the same time, “Annyeonghaseyo, we are EunSu” we smiled at the camera.

And so the game begin.

1st game – guessing your partners favourite stuff.

“Favourite colour” Shin Dong-Yup said.

“Pink” Eunhyuk guessed for me.

I nodded, “white, blue, gray, and beige and black” I smiled


“Favourite fruit”

“STRAWBERRY!” we both said in unison



“Coming first we have EunSu couple, then Khuntoria and lastly it’s our Adam Couple!”

“Wow! I can’t believe we’re coming first” I said to Eunhyuk

“That’s because we’re amazing!” he winked at me.



2nd game – catching the ball with your chest. [you bounce the ball, spin once then catch it between you two by hugging]

Adam couple [Jo-Kwon and Gain] went first.

Their first attempt failed, but 2nd attempt was success.

Khuntoria went next, they missed the ball and hugged each other. Failed both times.

Now it’s up to me and Eunhyuk.

“You ready?” he smiles at me. I shook my head, I AT BALL GAMES!

He bounced it and we both ran for it but the ball smacked his head then bounced into the audience.

2nd attempt, we caught it with our knees. It was counted as a success. But my head smacked into his shoulder.


Last game – The guys are behind a curtain and the girls can only see their hand. You have to guess which hand is your partners.

Victoria went first, she looked at them intently, “I don’t know” she laughed as she pouted, in the end she chose a random hand.

Gain went next, “Yeoboo~ where are you?” she sang. All the hands started moving. “Aish!” she said before choosing a random hand as well.

I was last, the guys had their right hand out.

I went and touched all of them, I knew Eunhyuk has a birthmark on his palm. I bit my tongue when I saw it.

“I choose this one” I smiled as I held his hand.


“NOW THE RESULTS! Victoria chose Jo Kwon! Khuntoria failed. Gain chose Eunhyuk, Adam Couple also failed. Hyesu chose Eunhyuk! EunSu couple success!”

Eunhyuk and I cheered, then he hugged me and picked me up spinning. “Ahh! Let me down” I stated as I held onto him tightly. PLEASE DON’T DROP ME!

“Adam Couple finished with a total of 25 points. This couple is doomed”

Gain slaps Jo-Kwon’s arm, “Next we have Khuntoria couple with a total of 50 points”

Nichkun and Victoria clapped, “TONIGHT’S WINNER IS THE EUNSU COUPLE! WITH A TOTAL OF 75 POINTS! Being a real couple really makes a difference doesn’t it?” Shin Dong-Yup said as he presents to us a couple trophy that splits in half, when you put them together they have a magnet on their lips so it looks like they’re kissing.

“KAMSAHAMBNIDA!” we both bowed at the camera.

I walked back into the dressing room, but my clothes were all cut up and there was a note that said.

“STAY AWAY FROM EUNHYUK!” the note was formed with cut up letters from magazines.

“OMO!” Victoria and Gain  shrieked as they saw the mess.

Sorry for the boring chapter, MASSIVE WRITER'S BLOCK! >.<

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Sujuelf1 #1
Chapter 12: Haha my name is heidi too!
Chapter 26: i am in love with this story please update soon!
Chapter 26: pleaseee updateeee!
Serenity_20 #4
I really love your story I can't wait for the next chapter
new reader =) your story is sooooooo gooood. update please :)
insignificant #6
good one.. i keep smiling like hell... =]
Emerald #8
lol i wonder wat's gonna happen, but that was just so epic :)
Yayyy! You updated! Weeeee! I've been waiting for this. Suju members are soooooo cute. EUNSU COUPLE FTW!!! :D
she will finally stay at their dorm? wohooo! I hope there will be a love triangle :3