
Kyaa Hyuk!!!

Hyesu’s POV

“You’re really pale!” Jill shrieked worriedly. Her high pitched voice made me cringe. The lack of sleep is making me lose my appetite and making me suffer from headaches.

I rubbed the temple of my head while waving the other hand recklessly in my face, “I’m fine” I muttered.

Jill grabbed my hand and leaned closer looking at me, “No you’re not!” she cried.

I rolled my eyes at the fuss she’s making and pulled my hand away, “I’m fine” I stated one last time before walking back to the set.


Eunhyuk’s POV

The music was still booming as I walked to grab the towel, wiping the sweat dripping off my face. I watched Kyuhyun walk over to the music player and paused the song before chugging his bottle of water down. All the members were panting and covered in sweat. Being in a dance group isn’t easy, especially with our comeback coming up.

“You’re phone just went off” Leeteuk panted as he pointed at my phone.

I dragged myself to my phone and picked it up lazily.

I’ll be at your studio by 3 – Jill

I frowned at the message, “what’s wrong?” Donghae approached me and leaned on the wall.

I naturally faked a smile, “nothing” I replied while tossing my phone back in my bag.

It was hard concentrating with the rest of the rehearsals as Jill’s message distracted me. What did she want? Did something happen? I couldn’t stop thinking if something happened to Hyesu.

The music finally stopped and I rushed to grab my bag, “I’ll see you guys back at the dorm” I waved to them before running out and skimming down the stairs.

I jumped down a few steps and saw Jill standing there with her arms crossed and smiling at me as she strutted towards me in her black shiny heels.

“Hey, I have a favour to ask” she stopped a few steps away from me.

“What is it?” I puffed and wiped my sweat that was dripping down my face.

“It’s Hyesu” she let out a long sigh.

I looked up at her with wide eyes, “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t think she’s been sleeping and eating properly lately” she frowned “And I’m too busy to look after her, so I wanted to ask you to help me”

“How?” I my dry lips.

“Can you check up on her whenever you can?” she looked at me with pleading eyes.

I simply nodded and couldn’t help but smile back as her face lit up.

“Great! Here are her keys” she winked at me and dangled the keys in front of me.

I took the keys off her and she left, leaving me standing there staring at the pink keys laying on my palm.

What..just happened?

I checked the time on my watch, maybe I can just check on her now, then go back to the dorm. I gulped down my saliva and walked back to my car.


I vaguely remember me getting into my car and driving through the streets towards Hyesu’s house. I was nervous, I have to admit I was slightly attracted to her. She’s slim, beautiful, and a very lovely person to be around. I always have this unusually weird warm feeling within me when I think of her, or talk to her.

I wonder what’s stressing her so much that she’s lacking sleep and appetite. After letting out a heavy sigh I parked the car and stepped out, locking my car behind me and playfully chucking her keys in the air and catching it again while strolling to her front door.

I stared at the white door while running my hand through my hair roughly, “Here goes nothing” I cooed under my breath and turned the key in the door knob. I nervously pushed the door open and peeked inside the empty apartment that’s lit by the setting sun.

I walked in and closed the door behind me before looking around more. This isn’t considered as trespassing is it?

But I was technically given permission by her guardian right?

Before I could familiarise myself with her house, I heard footsteps approaching on the front porch. Without thinking I hid inside the kitchen, panicking in the meantime.

I shut my eyes tight and held my breath, as I stood there frozen. But I jumped as I heard her voice chirp, “EUNHYUKKIE”

hey guys~ sorry for the late update again ><

i'll try my best to keep up with my updates D:

i love you~ don't forget to comment  x)

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Sujuelf1 #1
Chapter 12: Haha my name is heidi too!
Chapter 26: i am in love with this story please update soon!
Chapter 26: pleaseee updateeee!
Serenity_20 #4
I really love your story I can't wait for the next chapter
new reader =) your story is sooooooo gooood. update please :)
insignificant #6
good one.. i keep smiling like hell... =]
Emerald #8
lol i wonder wat's gonna happen, but that was just so epic :)
Yayyy! You updated! Weeeee! I've been waiting for this. Suju members are soooooo cute. EUNSU COUPLE FTW!!! :D
she will finally stay at their dorm? wohooo! I hope there will be a love triangle :3