
He's Losing The Game

Chanyeol wrapped his arm around the shoulders of the blonde girl beside him as they walked together at the side of the street. He just met this girl about 4 days ago at a club, and now they're dating. Maybe it's because of his charming face that girls just can't resist him. Girls approach him first and who is he to reject them when the fun haven't even started yet.


"Oppa, I'm tired of walking," the girl whined as she puffed her cheeks. "Let's take a break for now. Please buy me an ice cream." She begged as she enlarged her eyes dramatically and batted her eyelashes cutely.


Chanyeol forced a smile as he held her cheeks flirtatiously, "Alright, baby. Whatever you ask."


She beamed and hurriedly grabbed his hands as he dragged him over to the ice cream store at the corner of the street. The store's walls were painted with pink and silver sprinkles at the sides. He sat on the empty seat near the entrance as he waited for her.


His eyes wandered around store and noticed that most of the customers were couples, except for a few. His eyes fell over two girls sitting on the seats near the washing area. The end of his lips curled up into a smile as he recognized one of them. 




"Oppa, it looks delicious!" he turned to see his girlfriend walking towards him. She carried with her a big cup of strawberry ice cream, drizzled with syrup, and topped with a heart-shaped marshmallow. 


He smiled at her and tapped the chair beside him, telling her to sit beside him. "Baby, I have something important to tell you," he told her. 


She placed down her ice cream on the table and faced him, "What is it? Oh my gee, don't tell me you're going to ask me for marriage? Because if you are, Yes! I'm gonna marry you with all my heart and soul, oppa." She exclaimed as she hugged him tightly. 


Chanyeol pushed her away and looked at her with a mischievous smile. "No, baby. I'm not going to ask you for marriage, never."


The girl pouted, "Then what?!"


"Let's break up."


"What? Why?"


Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, dating you is very costly, and besides, I found a new replacement." 




Yoora was about to take a spoonful of her ice cream when suddenly she heard a girl cry and was followed by a loud slap. She placed down her spoon and turned to see a couple fighting. All the people on the store were looking at them, as if they were watching a television drama.


"Oh my, lover's quarrel?" Soyeon, her bestfriend, exclaimed. She hurriedly shushed her. 


She looked back at the couple fighting and saw the girl stomping out of the store, wailing like a new-born baby. Meanwhile, the boy just looked at her with a silly smile on his face. Yoora sighed as she recognized him. She shook her head and decided to just resume eating. This is certainly not the  first time she saw Chanyeol dump a girl. He is heartless. 


Suddenly, Soyeon nudged at her. "What?" she asked her.


Soyeon pointed at the man standing right in front of their seat. It was Park Chanyeol. He winked at he, she rolled her eyes in return.


"WHAT?!" she asked him.


He flashed her a smile and grabbed her hands. "Miss, Can I borrow your friend for the rest of the day?" he asked Soyeon as he pulled her up from her seat. Soyeon looked at him confusingly, not knowing what to say. "Silence means yes. Bye," he said as he dragged Yoora out towards the streets.


"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Yoora yelled as she tried to get her hands off of his grip.


He continued walking and ignored her.


"Hey! Park Chanyeol!" Yoora shouted, flailing her arms. She's starting to get angry. Every people they passed by were looking at them with questioning looks. "! ! HELP ME! HE'S A ! RA--"


Chanyeol stopped walking, and hurriedly covered . He smiled at everyone looking at them and said, "I'm sorry, my girlfriend has gone crazy. Just don't mind us." He held her tight and said, "Come on baby, let's go home."



After kidnapping her from her bestfried, Chanyeol brought her over a classy restaurant just a few blocks away from the ice cream shop. He ordered a lot of food and payed for everything. She hated going with him, but she definitely loved the food. 


"How could you stay smiley after you just made your girlfriend cry?!" Yoora asked him. She glared at him as she crossed her legs. 


He shrugged. "She's not my girlfriend anymore. I just broke up with her." 


She raised her brows, "What? You're really heartless. How could you just break a girl's heart that easily?"  


He looked at her playfully as he fixed his hair. "Why so many questions? Are you that interested in me?" he asked.


Yoora scoffed. "Of course not."


He leaned closed towards her and asked, "Then, can I ask you a question this time?"


Yoora looked aways, as his face came closer and closer towards hers. "W-what?"


"Shall we date?"




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Chapter 18: Thumbs up!
Chapter 13: update plzz :DD
Chapter 12: kyah XD I can't stop smiling while reading this <3
Chapter 10: woooaaaahh, I love it, I LOVE it!!! Keep up the good work, I love this story <3
Chapter 10: Wah~ I'm really loving this story more ^^
Chapter 10: gahh ;___; Chanyeol and Yoora <3 XD
I love this chapter :3 actually all of them :DD
updated soon ^^
Chapter 9: Wah~ cliffhanger author-nim. I'm sad.
haha! Just kidding! Anyway, good chapter here! :D
Chapter 9: update please, I love every chapter XD especially chapter 8 XD
Chapter 6: This was totally worth waiting! Great chapter, author, I like the way Chanyeol tries to get Yoora's attention xD