My beloved and handsome sweetie-pie 143

He's Losing The Game

Yoora sighed as she stared at the pile of books on top of her study table. She has a lot of things to study and a lot of assignments to do but she doesn't feel like doing them all. She's tired because of playing two hours of volleyball at her PE class that day. 


She looked up at the wall clock hanging on top of her bed and saw that it's already fifteen minutes past eight o'clock in the evening. She crossed her arms and gently bit her bottom lip as she thought of what she has to do. She looked up to look at the time again and made up her mind that resting is most important that very moment.


"Okay, I'll sleep first for now," she told herself as she stood up from her chair and turned off the study lamp on her table. She then headed to her bed and laid there as if it felt like heaven. She rolled on her bed and reached for her phone which is placed on top of her drawer and set the alarm on to 9 pm.


Just like that, she fell asleep. 


As she woke up and slowly opened her eyes, she saw the sun shining beneath her curtains. Then and there, she realized that it's already morning. She hurriedly jumped out of her bed and looked at the time; it's 6:00 am. 


"Darn it, I'm doomed!" she exlaimed and immediately checked why her phone didn't ring last night. Silent. Her phone was in silent mode. She cursed at herself as she rushed to the bathroom to get changed.


It's exactly 7:10 when she arrived at her classroom. Yoora gasped for air after running through the stairs and hallway. She threw her bag on her table as she took her seat. 


"Oh! What a miracle, you almost got late today." 


Yoora glanced at the guy beside him and saw him grinning at her again. "Why do you care?" she said.


He laughed, "I don't care, not at all. There's a difference between caring and just plain asking."


Yoora rolled her eyes and took out her books from her bag. She still has to her homework. 


"Yoora, you haven't done your homework yet?" She looked up to see Baekhyun sitting on the chair in front of her. 


She nodded as she made a sad face. "Oh, why are you sitting there?" she asked as she realized that Baekhyun's seat is not there.


He smiled at her, "I asked Jino change seats with me. Anyways, here." He handed her his books. "I used to copy assignments from you before, I guess it is alright if you copy mine this time."


Yoora took the books and thanked him. Byun Baekhyun really just saves her in times like this. This is why she likes him, as a friend of course.




She continued what she wasdoing and didn't mind the guy beside her who is becoming more and more annoying as time passes by. 




She ignored him again, not until he threw a paper on her table. She sighed. She took the paper and looked at what's written on it. 'I'll tell ma'am that you just copied your homework :P'


She crumpled the paper and threw it back on him, straight on the face. "What do you need from me, Park Chanyeol? Why do you keep bothering me?" she asked him as she glared at him.


"Woah, calm down." Chanyeol laughed. "Alright, I won't tell ma'am. Just give me your phone." 


She looked at him questioningly.


"Let me borrow your phone for a second," he repeated.


She handed it to him and finished what she was doing. As the bell rang, she was done. She closed the books and returned it to Baekhyun. "Thank you, really." 


"No problem, as long as it's you," he replied as he made a thumbs up.


Yoora kept all her things back to her bag. She let out a sigh of relief as she plopped down her head on the table. 




She turned to Chanyeol as he handed back her phone. "Thanks," He said with a sly smile. She wondered what he did with her phone but she couldn't care less.

Time went by fastly, and it was already dismissal. On her way home, Yoora passed by her favorite coffee shop and bought cappuccino. She found herself a seat and decided to stay there for a few minutes before heading home.


She placed down her bag on the table and took out her phone. She found 3 unread messages. 


From: Soyeon

Yoora~ Don't forget to bring extra money tomorrow. Let's gooo shopping :3


She chuckled as she read her best friend's text message. It's a Saturday tomorrow so she's up to shopping again.


To: Soyeon

Alright, alright. I get it. Don't forget to treat me lunch tomorrow too. :P


She closed their conversation and opened the next message. It's from her father.


From: Old man

I'll be home late tonight so buy food for dinner.


She closed the message with a sigh and didn't bother to make a reply. She read the last message.


From: My beloved and handsome sweetie-pie 143 <3

Hey babe, go home safely. *sends you a lot of kisses*


Yoora cringed as she read it. She was so shocked that she almost choked on her cappuccino.


To:  My beloved and handsome sweetie-pie 143 <3



A few seconds after, she received a reply. Wow, that was fast, she thought.


From:  My beloved and handsome sweetie-pie 143 <3

Look behind you babe. :*


She immediately turned around and saw a guy in shades sitting on the table across. She looked closely and was horrified to realize who it was.


Park Chanyeol.


Ohohoho~ Finally, I'm done with Chapter 2 :D


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Chapter 18: Thumbs up!
Chapter 13: update plzz :DD
Chapter 12: kyah XD I can't stop smiling while reading this <3
Chapter 10: woooaaaahh, I love it, I LOVE it!!! Keep up the good work, I love this story <3
Chapter 10: Wah~ I'm really loving this story more ^^
Chapter 10: gahh ;___; Chanyeol and Yoora <3 XD
I love this chapter :3 actually all of them :DD
updated soon ^^
Chapter 9: Wah~ cliffhanger author-nim. I'm sad.
haha! Just kidding! Anyway, good chapter here! :D
Chapter 9: update please, I love every chapter XD especially chapter 8 XD
Chapter 6: This was totally worth waiting! Great chapter, author, I like the way Chanyeol tries to get Yoora's attention xD