She fell hard

He's Losing The Game

"What were you talking about a while ago?" Chanyeol asked as Jong in entered the room. He's got a curious look on his face as she followed his best friend all around the room, waiting for his answer.

"Well, just things," Jongin replied as he took off his shirt and changed into a new one.

"What things?"

Jongin let out a chuckle, "None of your business, man."

"Hey! I know that face! Are you trying to hit on her?" Chanyeol asked, raising his voice a little.

"Why do you care?" Jong in replied as he faced his whining friend. He crossed his arms and looked at him as if he was interrogating him, " Do you like her?"

The taller guy scoffed, "W-what?! Of course not." He quickly looked away as he saw the look on Jongin's face. He cleared his throat as he regained his composure. "W-well, I just want to remind you that she's mine. I mean, I found her first. So don't meddle with us, get it?"

"We used to share with girls before, why can't I share with her?"

"Eyy~ Just don't ask anymore."




"Yah, help us prepare the dishes,"  Soyeon ordered as she saw Yoora enter the kitchen. She handed the pile of dishes to her and pointed at the cup with sterilized spoon and fork on top of the table, "Prepare that too."


Yoora nodded. She let out a giggle as she looked at her friend transferring the hot soup into the big bowl. "You look like a mom!" she teased as she set the table.

"I know. A lot of people tell me that I'm a perfect wife material," she proudly said.


"Mother material, you mean?" she corrected.

"Whatever, it is just the same."


"Who says? It's diffe--"

"What's happening here? Why are you two so loud?" Baekhyun interrupted as he joined the two girls in preparing for dinner. “Oh, I’ll help you with that,” he said as he took the bowl full of delicious food from Soyeon and placed it on the middle of the table.


Soyeon beamed as she looked at the table, “It’s all ready.” She turned to her best friend and told her, “Go call Chanyeol and Jongin, it’s time for dinner.”


“Why me?”


“Why not you?”


Yoora sighed. “Alright, I get it.” As she headed to the stairs, Baekhyun held her arms to stop her from going. “Why?”


He smiled, “I’ll go get them.”


She nodded and grinned, “Thanks!”


Chatters filled the kitchen as everyone gathered into the table. They excitedly took their seats as they felt their stomach churn at the sight of the delicious food. On the table were kimbap, beef stew, fried chicken and a few side dishes that Soyeon cooked all by herself.


“Wow, did you really cook all of this?” Jongin asked.


Soyeon nodded. “Hm, just eat all you want! I cooked it with all my heart,” she exclaimed cheerfully, her eyes fixed on Jongin.


Yoora chuckled to herself as she saw the look on her bestfriend’s eyes. It’s a look she has always seen every time a guy catches Soyeon’s interest. As she was about to reach out for a chicken pop, a beef landed on her plate.


“Eat that. That part tastes best,” Baekhyun grinned.


“Oh, really? Thanks!” she exclaimed, but before she could even take a bite, somebody swiftly took it from her hand and ate it all. “Yah! What are you doing, Park Chanyeol?! That’s mine!” she yelled at him in disbelief.


“Oops, sorry!” he sarcastically said; barely audible because of the beef on his mouth. He took a big piece of chicken and placed it on Yoora’s plate. “Eat this instead,” he said, managing to give a smirk to the other guy who was looking at him with irritation.


Feeling confused herself of what was happening, Yoora decided to just take a bite of the chicken on her plate. She was too hungry to even care.


To break the tense atmosphere that was starting to build, Soyeon coughed. “Umm, what about we talk about something— but what should we talk about?” she paused as she thought of a good topic.


“What about, you. I mean, let’s talk about what you like in a man?” Jongin flashed a smile, sending electricity to Soyeon’s spine.


She giggled shyly, “Umm, I like a cool man—someone I can count on when I need him.”


Jongin nodded, “What about you, Yoora?”


“Me?” Yoora asked, with food still on . He nodded. She took a big sip from her water to swallow down everything. “Oh, I want someone who won’t hurt me. And, someone who can cook very well.”


“Baekhyun can cook really well!” Soyeon exclaimed.


Chanyeol coughed, “Oh, ever since I was a kid, I can cook really well. My mom is a great cook, and you know, maybe it just runs in the blood.”


Yoora rolled her eyes.




Later that night, Yoora still couldn’t sleep. It’s 15 minutes before 11:00 pm, yet she couldn’t put herself into sleep so she decided to just sneak out of the room Soyeon and her share and went to the outside porch to look at the night sky. It’s a vacation place so even at that time, there were still a few people walking down the sands and some were still night-swimming. It was a beautiful sight—so calm.


Suddenly, she heard a door open. Feeling quite shocked, she hurriedly peeked to see who was awake. It was Park Chanyeol.


“Oh, you’re still awake?” she asked as he made his way towards her.


He nodded, “You too?”


She nodded. She studied his face as he looked out to the sky. That night, she noticed that he looked different. Well, he looks physically the same, but there’s something in his expression that changed. He looked calm, just like the sky. “What are you looking at? Are you admiring my face instead of the sky?”


She scoffed at his question. “What are you talking about? I just noticed that you look somewhat different. You look calm, at peace.”


He smiled, “Really? Well, I guess. Being away from a lot of girls clinging on me really is calming.”


She scoffed again, this time playfully. “You really, girls cling at you because you let them.”


She looked at him as she waited for his response. He stayed silent. Instead, he faced her and looked at her deeply. It was as if his gaze pierced right into her soul. “But, why do you not cling on me like the other girls?” he asked, his face starting to look serious yet not intimidating.


She could feel all the blood rushing towards her cheeks as they continued to stare into each other.  “I-I don’t know,” she muttered. Feeling the awkwardness starting to fill the space, she decided to look away. All of a sudden, she felt his hands around her waist, pulling her closer.


The next thing she knew, she felt his lips on hers. Then and there, she was sure. She has fallen for him so much; that it would be hard to escape. She knew she shouldn’t, yet she couldn’t stop herself anymore.


Park Chanyeol, the man he fell for despite being the complete opposite of the man she has always wished for.


Hi guise. I'm back. I am very very sorry for the long wait.

I just took my qualifying exam, which is very important in order to continue as an Accountancy student at uni. Gladly, it went well. :)

So yeah, sorry again. Here's an update. I know it's quite bad. I don't know. I just kind of forgot about my plans for this story. Oops. 

I'll try harder to make this better. Thanks <3


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Chapter 18: Thumbs up!
Chapter 13: update plzz :DD
Chapter 12: kyah XD I can't stop smiling while reading this <3
Chapter 10: woooaaaahh, I love it, I LOVE it!!! Keep up the good work, I love this story <3
Chapter 10: Wah~ I'm really loving this story more ^^
Chapter 10: gahh ;___; Chanyeol and Yoora <3 XD
I love this chapter :3 actually all of them :DD
updated soon ^^
Chapter 9: Wah~ cliffhanger author-nim. I'm sad.
haha! Just kidding! Anyway, good chapter here! :D
Chapter 9: update please, I love every chapter XD especially chapter 8 XD
Chapter 6: This was totally worth waiting! Great chapter, author, I like the way Chanyeol tries to get Yoora's attention xD