
They just fight

Right when she stepped out of the school compound, a honking sound was heard. Eunjin looked up from the road she’s staring.

“My friends are coming. Well, tomorrow. Should we grab some stuff to cook for them?” Xiumin asked as he leaned against his car. Eunjin stared at him weirdly.

“Yah. Are you really not going to ask me whether I’m okay or not?” She scoffed. He should ask her, because you know what happened?

“I slept at the school library during lunch. No one ever tried to wake me up. I end up sleep till midnight. I sneaked out through the broken glass window. I scratched my elbow for that. The annoying guard thought me as a thief. He didn’t believe me when I explained. And the most frustrating part is, when I checked my phone. No one I repeat no one ever tried to call me, text me, leave me voice mail to ask me where am I, am I okay?! Also hey, you’re here! But what you did was asking me to go shopping with you!” She shouted. Did she cry? No, she didn’t. Not that she wouldn’t, she just couldn’t.

Xiumin stayed at his place. He wanted to go towards her, hugging her that once but somehow, he couldn’t. The look, pure hatred in her eyes prevented him to do so.

“Not even I’m sorry?!” She yelled again. Xiumin kept silent, his personality, the one he hated the most was making him felt he’s useless. Eunjin sighed, closed her eyes that instant.

“Arasso, let’s go” Eunjin walked towards the car. She slipped into the car silently, not uttering a single word. Xiumin sighed as he got inside the car. As he started the engine, Eunjin pulled out her phone along with her earphone from her pocket and plugged the earpiece quickly.

Xiumin looked how her fingers trembling when scrolled down the song list and how hard she tapped the song she wanted to hear…Very Good by BlockB.  He knew why, because she wouldn’t want to hear anything. That’s why the loud, screaming sound was booming into her ears- he just lost the chance to talk when he have the chance to do so.

a/n : double update today so there would be another chappie up !



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leebeelin #1
Chapter 11: hello , nice to meet you :D
Chapter 12: OH. GOD. I love xiumin's character hereee... so much! author-nim, please update soon! ♥.♥

Great Story! (;
Chapter 7: And there it is... you mentioned vixx XD
Lol! I love vixx, maybe you too? XD
And i can *a little* imagine that eunjin is me (?) *i wish... i wish!!!!* kkk~
Fightiiiiing! And doible update (?) soon XD
Lol! *throw candies*
fahradwiputri #4
Chapter 7: omg this is perfection *Q* update soon pls!
i love xiumin's character here! also he's my bias <333
Chapter 5: This is nice! I love xiumin character here!
He's my bias btw and glad to read this one!!! Really love it!
joanbi #6
Chapter 3: omg....i love this fic please update soon..!!!:)