
His dislike.

"Hey,do you know me when you agree to my mom's offer?" I asked him in curiosity. He shook his head. I stared at him weirdly.

"You need money that bad?" I questioned. He smiled and then continued to watch the tv.

"So,you're desperate..." I thought hard. The buyer must be rich! Must be so he would get many money. I rubbed my chin with the tip of my forefinger, planning suitable characteristics needed for the buyer.

"Hmm, but you need to wait for 10 more months. You'll get money after that." I patted his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled again. I frowned and poked his cheek.

"Can't you speak?" I asked with annoyed tone. He chuckled and ruffled my head.

"I don't like to when I don't need to talk." He pointed. I nodded my head slowly, processing the information I got from him.

"What else?" I asked. He blinked his eyes multiple times, maybe he was thinking how to answer my question.

"I don't like dirt and messy room." He stated. In reflex, I looked around the living room and chuckled.

"Well, I'm sorry. I don't clean when I don't want to" I said. To be honest, I'm not a clean person but I'm neat. Clean and neat are two different thing.

neat : (of a place or thing) arranged in an orderly, tidy way.

clean : free from dirt, marks, or stains

"How about clean once a week?" He suggested. I put my thumbs up, totally agreed with him. Why? Because he would help me, less work to do.

"What else, the things you don't like?" I asked again. He turned off the tv and tuned his body to face me on the sofa. He bore into my eyes.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just because"

"For me, that's not an answer. I don't like that."

"Oh so, you don't like 'just because' for an answer?...I like that as my answers though." I frowned. He rolled his eyes but continue to look me in the eyes.

"Do you like drama or comedy themes ?"

"Hate both" He answered. I chuckled and slapped him on his thigh lightly.

"You're funny" I pointed. He smiled and stood up. I looked at him.

"I don't like to sit for a long time, hence I don't like to watch movies in cinema." He spoke. I went 'ahhh' and nodded.

"You know why I don't like to sit?" That was his turn to ask me question. I shrugged. Who knows? I just met him for god sake!

"Because it's tiring. So, I do this instead" He sat on the couch again, but this time he placed his head on my lap. He turned his body towards the tv and switch it on again. I stared at him in disbelief and tugged his hair.

"What about standing? Do you like it?"

a/n : the 'I' here is really frustrating..annoying woman..lol

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leebeelin #1
Chapter 11: hello , nice to meet you :D
Chapter 12: OH. GOD. I love xiumin's character hereee... so much! author-nim, please update soon! ♥.♥

Great Story! (;
Chapter 7: And there it is... you mentioned vixx XD
Lol! I love vixx, maybe you too? XD
And i can *a little* imagine that eunjin is me (?) *i wish... i wish!!!!* kkk~
Fightiiiiing! And doible update (?) soon XD
Lol! *throw candies*
fahradwiputri #4
Chapter 7: omg this is perfection *Q* update soon pls!
i love xiumin's character here! also he's my bias <333
Chapter 5: This is nice! I love xiumin character here!
He's my bias btw and glad to read this one!!! Really love it!
joanbi #6
Chapter 3: omg....i love this fic please update soon..!!!:)