
intoducing kim xiumin

"Who are you?" I cocked my eybrow. The man with white shirt, baby blue shorts and ELSTINKO brand cap looked up from a book he was reading. I scanned his whole face. Fair skin and chubby face- a total stranger for me. He stood up, straighten his back from sitting too long in front of my house- just a small apartment.

"You're late" He stated. His face remained stoic and soon become frown. I furrowed my eyebrows.

*Not answering my question.Rude.* I frowned too.

"Yah,you just left bad impression.First impression is everything" I said as I gave him a look. He remained silent and bore into my eyes.

I stared at him back.*Staring contest? On it!*. The staring went for almost 5 minutes. 5 minutes of nothing but staring a stranger!

He sighed and tore his eyes away from mine. I smirked in victory. I looked at him in curiosity as he crouched down on the floor,pulling a backpack in process. He ped the front pocket and pulled a plastic file. He gave it to me without even face me.

"Rude" I breathed. Taking the file harshly and quickly opened the file. I pulled out a few papers and read them. I sighed and put the papers back once I've read all of them.

"Why do you agree ?" I questioned. He remained silent but keep his eyes on me. I sighed again and strech out my hand.

"Im Eunjin" I whispered. I didn't care he heard me or not but I did sure he knew my name already. He looked at my hand stoicly. I looked down my hand and examined the flesh.

"Wae? Is it because my hand is dirty?" I asked as I pulled out a packet of tissue and wiped off unseen dirts on my hand. He shook his head. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I looked up to see his face. He looked down, lips parted as if he wanted to say something.

"You're weird."I blurted out. His shut up his mouth and sighed. He s his hand around my waist.

"Could hug replace your first impression about me?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Xiumin.Kim Minseok to be precise" He mumbled and pulled me closer to his body. His warm body that embraced me made me felt...


That night, I post the advertisement at my blog, Americano.com. About selling husband. I know I was a jerk. It's a blog where my mom asked me to post things I like and wish to do.

I wish to have him away from me when I turned eighteen. I'll get money and so do him.


a/n : drabbles-because that what I'm planning right now.






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leebeelin #1
Chapter 11: hello , nice to meet you :D
Chapter 12: OH. GOD. I love xiumin's character hereee... so much! author-nim, please update soon! ♥.♥

Great Story! (;
Chapter 7: And there it is... you mentioned vixx XD
Lol! I love vixx, maybe you too? XD
And i can *a little* imagine that eunjin is me (?) *i wish... i wish!!!!* kkk~
Fightiiiiing! And doible update (?) soon XD
Lol! *throw candies*
fahradwiputri #4
Chapter 7: omg this is perfection *Q* update soon pls!
i love xiumin's character here! also he's my bias <333
Chapter 5: This is nice! I love xiumin character here!
He's my bias btw and glad to read this one!!! Really love it!
joanbi #6
Chapter 3: omg....i love this fic please update soon..!!!:)