
Sapphire Angel

I ran back crashing through the window aiming my guns up “Don’t move a muscle” I growled.

“Oh so you did come, good” He smiledarrow-10x10.png.

“Let, them, go” I said through gritted teetharrow-10x10.png “Why did you guys come? I told you to stay” I sighed.

They looked at me apologetically “W-we’re sorry, I’m sorry, I decided this” Suho sighed.

“Sorry for breaking this sweet thing, but you aren’t going to get them. Until you hand over the moneyarrow-10x10.png” He pointed out.


“Oh so you want them dead?” He asked pointing a gun at Tao’s head.

I didn’t say anything, the man was about to pull the trigger when I jumped up and kicked the gun out of his hand, making the gun shoot at the window. I threw a punch at his stomach making him fall to the ground “That’s for hurting me” I punched him in the face a couple times “And that’s for hurting my brothers”

Suddenly all the ‘minions’ I like to call them, launched themselves at me. Shooting like there’s no tomorrow. I dodged all the bullets, making them gape, along with my brothers. I didn’t bother shooting, I just used my combat skills and kicked them and punched them til they were unable to get up. Once they were all down, I ran towards the guys and started untying them. Little did I know, the boss had stood up behind me, aiming the gun straight at my back.

“Ri-Ri! Watch out!” They shouted.

But it was too late, the gun shot straight through my back, missing my heart by centimetres. I gasped.

“AHRI!” They shouted.

I coughed up a little blood “I-I’m fine” I stuttered. It was painful yes, but I held it in. I couldn’t look weak in front of the enemy, one of the many lessons I have learnt from my parents. I turned around, not flinching. I ran up to him and knocked him unconscious “Serves you right” I muttered.

I grabbed my dagger from my boot and cut all the ropes loose, in seconds they ran to my side.

“Ahri? Are you okay? It’s our entire fault you got hurt!” Sehun whimpered.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me; it’s not your fault, it’s my own fault. I brought this upon myself. Enough about me, are you guys okay? Did any of them hurt you?” I said worried.

“We’re fine Ahri, a couple bruises but that’s nothing compared to what you’re going through” Lay sighed “We need to get you back, then you owe us a big explanation” He looked sternly at me.

I nodded. Hoping their reactions aren’t going to be bad.

When we arrived back to the palace the King embraced me in a tight hug, only to get blood on his robe which he gasped and made me go straight to the infirmary and they treated my wound. Fortunately it wasn’t so bad. Once they were done with the surgery and treatment the boys entered the room with Father. They saw my whole back and front was wrapped in bandages and they flinched, thinking it was their fault. Kris sat down and started asking questions.

“Okay, question number one, how in the world did you get caught?” Kris interviewed me.

“I snuck out at night” I answered honestly.

“Why?” He asked again.

“To visit my parents, we do a ritual for the dead in our family on their anniversary. I would’ve brought you guys but that’s against the policy” I explained.

He nodded “Okay, where did you get those guns?”

“My parents gave them to me on my 5th birthday. I was made to bring it everywhere I go” I shrugged.

“5th Birthday?!” They shouted.

“That’s what I said” I stated.

“Okay, uh, where did you learn those moves, I’m sure Tao didn’t teach you those” Kris asked with Tao agreeing.

“Oh, I didn’t tell you guys but, I was trained combat wise since young. So I already knew most of the moves Tao taught me, I know Wushu, Karate, Tai Kwondo, Judo and all the martial arts” I confessed.

“So that’s why…”Tao trailed off “wait, what rank?” he asked.

“Highest rank for all” I simply answered making the others gape.

“Last of all” Kris got their attention “What’s this secret?” He asked.

“Huh?” Was all I could say.

“The one the King only knows” He put more detail.

“Oh, that one” I paused looking down “You promise you won’t hate me?” I asked.

They all nodded.

I inhaled “Okay, well, let’s just say, I’mamurderer” I said really fast.

“Pardon?” Baekhyun asked.

“I’m. A. Murderer” I said slowly and quietly.

“BWO?! YOU’RE A WHAT?!” They shouted.

“Ahri! Do not say you are a murderer” The King hollered.

“But-“ I got cut off.

“Not buts, she isn’t a murderer. She just claims to be one” The King explained.

“What do you mean?” Chanyeol asked.

“You know the old King that died in the next Kingdom?” He asked.

They nodded.

“She killed him” He answered as if it were nothing whilst taking a sip of tea.

“BWO?! SHE DID WHAT?” They shouted.

“Shush, you are so noisy!” The King complained whilst you just stared at your hands folded on your lap “Let Ahri explain the whole story first, remember, we don’t know her reason” The King stated.

All eyes were on me “Well it started like this…”


Hey dudes and dudets~~ I'm sorry for not updating :( Soo i decided for a double update ^^ Please forgive me?

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RainaSeoyounKo #1
Chapter 9: Take your time author nim^^
Psst. Loved the update btw
Chapter 8: Update pleasee ;)
Chapter 8: Please update soon..Please. I CAN't wait . ^_~
Chapter 8: I can't wait for the next chapter because I want to know what happened to her before... Please update soon.... ^_^
guiltyNaNa #5
Chapter 8: I'm curious about her full story...
Chapter 3: Nice story!!!
Update soooooonnn :)
jecrisdiego #7
Chapter 3: Excited for the next chapter's.:)
jecrisdiego #8
Chapter 2: Omg its getting more interesting.....:)