How it all began

Sapphire Angel

Your POV

I ran deep into the woods, getting further away from the shouts and cries. Tears flow down my face only to be wiped off again. My coat got caught onto a tree branch, I look back at the crowd with blurry eyes as they were fast on my tail, I quickly pull at the coat and it ripped but I didn’t care. Once they were out of sight, I leaned against a tree and sat down, still huffing. Blood was trailing down my arm because of the bullet still in-cased in it, I grabbed my shirt and ripped off the hem and tied it tightly around the wound hoping for the blood to stop as I hissed in pain. I decided to call it a day and climbed up the tree with great difficulty but succeeded. I lay down carefully and closed my eyes, drifting into dream land within seconds.

It’s been a month since I’ve run away and I haven’t had any food for 2 weeks, my water supply has just run out and I’m weak and tired. I continued on my track that I had been travelling on for a while now. It was nearly sundown when I reached another Kingdom, I walked in and found the nearest alley and sat down, resting myself as I sighed and wondered if everyone is doing okay in the Elden. Suddenly my head starting throbbing, I was getting dizzy and my eyesight was blurry, I clutched my head, there was a shout and everything went black.

I opened my eyes to be met with a white room; I sat up abruptly looking around. Where am I? How did I get here?  I thought, I touched my throbbing head and noticed a bandage wrapped around it. I swiftly get out of the bed and walked towards the door, I reached my hand towards the doorknob but the door swung open, only to reveal an old man around the age of 40 wearing expensive robes.

“Oh my, you're awake. You shouldn’t be standing, go back into bed. You won’t get any better like this.” He said with his jolly like voice and ushering me back.

"W-who are you?!” I said, turning myself to face him, getting in a stance.

“Oh my goodness, I completely forgot. Come now you must be pretty confused, get back into bed and I’ll start explaining.” He said.

I nodded and hopped back into the bed. Hoping I could trust this man.

He smiledarrow-10x10.png “My name is King Edward, nice to meet you”

“King?” I asked confused.

“Yes, King, I am the Ruler of The Kingdom of Eldon” he paused. “Now how did you end up in this state? Tell me your story”

“Um, since you saved me I guess I can tell you. Well I came from the next Kingdom, Elden and my name is Ahri, Lee Ahri. I ran away into the forest and well, I haven’t had anything to eat for 2 weeks, my water supply ran out a couple days ago; I was lucky enough to find this place” I explained. “Um may I ask how long I have been unconscious?”

“About a week”

“A WHOLE WEEK?!” I shouted

He chuckled “Yes a whole week, well how is my brother?” He beamed.

“….He’s dead” I lowered my head.

His face suddenly fell “…I won’t ask what happened until you’re ready, now can you tell me why you ran away?” he asked.

“I’d, rather not say” I said sadly.

“That's okay, what’s done is done, now do you have a place to go? Who are your parents?” He asked

I lowered my head more “My Father was the King’s most trusted advisor, whilst my Motherarrow-10x10.png was the King’s personal maid. My parents…were killed recently and I have no relatives so, I guess I’ll get going. Thank you for your hospitality” I said and hopped out of bed, gathering my things.

 “Wait, I can’t let a young girl like you go out on her own like this; you are staying here with me” He smiledarrow-10x10.png.

My eyes widened “No, you shouldn’t. It will be bad for your name and you can get into danger, think about it” I shook my head. I finished packing and bowed “Once again, thank you. I owe you my life” I whispered.

“You have no choice! You are staying here with me! Plus, it will be nice to have a daughter for once.” He took my hand “Think of it as repaying your debt of saving you, neh?” He said.

I hesitated “I guess it you say if like that” I sighed.

“Yes!” He yelled jumping around like a little child.

“Oh sir, may I ask a question?” I looked up at him.

“Sure” He smiled, showing his pearly whites.

“What do you mean by having a ‘daughter for once’?”

“Haha, well, I have 12 sons” He laughed heartily.

“12?! I’m going to have 12 brothers?!” I yelled.

“Yes, 12 older brothers, or should I say, Oppas” He wiggled his eyebrows.

I rubbed my temples “This is going to be a problem” I muttered.

“Now you go explore the place, I’m going to get your room ready” he said before setting off.

I sighed and grabbed my backpack. I noticed that my guns were gone and my eyes widened, I quickly looked around the bed and under the chairs. Bingoarrow-10x10.png! They were on the desktop. I grabbed them and placed them in my belt; I covered it and walked off. I explored the large hallways when I was met by an extremely tall boy with flawless features; he suddenly spotted me, widened his eyes and yelled.


My eyes widened “BWO? Did you call me a dwarf and a he?” Before I could scold him, a bunch of guards came charging at me. I my heels and ran. Not good! Where is that stupid King when you need him?

“Speak of the devil” I whispered when I swiftly turned the corner to be met by the one and only.

“YAH! Come back here!” The guards yell.

The King heard this and turned around to see me “Hey! I’ve been looking for you, where have you be-“He stopped when he saw the guards and the boy “Oh, woops”

I quickly ran to him and hid behind him “Yah! Why didn’t you tell them I was here?” I yelled.

“Sorry?” He apologetically looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

“Stop this instant! She is a guest” He said.

“I’m sorry sir, Prince Kris had ordered us to do so” they halted and bowed.

“That’s okay; now back to your stations” The King ordered.

“Sir yes Sir!” They cleared off.

“Yeah, SHE is a guest, Duizhang” I glared at the boy named Kris.

“I didn’t know we had a guest today Father” He said, ignoring my remark.

“Yes, now you shouldn’t just yell at people. She’s just a young girl and she’s hurt. Can you not see that?” he scolded.

“Sorry Father” He bowed.

“You’re forgiven. Now go get your brothers, and tell them I want them in the throne room at 2 o’clock sharp!” He said.

“Yes” the boy bowed once again before running off.

“Hmph, I don’t like him” I huffed crossing my arms.

“Well you have to get used to him, he is one of your brothers” He smiled meekly.

I groaned in frustration.

“Come now, we have to go to the throne room, kaja?”

“Okay Sir” I said and followed him behind.

“Oh and don’t call me sir, after all, you're my daughter now” He grinned.

“What do I call you then?” I asked.

“You can call me Appa.” His smile grew wider.

“What about Father?”

“No. My sons only call me that if there’s a guest around or guards” he joked.

“Oh, okay then sir, I mean A-appa” I said awkwardly.

“Good! It seems you don’t say Appa all that often” He remarked.

“Yes, I usually call my parents, Mother and Father”

“Then I will let you call me Father if that’s more comfortable for you. That reminds me” He paused and tapped his chin “I’ve heard of you before through my brother, he says you’re a very lively girl yet your reserved and polite. I guess he and you were quite close since your parents work for him”

“That’s right” I lowered my head.

“Hmm” Was all I got from him.

It went quiet after a little while but the King suddenly said something I never expected coming “To tell you the truth, that King is a fraud. I knew this for a while now. You see, my brother died a long time ago. Around 10 years and this King took over. He was a replacement for the Kingdom, but he disguised himself as the old King so no-one’s peace was disturbed. I guess he wasn’t a good King huh?”

“I-I didn’t know. But yes, he wasn’t the good King I thought he was” I said monotone.

“Well, we’ve arrived!” He said enthusiastically “Now, I want you to stay here. When I call you, then you can come out. You can stand here and watch their reactions! Ooh this is going to be good!”  He rubbed his hands together and laughed cheekily.

I couldn’t help but smile as he walked up to the throne and sat down. I peeked as the doors opened and 12 handsome, flawless boys come strolling in.

“Yes Appa, you wanted to see us?” A boy that looked like an angel asked.

“Yes, I have important news” he said, keeping a straight face.

“What is it?” A boy with a dark tan asked.

“You are all getting……A NEW SISTER!!!” He yelled throwing his hands up.



Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first chappie :) I changed the foreward and made it shorter so, check that out if you havent yet :)

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RainaSeoyounKo #1
Chapter 9: Take your time author nim^^
Psst. Loved the update btw
Chapter 8: Update pleasee ;)
Chapter 8: Please update soon..Please. I CAN't wait . ^_~
Chapter 8: I can't wait for the next chapter because I want to know what happened to her before... Please update soon.... ^_^
guiltyNaNa #5
Chapter 8: I'm curious about her full story...
Chapter 3: Nice story!!!
Update soooooonnn :)
jecrisdiego #7
Chapter 3: Excited for the next chapter's.:)
jecrisdiego #8
Chapter 2: Omg its getting more interesting.....:)