Chapter VI

Terror in the Woods

Moo Young Point of View:

"Dammit!" mumbled Moo Young. The plan was take to all of them quietly, one by one, using one member to lure another into his trap.  Once he had them all, he would bring him to his den and slowly feed on them.  He would take enough blood from each one of them to keep them weak enough so that they could never escape.  He did not want them dead right away. He wanted to be sure to keep this food supply as long as he could. This way he thought he could slowly gather his strength and eventually return as the god that he was.  

Moo Young had taken the distracted Ryewook easily and quickly bit into the soft flesh of his neck.  He struggled a little, but eventually Moo Young overpowered him.  But Moo Young's physical reaction to the blood was unexpected. It has been so long since he had consumed human blood. His body reacted violently. Instead of enjoying the warmth splashing down his throat, his body began to gag on the thick liquid and he eventually expelled it. "This was a surprise!" he said. "Maybe I was being too greedy. I need to slow down." Realizing his mistake, Moo Young instead started to take small bites and little sips of blood from the Ryewook.  He swallowed slowly, allowing his body to acclamate to the texture, taste and temperature of the blood.   Suddenly he heard rustling heading toward them.  Here comes another one looking for his little friend.  Moo Young was unprepared.  He was still trying to recover for the nausea he was experiencing, but with the little bit of blood he had taken from Ryewook, Moo Young felt a bit of his old strength come back to him.  "I think am ready for the next one." he told himself encouragingly.

He had thought that he has sufficiently drained blood from the smaller one to subdue him, but it seems that he was a bit stronger than expected.  There he was, screaming at the top of his lungs for help as Moo Young clung onto the the larger one.  "I am much weaker than I thought." he thought to himself as he wrestled with the larger of the two.  "This one is strong, too strong. And fast.".   Moo Young could not bring Kangin down, no matter how hard he tried, he was not strong enough.  Desperation finally kicked in.  Moo Young reached for a rock and hit Kangin on the back of the head. They both fell with a thump.  It took Moo Young a while before he could roll Kangin off of him.  

At the sight of his friend fall, Ryewook double his efforts in screaming for help.  "This will not do." Moo Young said and he used the same rock to knock Ryewook out.  

Moo Young was disappointed. This did not go as planned.  The elegant trap that Moo Young had envisioned in his head had quickly fallen apart.  The effort to subdue these two had completely drained Moo Young of any energy.  These were not the humans of the old days.  These were bigger, stronger, healthier humans. In the old days, you could alway count on a quick meal made up of malnutrished, sickly peasants to get you through the night if you were desperate.  It may not have tasted good, but it got the job done. What was happening? Are they now the stronger race? Moo Young realized that he had stayed away from society so long he was unaware of the changes that had happen in the last 200 years, the advances in science and technology and their effects on the human race. Moo Young suddenly felt old and weak.  That battle had taken much out of him. 

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