Chapter XI

Terror in the Woods

The members arrived back at the den area and began to look around.  "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!" Kangin asked breathlessly, "Did he come back, are you hurt??"  "Yeah he came back, but we are ok.  Hangeng stabbed him and he ran off." Heechul replied.  Leeteuk went on to check on Siwon and Sungmin as well as Hangeng and Heechul.   When he was sure no one got hurt, he questioned the two left guarding the wounded to find out exactly what happened.  "So he is hurt? Good!  Did you see Ryewook with him?" he asked. Just as Heechul and Hangeng were about to answer, the members heard a small moan above them.  "Help"

"What was that?" Eunhyuk asked out loud.  "It came from up there." several of the members replied. The looked up into the trees.  "There!!!". Kyuhyuk stated pointing at a large branch overhanging the den, "I can see someone!  Hurry!!"  Yesung and Donghae quickly climbed up the tree.  

Hanging from the branch was Ryewook.  "Thank god you found me." Ryewook said to Yesung and Donghae when they approached him.  "Can you move?" Donghae asked as he bent over to lift Ryewook. "No, sorry. I am feeling a little woozy right now." Ryewook replied with a half smile. Slowly Yesung and Donghae were able to lower Ryewook to the forest floor. Kangin immediately ran to him and said "I am sorry, so sorry Hyung!"  "Its ok Kangin, it is not your fault. You had no idea what you were going up against.  I should be apologizing to you.  I should have warned you, said something, but I was scared and didn't know what to do.  Forgive me hyung." Ryewook replied. With that the two brothers hugged. 

"Was that you who hit me with the pine cone?" Heechul asked as the members tended to Ryewook's wounds. "Yeah. I didn't think it would work." Ryewook answered.  "Good aim!!". Heechul said while giving him the thumbs up. 

Leeteuk looked at the bite marks on Ryewook's neck and shoulder.  "What happened?" he asked.

"I don't know.  There I was looking at the ruins and the next thing I know, something is biting me.  I think he was drinking my blood, because suddenly I felt very weak and out.  The next thing I remember is Kangin calling my name and trying to pick me up.  And then he attacked Kangin from behind. It was horrible."  

The members looked at each other and began to discuss how they were going to get out of the forest. "We need to get out of here before that thing returns."  Donghae stated.  "No!  We need to kill it before it hurts anyone else." was the reply from Ryewook. Everyone was surprised. The quiet intellectual one of the group was out for revenge.  "What did you say?  You want to go after it?" Leeteuk stated looking at Ryewook in surprise.

"Hyung, you saw what it can do.  He is only going to get stronger the more he feeds.  If he does, there will be no stopping him.  There is a city right there.  He will attack anything, men, women, children.  We have to stop him, no matter what." 

"I agree, we have no choice."  Kangin replied. The members began to talk amongst themselves as to what they should do next. Several of the members agreed with Ryewook and Kangin, while others thought they should report it and let the authorities handle it.  

"No!  Kangin and Ryewook are right.  We cannot not let this thing escape this forest.  Who knows what havoc and devastation he can cause once he gets into Seoul  We need to take this thing out and we need to do it tonight.  

It is obvious that he is strong now that he has fed.  Fortunately Hangeng wounded him so we may have an advantage." Leeteuk stated.  "We need to sit down and talk so that we can come up with a plan on how to get rid of him once and for all. "

The members started giving their input on how they were going to capture and kill the monster that had been terrorizing them all night.  "We will need bait to lure him in." Shindong stated emphatically.  "If he thinks he can get a free meal, especially now that he is wounded, he will not be able to resist."  "You're right. That is the only way."  Kangin agreed.  "I will do it." Ryewook piped in.

"No, you have been through enough.  And any way, you are too weak right now. You will not be able to fight him off if he attacks you" Leeteuk objected.  "That's why I have my brothers here."  Ryewook said while pointing at the members. "Together I think you can protect me.  Together I think we can kill that beast.  I am the best choice. There is no arguing that he has already acquired a taste for MY blood anyway."   

The members argued the point and in the end decided that it was much too dangerous to use Ryewook as bait.  The beast had proven to be unpredictable and they knew that they did not know enough about this beast to anticipate what could happen.  In addition, if something went wrong and the members could not get to him, Ryewook was not even strong enough to defend himself in the condition he was in.  Instead the members agreed that they would go on the offensive and bring the fight to Moo Young.  

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