Chapter 8

If This Is Love

First Beat


Truth is, I have been noticing it even before.

I might have been paying attention from the very start...
His eyes that looks extra y when there's eyeliner on. The thing about his fingers being long and beautiful. Or his skin that looks smooth even without any cream; That everytime he smiles, the corners of his mouth form a square; also times when he wears my shirts that his collar bones show. And that he often uses my shampoo which makes me think that he has my scent on...

But all of those never distracted me like this before.

I'm not really bothered but lately, I find myself wanting to kiss my roommate Baekhyun.


"Yah! What are you spacing out for?" Baekhyun flicked my forehead and started getting our bags.

I smiled and hang my arms around his shoulders, "Yah~ Aren't you too excited?! You're grinning too much"

"I am; but not as excited as him" Baekhyun answered back as he points to Sehun who is flashing a smiley face while keeping order with his stuffs

I agree, that guy is particularly excited too. After we finally made our official debut, the M-members have been staying in China. So this will be the first time we're going out all together since then.

Where?... We're going to Dishneeland! Eehem, I mean, DISNEYLANDDD~!!

"Cuz I'm leavin' on a jet plane~" Even this poker faced Kyungsoo is excited about it that he's singing random English songs while giving his bags to Kai for the latter to carry.



We meet with the other members at the airport, and couldn't believe what I saw, Tao is dancing cutely in front of Kris hyung. Dancing. Cutely. I thought the Disneyland syndrome only applies to us but I guess even Tao is not an exemption. But he immediately stopped soon as he saw us. Hahahaha he's doing a good job being the maknae of exo-m. That kung-fu panda always appears to be chic and snobbish but for some reason, he grew attached to Baekhyun. Wae?!~

Then Luhan hyung walks towards us while making a derp face. I don't know how to describe it cuz it's actually beyond derp, but knowing hyung,it probably meant, 'I'm-excited-too!' He really doesn't care how he looks funny right now, I guess it's because he knows that no matter what kind of face he makes, it always ends up pretty anyway

But Sehun went to him and whispered something that made Luhan hyung blush and kick him. Then he goes hugging back our maknae in the waist afterwards.
My, now we'll be seeing them like that always again.


At the plane, manager hyung was supposed to decide for our seats but seeing how everyone is rummaging around, he allowed us to seat where we please. I'm next to Baekhyun who's sitting beside Suho hyung

"What are you reading?" Baekhyun asked the guy next to Suho hyung, Jongdae as he snatches the book the latter is reading

"What's this? Korean-English dictionary?" He added

"Yah, we don't need this. We have Kris hyung! Have hyung take care of everything!" I claimed

Baekhyun can't stop making fun of Jongdae as he adds, "And besides, you were born in Canada, right? You should be good in English!"

"I... Yah! I don't get the connection! Just give it back~" Jongdae answered back

"Neol, jeongmal! Nomu... aish, you're so noisy..." Suho hyung finally complained. That's when the three of us automatically behaved

"... No matter how you see it, this arrangement is weird. I mean why would the three of us squeeze Suho hyung here in the middle?" Baekhyun started and Jongdae laughs. And before we knew it, three of us were back to chatting and Suho hyung just .. exhaled as he puts on his earphones.




Before we get to have fun in the rides, we're yet here right now in L.A for the SMTown concert week with our sunbaes~

Huh...? What's this...?

It's true that manager hyung asked us to provide fan service during this concert but... doesn't it seem like Baekhyun touches me too much...?

Or am I the only one being conscious all of a sudden? I told you I'm being distracted...

Because in terms of skinship, other members would even complain how we act extremely chummy with each other that we're even surpassing the HunHan's throne.

But somehow right now, he gazes at me intimately that it's blinding me more than the lights in this stadium; then everywhere he touches me melts.
Every time he'll go towards me and say something to my ears, I can't hear the fans squealing anymore or the background music of the stage... his every words echos to my ear; and when he'll crack a smile times when I got a mistake in the dance steps, I got excited instead.

I never knew Baekhyun could be this disturbing.

"Yah! How could you mistake even our own lyrics back there?" Baekhyun asked as we head backstage soon as the performance ended.

It's because of you, idiot!-- Yeah, I can't just tell him that.




Back in our hotel room, Baekhyun and I join forces to make Jongdae cry... hehehehe we miss making fun of him. When he would complain how mean we were with his native dialect, we really find it cute that the two of us would burst out laughing and Baekhyun would put an aegyo for him.

After sometime, we got tired and end up sitting cozily; me on my bed while lightly strumming the guitar, Jongdae on the floor fixing his stuffs, and Baekhyun on the coach reading some book. Then the door opened and the forth person to occupy this room with us, Yixing hyung, entered. The three of us turned to him and after he stared at us for a moment, he quietly closes back the door.

"He... just saw us, right? Not like he actually witnessed us messing around or something" I started

"He doesn't need to wait for it to happen. Everyone knows how chaotic it is when three of us grouped together" Jongdae answered immediately

"Chanyeol alone is enough for him back out. I maybe noisy, and you might be noisier, but Chanyeol is the noisiest" Baekhyun, who in reality is the noisiest, added as he starts to laugh; so as Jongdae; but the latter rushes through the door while calling Yixing hyung back. And I pity hyung for being told to room with us.

I also went out the room to fetch hyung when I noticed Sehun spacing out in the corner next the window so I decided to greet him

"Hey, what's with the deep thought?" I asked



Sehun turned to me for seconds and ask, "Say, have you kissed Baekhyun hyung yet?"

Say what?!!

"No--not ye-- aish, no!" I stammered.


"What what do you mean by 'what'? Why would I even kiss him in the first place?!" I asked and he just looked at me puzzled as if I answered his question wrong

"You're unexpectedly dumber than I thought, hyung"

Excuse me?!

"Yah! I think just because I'm very kind to you that.." I protested as I follow him to the living room



Why would Sehun ask me that kind of question all of a sudden?

"What's wrong?" Baekhyun asked as he sat on my bed.


"You always do that, strumming your guitar, when there's something bothering you..."

"You're right... I'm bothered Baekhyun-ah... you... you haven't dried your hair properly. Yah! you'll catch cold that way!" I yelled at him and hands him the towel.

I watch him as he sloppily dries his hair while humming our song. And before I knew it, I'm already strumming its chords on my guitar. He looks at me and cracks a smile as he starts singing the lyrics in an acoustic version.

"...Nege marhejwo ige sarangiramyon.."

Tell me if this is love...

I turned to him soon as we finish the last line in the chorus... I'm dying to know how Sehun came up with that kind of question to me.

I find myself wondering how would it feel like kissing Baekhyun's lips.

"W..why...?" He asked me while looking at me with confused eyes.

Seems like my fingers move on their own without asking my mind's permission again as it's already late for me to realize that my thumb is pressed against his lips to which I awkwardly retreated.

"Are... are you checking if I put something like gloss again?" he continued

"Huh? Why would you think so?"

"Because last time, I thought you'd do something then turns out that way..."

"Last time...?"

"... I mean, last time when you thought I'm using a cream on my face..."

Ah... that lie.

That last time was also one of my lies. I was sure I'm about to do something at him that last time... but I ended up making that bb cream as an excuse... to touch him.

"Ah, I see. But Baek, I'm more curious on what you thought I would do to you..." I teased as I sheepishly smiled at him.

Ah, I can't take this anymore, his whole face turned red.


"Yah!" He yelled as he prepares to throw the pillow on my face.

"Please stop being violent... and erted." I teased more and laugh while rushing through the door.

He threw the pillow directly at me and I managed to dodge it... but too bad the person who opened the door just in time didn't... it was Lay hyung... with Jongdae.
Three of us got scared.


Hyung uttered something in Mandarin... I don't know what it means but I know it's not good. And he goes out again.

"Aish, just when I managed to convince hyung to room with us..." Jongdae complained and this time, it's the three of us who went to get hyung back.



Everyone is excited the next morning because after the long wait, we're finally experiencing the rides and fun in the Disneyland.

"You eat. Don't leave til you haven't eat one" Baekhyun strictly ordered me when I said I won't eat anything for I will ride like crazy in the roller coaster and other mad stomach banging stuffs that I might vomit in the process

That caused Kyungsoo, who is fixing Kai's bed hair, stare at us. Luhan-hyung chuckles a bit while whispering something with Minseok hyung.

"Just eat something already! So we can leave already! You're wife is being nosy again" Lay hyung complained as he's dying to go there now

Baekhyun and I just blush while I ended up having a slice of bread and glass of milk



Entering the amusement park, all the members are struggling to look composed despite their thrill because some people recognize us.
I watch Sehun and Luhan hyung holding hands throughout the day all along the way from the rides to the food stands. Ey~ I envy them. And for some reason, I wanted to do the same with Baekhyun but... but what the hell, he's already holding hand in hand with Kris hyung!

I know they really are close but seeing them now, aren't they a little bit too close?

I admit it annoys me. Argh whatever. I don't care about him anymore.

Just when I was about to go separately, Baekhyun turned to me and called me back. It's lame but I can't help but smile.



Riding the coaster has never been this scary... I mean, it's not like it's my first time but this one seems ten times scarier than the ones I've tried before. Then I felt Baekhyun hold my hand. I looked at him as he smiles back at me.

"Calm down. He he he" He said with a nervous voice and I think his charms really works fine with me.

Good thing he's beside me.


We tried every crazy rides there are that even Jongdae, who has the most deterrence among us, finally turned gray. And I'm near to vomiting.

Some members are still up for a ride as they are still in the line.

Baekhyun and I are charging up ourselves while sitting on the bench

"Hey, want to sneak out together?"


So I dragged him to stroll on the streets with me instead. We passed by the boutique of caps and when I turned to him, Baekhyun is no longer beside me.

My eyes took a quick scan around the area but I can't see him anywhere. I'm starting to get worried. Where is he? What if he got lost... He is bad in taking directions. I get a little panic that I even ask some fans who follow with us if they have seen Baekhyun. I walk to search for him when I saw him went out from one of the shops.

"Baekhyun!" I called him as I felt like the uncomfortable stuff which was stuck in my throat finally came off.

He turned to me and smile casually.

What the hell.

My steps increase speed after another hurrying to go to him.

Then I remember the first day I meet him in the train station. I was hoping to meet him sooner that time too. Only now that I understand why I shouted his name back there and how come I tried so hard.

I was rushing to reach for him.

And my chest feels tight...

I think I even got a clue why Sehun told me that I'm unexpectedly dumb or slow...

"I saw this bracelet and remembered you once said you like this style so I... Chanyeol...?" He stopped talking when he noticed me just staring at him nonchalantly

"Here I thought you got lost or something..."

"Ah, sorry... but yah! Aren't you exaggerating? You can just message or call my phone..."

I didn't answer him back as I just slide my hand on his neck up to cup his cheek.


Truth is, it did subtly cross my mind from that very first day...

This is bad.

That what if I'm guessing this exactly right?




What if this is love?




Yehet~! ^^,

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hideandseekinheaven #1
oh my gosh
hideandseekinheaven #2
oh my gosh
Chapter 16: I love this like oh my gah i need more!!!!!!!!! Love u author-ssi!
56shas #4
Chapter 16: this story is........asdfgjkl
i really love it<3<3
channie32 #5
Chapter 15: continue the story. It is amazing!
sassymisskim #6
Chapter 14: hey, can't this be extended for few more chapters? ^^
or a sequel?
i love this!
please update soon authornim!
^^ aja!
EXO8804 #7
Chapter 14: Update please!!!
Mhiledelfin #8
Chapter 14: can't wait for next chap* omg
56shas #9
Omg chanbaek y so qt
Chapter 13: Authornim ~ update soon ^^