Chapter 3

If This Is Love

First Friend


Chanyeol's pov

Good job Park Chanyeol. Now ask somebody to shoot you right now.

Is what I'm exactly telling myself at the moment. And I literally freeze in front of this guy. My senses got back when I noticed the train passed by. Now that I realize it, he is actually staring back at me. What should I do?? This is the stupidest thing I've done so far in my life. I think my face is getting pale as I felt a sweat drop from my face.

Baekhyun asked me if I'm okay but I think he omitted adding 'cuz you don't look like one'. Well, I see myself as someone autistic too. I just shouted his name in the crowd as if I'm the main actor in the middle of shooting a movie.
I opened my mouth to speak but there's nothing coming out. Somehow I think it's better rather than I blurt out something weird again.

He rephrased his question asking me if there is something I want to tell him; though his eyes' as if asking what's the deal with my abrupt commotion all about.

And to my panic, with the help of my stupid brain, I answer,

"Err... wrong person"




Baekhyun's pov

I heard someone shout my name amidst the loud noise of the approaching train.

All of a sudden, I felt someone grab my wrist.
And when I turned around to look at that someone, I got surprised. Not because he is actually Chanyeol whom I just got to know this morning, but because he looks like grasping for heavy breaths as if trying to catch up with something. That made me forget that some people are glancing at us with the fuss he just made and that it's actually very embarrassing.

Seriously, is this guy planning to film a drama here or something? The train door lets out a beeping sound signaling that its doors are sliding to close. And I just missed that train. When he seemed to realize that we are looking at each other, his face went pale and a sweat dropped from his face.

"Are you ok?" I asked. Because I thought there's something wrong if you randomly shout other's name much more if that other is someone you first met just this morning; not to mention grabbing his wrist too. But I also worry cuz he doesn't look good.


"Sorry I mean, is there something you need to tell me?" I not sure what should I ask, but considering this situation, it's the most fitting question I can think of.

"Err.. wrong person..."


Oh, is that why he went pale just now?

Wait! I clearly heard him say my name--

"Are you sure?" I asked while my lips are slightly forming a smile

He rolled his eyes to his left, thinking of a good way to escape I guess; but he gives up and say

I could just laugh at his weirdness. This guy is interesting afterall.
"You're weird. Seriously"

He slightly got embarrassed too and he let go of my hand when he noticed he is still holding it. The next train came so both of us get in and sat next to each other.

Apparently, he's just one station away from my home. We talked a lot about random stuffs. I'm amazed that the awkwardness before was easily washed off by his natural cheerful and friendly attitude. No wonder he's popular among the staffs even though he's still a trainee and that also explains why he already had fangirls waiting for him outside the building this afternoon even before he got to debut. And I just know this guy will be a good friend of mine...



The next morning, I run towards the available elevator and when I managed to get inside right before its door closed, I run into Tao.

At first I really thought we were the same age so I was really surprised when they introduced him to me yesterday as one of the maknae and latest trainee here too. I mean he's really good during practice and though he always sit quietly at the corner and would only flash a smile on his fellow Chinese members at times, he acts more mature than me... or not?

Because right now, he's wearing his headphones while watching some Korean drama I guess. But what's funny is he utters out loud the Korean lines on the show he's watching; of course with Mandarin accent and I just can't help but smile. Confirmed, He's younger than me; could it be that he actually has a lot of aegyo stored inside?

He rolled his eyes at me when he noticed me watching him. And I tell you, the more you stare at him, the more he looks like a character from some anime. With his tall height, raven black hair, cat eyes, and stuffs

"Waei-yo?" He asked.

And I can't stop myself from imitating his mispronounced word, "Waei-yo?"

He frowns at me first but then he smiles as he lets out a short laugh and corrects himself, "Wae-yo?"

"Sorry. It's nothing, really." I answered back and we both just exchange a smile.



In the practice room, my eyes subconsciously search for Chanyeol. But before I could even find him,

“Baekhyun-ah!” … he already called my name. His voice is really huge but not as loud as the last time he did shout my name. I turned to him, smile, and greets, “Good morning, Chanyeol-ssi”




Chanyeol's pov

I can see Sehun smirking at me at the corner of my eyes as I talk with Baekhyun while we are waiting for the next practice session. Actually, Sehun already elbowed me this morning when he caught me greeting Baekhyun as the latter also greeted me back. This kid seriously needs something better to do than tallying me. I must inform Luhan-hyung not later this day. Only to hyung that Sehun behaves; though he addresses hyung casually and talks with hyung in banmal, everyone can tell how much he admires his hyung the most.

I listen to Baekhyun as he talks about Tao who he said he met this morning at the elevator. I can tell that he clicked well with the younger guy. Probably because it's not that long since Tao entered the company to train too. I wanted to ask how they communicated; I mean it must have been funny, Tao speaking in Chinese and Baekhyun speaking in Korean. But I decided not to. Asking him means he would just talk about Tao more and somehow it makes me pout.


After that incident at the train station, we end up going home together every after practice and we eventually got closer as days pass by.




Jongin's pov

The problem with Sehun is he loves teasing his hyungs so much. I guess that's the privilege when you're the maknae. Everyone just lets you have your way. And I can't blame him; our hyungs are such adorable dorks.

Our leader Joonmyeon-hyung, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol-hyung, Sehun, Baekhyun-hyung and I are in the middle of discussing who gets to room with who.

As discussed last week, we were finally given a dorm to stay during the rest of our trainee days. Yey! Everyone really felt excited when it was announced that 12 of us get to debut! But though we get to debut as one, we were actually divided into two groups-- one will promote here in Korea and the other one with be doing activities in China.

Joonmyeon hyung said Sehun will be rooming with him so he can watch over the maknae thoroughly, to which I so much agreed. But Chanyeol-hyung retorts, he wanted to room with Sehun too. Sehun is the most serene among us so our hyungs really wanted to share a room with him. Me? I'm actually fine with anyone but I think rooming with Kyungsoo won't also be bad; he's the most tranquil person here next to Sehun ofcourse. Our gramps (Joonmyeon) is having hard time thinking about it.

Sehun stares at Chanyeol-hyung blankly and I know he's thinking something not good at all. Baekhyun leaned over to hyung to whisper something and I think I just saw Chan-hyung flush a tint of red before the two started giggling. Sehun grins at them. And I know Chanyeol-hyung is aware that he's busted. He's busted by Sehun and he's dead.

Then our precious maknae leaned over Joonmyeon hyung too to whisper something. Hyung laughs shyly, and suddenly Chanyeol hyung looks like he got chills.

"Let's do this, if you lose the eye blinking game, then you get to room with Baekhyun" Joon-hyung suggested making a bet with Chan-hyung. That is, with eye blinking game.

Hyung is confident when it comes to that game but the thing that made me feel he's defeated even before the game started is when Sehun added that he's going to do it with Baek-hyung.

Somehow, I'm getting the picture. It's not a secret that hyung has a on small things, everything that looks tiny on him seems cute to his eyes. And because of that, he definitely can't win against Baek-hyung.

Of course it ended with how Sehun wanted it to be. Him with Joon-hyung. Kyungsoo with me. And Chan-hyung with Baek-hyung.

Hyung looks quite down at first but when Baek-hyung taps his shoulders and jokingly asks,

"Yah, you don't want to room with me that much?!"

Taken aback by the latter's aegyo, Chan-hyung just widely smiles and glides his arms on Baek-hyung's shoulder to say something... was that much skinship needed just to tell something to the other? I don't know and I don't care...

Suddenly it doesn't seem like hyung just lost a bet because he is grinning widely like an idiot while staring at Baek-hyung.

Now not only me but other members also just looked away from them, cuz it tingles like crazy watching the two.

And I smell something's brewing in the air...



Must be hard reading from different povs huhu what should I do??

Thanks a lot for the subs and for taking some time to read this too ^^~

Please feel free to tell me about random stuffs,  I would really appreciate it

Lovely day to all ~~

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hideandseekinheaven #1
oh my gosh
hideandseekinheaven #2
oh my gosh
Chapter 16: I love this like oh my gah i need more!!!!!!!!! Love u author-ssi!
56shas #4
Chapter 16: this story is........asdfgjkl
i really love it<3<3
channie32 #5
Chapter 15: continue the story. It is amazing!
sassymisskim #6
Chapter 14: hey, can't this be extended for few more chapters? ^^
or a sequel?
i love this!
please update soon authornim!
^^ aja!
EXO8804 #7
Chapter 14: Update please!!!
Mhiledelfin #8
Chapter 14: can't wait for next chap* omg
56shas #9
Omg chanbaek y so qt
Chapter 13: Authornim ~ update soon ^^