Side Story

If This Is Love

Bubble Tea and Black Pearl

[An excerpt from HunHan]


A girl...?

No... he is a guy...

Just a weird random thought I'm having the first time I see this man.


"I am Luhan. It's nice to meet you" He introduced himself and stretched out his hand in front of me for a handshake.

This new trainee here who just joined yesterday when I was on-leave.

He is smiling at me. I found myself unable to avert my eyes off him.
It's not really a big deal. Every one in the practice room does... for he is very beautiful even as a man.

I heard he came from a different place. That, I didn't doubt. He truly doesn't look like he's from here. For in my sixteen years* living on this Earth, It's the first time I saw someone who looks like an angel in it's human form.

"Where did you came from?" Crap, I accidentally asked him.

Of course he was a bit surprised. I know I won't be expecting a typical answer from him but...

He smiled and say, "It's a secret."

I know he won't answer me typically but It was just a typical answer.


Just now, It's my heart that stirred a little, right?





Luhan hyung likes to lean on my shoulders or mess my hair or even cup my cheeks. Aish, this hyung is very touchy and clingy; it's annoying sometimes. I hate it when other people touch me. 

Soon after I first met him, I learned that he was four years my hyung. I was surprised for I thought he's the same age as me. But his age doesn't justify his being. He is acting more of a five-year-old child instead.


I keep pushing Jongin to go with me to buy bubble tea, the drink I'm fond of the most. But this guy easily changes his heart. He used to buy bubble tea with me all the time every single day before but when he was given extra dance lessons for the possibility of debuting earlier, he also extended his dance practice sessions and I was immediately kicked out of the picture. I understand. I know how passionate Jongin in dancing and how he dreams to share his talent to others very soon, he is one of the people who got me hooked in training.

So I turned to ask Kyungsoo to go with me instead, that was good for a few days but lately, he also got busy in rehearsing that's why I turned back to Jongin.

"Should I go with you instead?" Luhan hyung offered.

I turned to him. He probably  saw me messing up with Jongin and because he is naturally caring and easy-going like all our member hyungs, times like this that I think he's really a hyung; I reluctantly accepted his kindness.




Since then, we always go out together to buy bubble tea and I didn't expect I'd feel proud when I saw him got excited the first time he bought one. I admit that at first it was because I don't have a choice but at the second time, it was definitely my wish that he would go with me.

I thought Bubble tea really compliments well with black pearls only. But I didn't think this drink would taste even better when I'm with Luhan hyung. He could be my  b l a c k   p e a r l .


"Did you thi--" I realized that he's not with me so I turned to look back at the bubble tea store. Just like one ordinary day when we would go out to buy this drink.


I entered the store again to look for him; and there he is having a little chat with the cashier noona. He is smiling casually and he lets her comb his fringe. I heard most of his friends are girls. I didn't care about it before but right now, I'm feeling irritated.

Don't ask me why 'cuz I also don't have any idea.

All I know is I went towards his side, my free hand took his and walked with him out the store.

Aish, this hyung need to be guarded at times.



Now it's fine if he's very clingy... but only to me.

And though I hate it when others touch me, he is the only exemption.




it's a hunhan side story. as promise. sorry this isn't an update and i feel bad for making it so short... also another reason i decided it to be hunhan is because... it's Chinese new year special :)

 Xin Nian Kuei Le!!!

uwah~~ wish you be healthy and prosperous this year too!
 but anyways i hope you had fun reading this side story too ^^ next chapter would be 'first song', please look forward to it too!



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hideandseekinheaven #1
oh my gosh
hideandseekinheaven #2
oh my gosh
Chapter 16: I love this like oh my gah i need more!!!!!!!!! Love u author-ssi!
56shas #4
Chapter 16: this story is........asdfgjkl
i really love it<3<3
channie32 #5
Chapter 15: continue the story. It is amazing!
sassymisskim #6
Chapter 14: hey, can't this be extended for few more chapters? ^^
or a sequel?
i love this!
please update soon authornim!
^^ aja!
EXO8804 #7
Chapter 14: Update please!!!
Mhiledelfin #8
Chapter 14: can't wait for next chap* omg
56shas #9
Omg chanbaek y so qt
Chapter 13: Authornim ~ update soon ^^