
If This Is Love

This Love



I heard the door shut to close and it's knob locks.
I quietly flinched in my place. I need not to lift my gaze away from the book I'm holding--- merely holding it and not really reading, to see the other person. Lately, Chanyeol locks our room door.

It's not really a big deal. It's our room anyway so it's only natural that we close the door everytime we go to sleep. But Chanyeol never locked it before. Then he's doing it now and I think I know why.

I felt him fidgeting on the corner before heading this way while scratching his head. This time, it's my bed that lets out a creaking sound when Chanyeol gradually takes a space across me. I pushed my back against the wall knowing it won't make me move an inch away, it's already fully pressed since a minute ago.
It's weird. I'm a little bit of nervous, a little bit of excited, a little bit of naughty, a little bit of everything but it's not something bad.

We end up sitting on the same bed; in front of each other. He's not saying anything. Just looking at me, waiting for me. And because I can't help it, my lips started hinting a smile. I looked up to his eyes, soon Chanyeol does the same and we both end up laughing 'cuz of nothing but definitely between us, we knew there's something. After a while, we get back silent and unmoved. Chanyeol leers as he placed his hand on my knee with the other reaching my nape; he slowly advances to kiss me, which I expected, I waited, I wanted, and I close my eyes.

It's his lips on mine. Soft. Warm. Gentle. Like how it used to be. Chanyeol's.
I felt him gave a smile while touching my lips with his own. I forgot to breathe. I wasn't able to think. I heard my heart pumping like mad. I'm amazed how it can still carry on despite being totally ovedose. Butterflies came flying in my stomach. I flinch. I gasp. I blink. It's melting me... breaking me into pieces. I don't understand. It feels very good. Everything about it. Always.

We part reluctantly, our lips remained silent... quietly aching for more. We look at each other with wanting eyes. A breath escaped from him and he sits beside me. He took my hand and it with his own. Chanyeol tracing my fingers is something he always does whenever we're alone. He loves my fingers. He loves touching it more. He's touching it more sensual than the way he's kissing me. Honestly, it makes me feel weird.

"You read this kind of things? Since when?" He playfully asked while taking the book from me.

He is using his familiar voice-- just his tone is something new to me. I feel like he is using a tone that makes his voice deeper deeper than the sea as if something that goes inner to me. Something that can touch me even without doing so. A tone that tells me everything. A tone that feels like given only to me.

"I read these. Sometimes, you need to read others aside from manhwas" I answered with as-a-matter-of-fact tone while taking back the book from him.


Another dull silence lingers our room. We lock our fingers. I took a quick look at him. I regretted it. I wanted to do more than just looking at him. I wanted to touch him more than just linking our hands. And so I tilted my head to reach his lips to kiss him next. When I did, he responded without even a hesitation. This time, our kiss is distinctly different from what we did a while ago. It's more eager, more of a fevered kind than a warm one. We were pushing and pulling. Here and there. He crouches across me; pulled my book away and who knows where he slid it. He leans closer making my knees move further apart to give him his space.
He started running his hand up and down to my waist and knees repeatedly. He kisses my neck, tickles my ear. We slowly lay on the bed.
The reason why he locks the door.

He glides his arms on my back to lift me closer to his chest. I hear his heart thumping on the other side. Suddenly, the shirt we wear seems thick enough to restrain us. He embraces me tighter and gentler. I crimp a part of his shirt when he bit my lower lip. I felt his fingers crept under my shirt. The other grazing through my arm. I got a little shock. I jolted and instinctively pushed him a little. He stopped. I grasped. Finding the words to say...

"Chanyeol-ah..." My voice cracked.

He looked at me a little disappointed. He's trying so hard not to show it-- I can tell. He smiled. He leaned once more and kissed me on my forehead.

"Good night."



"No... Chanyeol-hyung is not a herbivore." Sehun stated, his tone adding the don't-tell-me-you-don't-know. "He likes it  r o u g h . He won't stop. He tends to finish it slow. He ravishes---"

I stretched my palms to cover his mouth. To shut him up.

The two of us went here in the supermarket. We lost in the rock-paper-scissors battle. And just a while ago, we were just picking stuffs for later's dinner. I put some lettuce in the basket and that's how Sehun started his blabbering. Worse is how it sounds dual meaning. Worst is how is makes me totally embarrass when there isn't anything to be.

I felt his lips giving a dirty grin. I pulled my hand back and jokingly hits his arm. I can't believe this maknae is playing around with me.

I made a mental swear, that SOON, I'll definitely return the favor to our maknae and I'll be sweet to make it double.


"Will you sleep with me? On my bed?"

I heard Suho hyung growled like literally. Jongin laughed while clapping his hands in the air, down on his knees, yeah right, it must have been a very funny joke for him. I never thought Kyungsoo could make his eyes bigger than this, absolutely didn't force him to do so. Our maknae Sehun, almost chokes in the middle of dinner 'til he managed to drink a half-full glass of water to clear his throat and began swearing continuously like I played a lame prank on him. Well, not on him, nor to anyone else but Chanyeol, whose face right now is what I can't afford to read... it's just too... interesting to describe. Seriously, I probably made a funny joke when I asked him that in the middle of eating dinner in the dining room with the presence of other members.

"Aish, chincha, aish, mitcheone..." Suho hyung sighs ten times more.

"Teehee, mian mian" I replied cutely while making a V-sign.


Truth is, I've searched it online. That... I mean-- how it's done... between two guys. No, I've already read lots of ChanBaek fanfics before that. Surprisingly, most of ours are light . So I was even tempted to read KaiSoo fics. As expected, most of theirs are hardcore... I don't know if Kai is even aware how some of the fangirls are calling him as god.
Well, searching it on internet was just seeking for scientific confirmation-- that it's actually possible for two guys to do it.
Apparently, it's Chanyeol who'll top; not because he always does in most all the fanfics I've read; but because I can't imagine myself doing him. And surprisingly, I've dreamed about me being done by him. And I feel like I wanted to experience it for real... how I moan under his chest and how he groans on top of me. I also remember---

"Baek... Baekhyun-ah..."

"Eh?" I jolted back to my senses when Chanyeol called my name

"You ok? You're staring blankly for awhile now. And you're sweating" He puts his palm on my forehead. His other hand still on his guitar.

Pabo... doing that will only make me more heated.

"Ah, nah, where are we again?" I shake my head lightly and get on focus.

"You can't be thinking something erted right now." He teased with a creepy smile.

Yes. Actually. Is the answer I didn't say. "No"

But I would like to do something like that now is what I didn't add.

He stared at me for s bit 'til he put aside his guitar.

"Well enough for the acoustic sessions. Let's sleep."

"I asked you to sleep on my bed." I found myself saying before I could hold the words back from my mouth.

He froze. He blinked. Surely he heard me at dinner but he thought I must be joking.

"Right." He leisurely lie down on my bed.

I hesitated. Because I'm finding it hard to breathe. My heart started to get unstable, it's beating, fast, hard, heavy.
And blood came rushing all the nerve throughout my body.

I carefully, slowly, lie down but before I could, Chanyeol already pulled me next to him, my head resting on his arms. I thought I'm going to collapse. He embraced me. I'm next to his chest. I'm not sure if he wants me to hear his heart pumping up and down with just the same pace as my own.

"This afternoon, Sehun said you're no herbivore." I whispered, my fingers locking each of his own.

He laughs. It made me ease a little. "Nope. Really."

"But you seem to take no interest in me." I pouted

"I love you."



What do I say? He told me he loves me. What will I say?

"To tell you, it's already frustrating to hold back when I'm holding you like this" He added.

"Then why--"

"I know you're more than willing to do it with me but because I find every moment with you so precious, I want to take it slow. I'm not rushing things up. We don't need to. I won't let you force yourself just because you consider me. We consider each other here. 'Til every cell in your body finally accepts me and craves for me, that then I definitely won't pass that moment. Not even for a second."

I look up to him and smile. In return, he bends a little and gave me a kiss. First on the tip of my nose. Another one in my lips. And gentle one on my forehead as I slowly close my eyes.

I love you.

Both of us smile in each others' arms.

I wonder where this love can take us. How this love will change us. But this love, I know, is definitely real.



yet again so much thanks for you guys :) for all the subs and comments, keeping me so much inspired,, i really really love you lots,,  sorry for the short update,, i hope you came to like this one too ^^

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hideandseekinheaven #1
oh my gosh
hideandseekinheaven #2
oh my gosh
Chapter 16: I love this like oh my gah i need more!!!!!!!!! Love u author-ssi!
56shas #4
Chapter 16: this story is........asdfgjkl
i really love it<3<3
channie32 #5
Chapter 15: continue the story. It is amazing!
sassymisskim #6
Chapter 14: hey, can't this be extended for few more chapters? ^^
or a sequel?
i love this!
please update soon authornim!
^^ aja!
EXO8804 #7
Chapter 14: Update please!!!
Mhiledelfin #8
Chapter 14: can't wait for next chap* omg
56shas #9
Omg chanbaek y so qt
Chapter 13: Authornim ~ update soon ^^