Chapter 5

If This Is Love

First Night


Dugeun... Dugeun... Dugeun...

It's happening again.
The irregular palpitations of my heart. Why?

Is it because I drank coffee just a while ago? It's the caffeine, right?

Or is it because I was suddenly pulled in and Chanyeol shifted his face closer to mine? Crap, why am I thinking about a kiss again? And why is all this happening anyway?!


15 mins ago...
When I woke up this morning, I was surprised to see Chanyeol's sleeping face next to mine; talk about the very first thing you see in the morning. Then I suddenly remembered asking him to sleep next to me last night. Ohh, I did something like that last night. I even had a hard time convincing him til he finally gave up and let me do as I please. I got up quietly and being careful not to wake him up.

I went to the kitchen to drink a glass of milk but decided to settle for a cup of coffee instead. Argh, other members were not yet up and it's really gloomy to eat breakfast alone so I went back to our room planning to wake Chanyeol up.


Aish, I saw my pillows and blanket thrown on the floor. He probably kicked them out. He's not only noisy when asleep, he's also very wiggly. Seriously, what to do with this guy? I put my coffee on the table next to his bed and pick my pillow. I noticed him moved a little so I rested my elbows on the bedside, sat next to it and decided to watch him for awhile. This guy is quite interesting afterall.

"Ah, you should take really good care of your skin" I softly uttered when I noticed that he seem to have a sensitive skin. And I also couldn't help but blame his fringe that covers almost his whole forehead. I leaned closer and brushed some of his hair that fall on his face.

"Baekhyun-ah..." I flinched when he suddenly called my name in his sleep. I removed my hands off him feeling a bit guilty for no reason. What am I doing anyway? I was about to turn away when he reached for my hands to make me turn myself back at him again. His eyes were still closed but I can clearly see the corner of his lips curving upwards. He's awake?!

Since when was he awake?

"Y-Yah! You should have said something when you're actually awake!"

Before I knew it, he already pulled me towards his place and I ended up closing our space down to one inch.


Ah so that's how we ended up like this...

"What are you planning to do when I'm asleep?" Chanyeol asked while staring at me

"Nothing..." I answered while turning further my face. He's close... too close...

"Liar... aren't you actually trying to do something at me? Look, you're getting flustered!" 

" know, you should brush your teeth now..." I joked

"Right." He said. He released me and got up from his bed.

That's how we usually got along for a while now. We're closer than we used to be since we started sharing same room. And we often tease and joke around with each other like this but sometimes I still can't grasp these types of jokes so feeling a bit stressed, I dump my head on the bed

"Erk!" I let out when I felt him slide his fingers on the nape of my neck. He laughs. He knows I'm sensitive there.


"I'm just getting back at you."

"Getting back at me on what? What did I do to you?!"

He didn't answer back and just sticks out his tongue as he turns to walk out the door.






Let's have Chanyeol explain what happened last night...

"You and I will go there or else I'll drag Baek-hyung with me, just the two of us" Sehun demanded but it sounded more like a threat. Yup as if he's threatening me with Baekhyun on the line and I don't get why.

"I'm really fine with going with Sehun. I already asked Jongin and Joonmyeon-hyung, but they really aren't available tonight. Kyungsoo said he'll only go if I'll come along too" Baekhyun added as he prepares to go with Sehun. Now it really seems threatening for some reason.

"Fine! Let's go. Let's go, okay?!" I said finally giving up.


The place we're going is two blocks away from our dorm, that's actually Luhan-hyung and other members' dorm.

Apparently, Sehun got a call from hyung inviting him to have dinner at their place. And I don't really get what's wrong if he goes there alone, I asked him before but he said it'll be awkward with just him and Luhan hyung. Well, they're always awkward when they're together anyway that's why I don't want being the fifth wheel between them. Not long after we moved to our dorms, our practice session also varies so we seldom meet with the other members lately. That's why Sehun really wants to go meet Luhan hyung soon. He misses him a lot.

But then anyways, right after we pressed the dormbell, Luhan hyung opened the door for us and flashed the four of us a wide smile; his face came brighter 10 times more when he saw Sehun with us. That's of course, afterall, the only one hyung has invited for dinner is Sehun.

"Hey yow!" I greeted our Chinese hyungs

I saw Jongdae went out the kitchen looking for Kyungsoo; if it's not Minseok-hyung, then Jongdae is in charge of cooking. He can't trust Tao's kungfu sytle cooking skills nor Kris-hyung's dishes that only aliens can eat. He can't afford to let Luhan hyung's clumsiness mess the kitchen either. And don't imagine Yixing hyung cooking 'cuz he just won't do. That's why he can only rely on Kyungsoo at times when we happen to visit here.



At the dining, nine of us barely made space to accommodate everyone. When asked where Minseok hyung is, Jongdae answered that hyung is sleeping in the room because he slept a little from practicing a Chinese song. I noticed Baekhyun looked at bit worried for a while. He probably thinks he needs to work harder very soon also. Man, I just hope he won't push himself too much. I made him turn to me and when he did, I showed him a wacky face for him to let out a laugh.

We watch Luhan hyung as he tenders Kyungsoo in his meal. Like putting rice in his bowl, and other stuffs. But what I'm more interested is how Sehun reacts to that. He should know better that Luhan hyung is very fond with all the members; if I were him, I wouldn't ask other members to go with him in cases hyung invites for dinner. Sehun looked more irritated when he saw me enjoying the show he's in.

I was about to more when I felt Baekhyun tap my shoulder and my attention diverted at him.
"Eat." He said while placing his lettuce-wrapped meat in front of my mouth to which I casually opened to eat as we both exchanged smiles.

"What's this? Is there something we don't know?!" Jongdae suddenly asked while smiling. Right, members in this dorm don't get to hang with us lately so they're a bit surprised; we're all very used to Luhan hyung and Sehun's public display of affection, we even ship them at times; but they still got shivers when Baekhyun and I act comfortable with each other. Okay, very comfortable if I may say but it's purely platonic. Nothing more and nothing less.

"Hehehe, we're even sleeping together!" Baekhyun added while making a V-sign and other members laugh loud, some even cheered us.

"That's their normal scenario. We're very used to it already." Kyungsoo explained.

"Whoa, we're getting left behind!" Jongdae exclaimed.

Baekhyun got really down. A while ago, when we're about to go back our dorm, Minseok hyung finally woke up and Jongdae proudly asked us to listen in the piece they practiced for some time. And as expected, even though its lyrics is Chinese, the way they sing it moved us deeply. Jongdae sings like that. The way he sings can touch hearts and he's so cool, I tell you; but just don't ask him to dance.

Baekhyun said his skills are still very far from the rest of us and though I told him not to think that way, I still couldn't manage to lift his spirits. I even dragged him in the bathroom for him to wash before going to sleep. I noticed he left his towel so I hurried to knock at the washroom door and opened it.

"Baekhyun-ah, you left your... skin..."

Skin... I got totally distracted when I saw his bare lower back showing his pale skin. He's in the process of removing his shirt, he turned to me with his hand half lifting his shirt now showing his belly and


"What is it?" I heard him asked.

"You... left this..." I answered, almost stammering.

"Oh right. Thanks." He is looking at me too, I can't believe I'm forcing myself to act normal; by the way, this is when I should close the door now right?

I mean, step out the room and close it afterwards. 'Not definitely thinking of closing the door with two of us inside.

"You want to bathe with me?" Baekhyun asked

"No way!" I denied almost loudly. I hurried outside to close the door and throw myself on the bed. Seriously.




But Baekhyun didn't end it with just that. He was crawling at my bed. Oh , he's really crawling at my bed just when I turned off the lights to sleep!!

"Wh-wh-what what what is it???" I panicked.

"Can I sleep next to you?" He asked.

My mind did a little processing.

He offered to bathe with me in the washroom, next--
He crawled on my bed, okay.
then he asked me if he could sleep next to me.
next to me... so it's me sleeping with Baekhyun in one bed.

This is bad, I almost got a nosebleed at the bathing incident. I don't want it to happen again!

"Not in your wildest dreams! Now, go back to your bed!" I refused as I need to save myself first. 

"But Chanyeol-ah, I can't sleep..."

"You were fine these past weeks!"

"Just this night, ne?" He begged. It's probably because of Jongdae and Minseok-hyung's duet again that he can't sleep. He can't wait for the next day to come so he can already practice.

I gulped once. He is looking at me with his drowsy puppy eyes.

I gulped twice. I felt his hair is still a little damp when my fingers slightly brushed unto it.

"Ne..?" I gulped for the third time when he asked me that line with his voice a bit hoarse.

I let out a long deep sigh and answer "...fine... just this one time."




I felt the morning sun tapping on my skin. I then faintly heard the door opened. The next thing I smelled is the scent of coffee. And I know Baekhyun is probably next to me. I imagined him whispering in my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and got a little heart attack. Baekhyun is right next to me and touching my forehead. What now?! Am I still dreaming or what?? But I felt his breath close to me-- so it's not a dream... not a hallucination either, this is damn real! Wow, I think he's making me insane.

I uttered his name. He jumped a bit and suddenly removed his hand from me. When he was already turning away, I automatically grabbed his hand and pulled him close to me. I only wanted to with what he is trying to do, I didn't expect to pull him this close. And I could only laugh at his embarrassed face. Seriously making me feel this way.

Feeling like I've enough, I let go of him; 'got up from my bed to wash my face. But then I heard him sigh and when I turned to look at him once more, his head was rested on my bed. I noticed his nape... recently, I learned that the nape of his neck is sensitive... and here I go again... I wasn't able to stop myself from touching him.

Ofcourse, he reacted. I just laughed. 


Now you're asking me what you did to me?

Well, you just had me nearly insane.




..good eve! how are you guys? lately it's so damn cold, please wear warmer clothing^^~ gosh, i have lots of pending fic updates, i hope i can update my other fics too, anyways, thanks a lot for the subs, nomu nomu kamsamneeda!

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hideandseekinheaven #1
oh my gosh
hideandseekinheaven #2
oh my gosh
Chapter 16: I love this like oh my gah i need more!!!!!!!!! Love u author-ssi!
56shas #4
Chapter 16: this story is........asdfgjkl
i really love it<3<3
channie32 #5
Chapter 15: continue the story. It is amazing!
sassymisskim #6
Chapter 14: hey, can't this be extended for few more chapters? ^^
or a sequel?
i love this!
please update soon authornim!
^^ aja!
EXO8804 #7
Chapter 14: Update please!!!
Mhiledelfin #8
Chapter 14: can't wait for next chap* omg
56shas #9
Omg chanbaek y so qt
Chapter 13: Authornim ~ update soon ^^